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Ain't that a Kick in the Head?


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Vlad, seen with a smile on his face and a rather excited jitter about him looked to Morgan and said. "That's what's planned so far, then after that we head to the metro. Once there..on second thought you do know why we are headed to the main city?" Vlad was quite curious if everyone knew the true reason why the venture was in place and perhaps others did not know. Vlad was, oddly struck in awe; though not sure what awe he should take. The awe in so many future friendships or the venture in which the case was his and a dangerous one at that. Risks will be taken Vlad thought, and did he really want his companions walking into a blind danger. Vlad was guilty for a moment but then saw Luisa stride out of the city.


And by all means Vlad was stunned, he did not take a close look at the rather peculiar woman but he now knew who she was. He had read a poster once advertising her rather meticulous skills. He was pleased to see such a figure, a beautiful one at that. Though Vlad might of been staring he quickly regained his senses and greeted her with a friendly smile and a nod. Returning his gaze ever so slowly to Morgan to see if he would answer his question.

"I'm Vladimir, Vladimir Grenswell." He says to Morgan and Luise with a rather gentle and warm smile.

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The Legionairre charged Versing, machete gladius raised high in the air. In a split second, Versing ducked, and brought the butt of his rifle around and slammed it into the assassin's ribs so hard that he stopped dead in his tracks. Despite the light armor he was wearing, the assassin grimaced, feeling a rib or two crack, and partially hunched over. Taking advantage of the opening, Versing brought himself up behind the assailant, and slammed the assassin between the shoulder-blades with the buttplate of his rifle, sending the man sprawling. Remembering the man with the Brush gun, Versing took aim in the general direction of assasin with the Brush Gun and opened fire. While only three of the bullets hit the assassin (two hit a primary chestplate on his armor and just barely didn't reach flesh.) it was enough to knock him off balance, grasping at his shoulder where a bullet had hit an unprotected area. Versing took the opportunity to charge him, shoulder-first, slamming into the assassin's chest and sending him flying over the edge of the bridge, and into the deep water. Versing whirled around to find both of the other two assassins charging at him with their machete gladius swords. It was too late to jump out of the way, and one of them slashed him on his lower left ribcage, right where his armor had stopped a bullet before. It failed to stop a gladius, however, and Versing gasped in pain. He couldn't get any shots off, as they were too close. Getting desperate, Versing clocked one of them in the jaw with the butt of his rifle, but he didn't hit the temple he was aiming for, and the assassin flexed his jaw a bit before shaking his head and reinitiating the attack. Versing dove between the two of them and into the open, away from the edge of the bridge. Slinging his rifle over his shoulder, he tore his smooth-bladed combat knife out of its sheath over his left ribcage (above where he was cut.). Putting the knife into a reverse-grip, he charged the legionairre to his left (the one he had pummeled already.) and slashed at him repeatedly. The Legionairre swiftly parried his first blow and subsequent ones, before dodging an overhead blow by Versing, leaving him off balance, and slamming the hilt of his gladius into the small of Versing's back, knocking him on his face. (in a stunning turn of events whose effects were anyone's guess at that point.) Looking up through a bloody nose, Versing just barely rolled out of the way of two attempts to finish him off while he was down. As the assassin brought his gladius down in an attempt to impale Versing, he missed and his gladius flew sideways, making him fall to his knees. Seeing his chance, Versing grabbed the man by the collar of his tunic and yanked him on top of him. Before the assassin knew what happened, Versing brought hid combat knife up..... and into the man's neck. Throwing the spluttering legionairre off, he turned to face the final one, who dropped onto his hands and swept Versing's legs out from under him, sending his service rifle flying off of his shoulder and onto the ashphalt. The assassin rushed at it and picked it up, firing it repeatedly at Versing, who yanked his 9mm pistol out of its holster and dived behind a divider. The assassin did the same, on the opposite end of the bridge, and the two of them exchanged fire, and their gunshots echoed so far as to almost reach Megaton.......
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Smiling, Axelle stood up. She'd been distracted when Vlad offered his hand, and made a mental note to be sharper in the future.


She knew it would only take around thirty minutes to travel to Super-Duper Mart, and was a little nervous about its Raider population. As the others talked a little, she thought of possible strategies to use against the Raiders, deciding after a few minutes that she should sneak up on the distracted ones and kill them from behind with the sword. After they were all finished off, she'd loot them for guns and ammunition. She wasn't the type to ask for help much, but she knew the others would be glad to teach her some skills later. As for her reasons for not knowing guns yet, she could tell that story at a different time. Or maybe someone else would fill them in, she didn't care which.


Axelle ran her tongue across her bottom row of teeth, her mouth slightly open. She was getting bored, and everyone seemed to be here. "What do you guys say we get going?"


The sound of gunshots far off in the distance permeated the air. As good a nudge to get moving as any.

Edited by tokyobleach
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Vlad, seen with a smile on his face and a rather excited jitter about him looked to Morgan and said. "That's what's planned so far, then after that we head to the metro. Once there..on second thought you do know why we are headed to the main city?" Vlad was quite curious if everyone knew the true reason why the venture was in place and perhaps others did not know. Vlad was, oddly struck in awe; though not sure what awe he should take. The awe in so many future friendships or the venture in which the case was his and a dangerous one at that. Risks will be taken Vlad thought, and did he really want his companions walking into a blind danger. Vlad was guilty for a moment but then saw Luisa stride out of the city.


And by all means Vlad was stunned, he did not take a close look at the rather peculiar woman but he now knew who she was. He had read a poster once advertising her rather meticulous skills. He was pleased to see such a figure, a beautiful one at that. Though Vlad might of been staring he quickly regained his senses and greeted her with a friendly smile and a nod. Returning his gaze ever so slowly to Morgan to see if he would answer his question.

"I'm Vladimir, Vladimir Grenswell." He says to Morgan and Luise with a rather gentle and warm smile.



Morgan tipped his hat back to Vlad and asked:"Well I'm not 100% sure, but what I am sure of is that there is something that needs to be done, either something important being looted or an assassination, either way im more than happy to help"

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Vlad hears the gunshots and immediately pulls his rifle to his arms and looks around a bit. His curiosity getting the best of him he says.

"You're right lets get a move on it shall we!" he says cheerily, though neglecting caution he runs off ahead following the echoing booms of the two shots.

He remembered when he was saved and he only wished to do the same to the one that is being attacked now.


He to a small hill that oversaw the bridge, his eyes located two men within a firefight. Lead whipping by them he took aim. He began to sweat, his barrel would go to one, then the other. The one wearing fatigues, or the one in crimson. "Dammit!" Vlad yelled as he began to hesitate which one to fire at.

Vlad, confused he yelled. "Hey!! Hey!." He began to descend down the slope approaching the bridge.

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Morgan took up his binoculars and looked towards the direction that the gun shots came from and muttered a swear word before turning to Axelle; "Kiddo, I want you to distract me until stuff goes even sourer ok? I do NOT mix well with that guy in crimson ok? So I need you to keep me distracted from him at all costs, unless he attacks Vlad, promise me that ok?"


Morgan had an expression that was an mix betwen fear and frustration when he was looking at Axelle, hoping for her help

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Axelle stammered a bit, "E-er, sure! Erm... So tell me a story!" she fumbled with her lip rings a little, a bit awkward and unsure about how to distract Morgan.



"story err right....have you ever heard how.....ah dangit I trust you enough, I'll tell you why I can't stand his kind ok?"


Morgan sat down and took a shot of whiskey before he took a deep breath and started talking:


"You see, I've always had a troubled past, I won't lie. When I was 4, that red dressed guys group, known as Ceasars Legion, attacked my town and burned it down. Most of the men where killed, the women where taken as slaves, both naughty and normal ones, and the kids including me where also taken slaves. It kind of went for about 3 years, but then I accidentaly dropped hot food on an officer there, thats how I got my scars. They are not from a bar brawl as I claim they are, that's just a cover story to seem more...tough. Actually I'm ashamed my scars"


Morgan looked down in the ground as if to collect himself before continuing: "I met one nice guy there, but he died when I was about 10 and before he croaked he gave me this bowie knife I have, and it was with it I made my first kill when I ran off at 11. I stabbed down a guard, took some other child slaves with me and just ran, sadly a few of the others died and we got split up. I've managed to pretty much avoid or kill their patrols for the last 10 years now, hoping to never see them again, but it had its price of course. I can never rest easy unless I know it's safe, thats why I pulled my gun on you there in the bar, I discovered that being drunk made it a bit easier to sleep but it's almost never enough and I still rest uneasy and paranoid. I'm almost always afraid that they will pop out around the next corner to kill me. This whole thing is also why I hate slavers, each time I've met some it always ends in a bloodbath with me standing there all bloody with the slavers dead. And it's nothing I'm proud of."


When morgan stopped talking he hanged his head down and muttered something quietly that sounded like "I miss Lucy and Mark". He just like sat that for the next 5 minutes, silent

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Vlad, cursed over and over out of confusion. "Damn..damn." His sights going from the man in the fatigues and to the one in crimson. Though in his odd opinion the one in crimson seemed a bit more like a "bad guy" though he cant judge correctly since he has no idea who they were. Vlad, who saw only the outcome of death took aim at the man in crimson. He held his breath for a moment then sputtered out. "Please don't be the wrong guy." And with that he exhaled slowly. His sights aimed at the mans chest with his battle rifle ("This machine" variant gun from FNV) He then pulled the trigger, the recoil made his eyes blink. Only to hear the howling sound of the man in crimson fall to the ground completely. Whether the man was dead or not was not apparent to Vlad, he only took comfort that he may of saved of life.


He took a deep breath, and began to walk forward to the man in fatigues. His rifle slung over his shoulder he paces himself quickly to the injured man.

"Are you alright?" Vlad asked, though with caution he approached him. He kept an eye on him as he knew he was armed. He hand was relaxed on his .44 holster, not in a threatening manner but in a gesture of safety.

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