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Ain't that a Kick in the Head?


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Versing was surprised when the assassin's chest exploded a little, but didn't complain. When the man that fired the shot came up to him, and asked him if he was alright, he was a little bit more surprised.

"I'm fine. Watch out, though, one of them fell into the river. He's got a powerful weapon, if it- and he- survived." Versing sincerely didn't want this man getting hurt on his account, but first things first. He leapt over the divider, and walked up to the assassin and put a bullet in his head. "Give my regards to Caesar." He said, before he pulled the trigger. He wrenched his rifle out of the assassin's dead hands. Putting a new clip in, he turned to the man that had shot the assassin.

"Let me just make sure the other one is dead before we let our guard down." He crept around the side of the bridge, rifle raised. Seeing nothing, he crouch-walked up to the river, and looked under the bridge. Instantly a blur of crimson knocked him over, and the legionairre rolled along the ground a few meters away from Versing. Even with the advance ambush, the legionairre stood no chance. He had removed his armor so that he wouldn't drown, his rifle was nowhere to be seen, and he still had a bullet in his shoulder. Versing raised his rifle and shot the legionairre twice in the chest and then once above his left eye, and he dropped lke a stone into the river. Standing up and brushing himself off, he grunted as he grasped his side. He splashed some of the clean water of the river onto his wound, and then walked up to the bridge to greet the man that had saved his life.


"Thanks for saving me back there. I'm Versing. I'd shake your hand, but my hand's covered in blood."

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Axelle hesitated, then wrapped her arms around Morgan, hugging him tight. She wasn't the best at making people feel better, but she felt she had to try here, because the story Morgan had told was one worse than her own. Everyone out here had a story, of course, and it was almost never a pleasant one, but this one was different.


She let go of Morgan and said, "I know it must not help at all, but all you can really do is just keep going when something bad happens to you, you know? Won't get anywhere by thinking about the past so much." Of course, Axelle had never even heard of Caesar's Legion, since their influence didn't spread this far east, and had no idea just how ruthless they could be when they got an idea in their heads.

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Vlad nodded as Versing went to the river, only to see him in contact with another crimson warrior Vlad lifted his rifle. Though within seconds the crimson warrior died with the shots from Versings rifle. Vlad, then let out a sigh of relief; he slung the rifle over his shoulder as Versing approached. Slightly wounded he introduced himself to Vlad, who returned a smile and said.


"Vladimir Grenswell, sadly not a doctor but you could use one. Though I'm afraid we are about to head out to the capital city and there aint no doctors nearby over there."

Vlad then considered his wound and rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "Well, I am no good at field medication but perhaps one of my friends are better at it then I."

He stopped for a moment, he noticed that he regarded his companions and friends and it stuck Vlad with an odd feeling. Though a good feeling as it was he was still baffled on why he did so. No matter though, he still considered them friends for he was sure they were in the terms of fellowship.

"Shall we?" Vlad said as he gestured to the slope where he saw Axelle hugging Morgan, this made Vlad smile a smile that was different. It seemed to Vlad that the world is not to cruel, that there are single individuals who still care for a reason that does not matter. It was a rejuvenating feeling. He then looked to Versing and nodded.

Looking to his odd apparel he gave him a curious look, though did not say anything as he began walking towards his companions.

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Morgan hugged Axelle back tightly like he usualy would "Thanks kiddo. Feels kinda good just letting it out you know? But, having some good friends with me, I might be able to sleep again. And trust me, you do not wanna come in contact with the legion. What I don't quite understand is why tha legionaire was here of all places, as far as I know they have more power west of the colorado river and that's miles from here."


Morgan got up and gave Axelle another hug "Thanks again kiddo, now let's go meet that other guy. Something tells me I'll have to play medic a bit." He then started to go towards Vlad and the newcomer while taking out some bandage from his bag.

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"I'll explain the uniform later, if you and your friends can't identify it." Versing gripped his side and grimaced a little. "and in case you were wondering, that guy you shot was a bad guy, from a huge group out west called Caesar's Legion. They keep slaves and crucify people. And there's more of them in the Wasteland somewhere." Versing looked himself over, and discovered that the cut on his left ribcage was bleeding a little more than expected, and that his NCR chestplate was covered and smeared in the blood of the legionairre he'd stabbed in the throat. He wiped the blood off the NCR logo on his chestplate, but left the rest there. He didn't want his sleeve to be permanently dyed red. They were approaching the group that this Vladimir mentioned. Versing hoped that none of them hated the NCR.
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"I'll explain the uniform later, if you and your friends can't identify it." Versing gripped his side and grimaced a little. "and in case you were wondering, that guy you shot was a bad guy, from a huge group out west called Caesar's Legion. They keep slaves and crucify people. And there's more of them in the Wasteland somewhere." Versing looked himself over, and discovered that the cut on his left ribcage was bleeding a little more than expected, and that his NCR chestplate was covered and smeared in the blood of the legionairre he'd stabbed in the throat. He wiped the blood off the NCR logo on his chestplate, but left the rest there. He didn't want his sleeve to be permanently dyed red. They were approaching the group that this Vladimir mentioned. Versing hoped that none of them hated the NCR.



Morgan approached the stranger and tipped his hat in the usual cowboy greeting he does "NCR boy huh? You are a good bit from home. Names Hollister, Morgan Hollister. Used to do some traveling in the NCR territories so I know that uniform anywhere. Not to mention the uniform of the guy that just bit the dust. Need some bandage?" Morgan was nodding towards the bloody chestplate of the soldier while holding a roll of bandage in his hand.

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As they walked up the slope, near the group he looked to Versing. "They sound like monsters, luckily you aren't dead now. You look in bad shape but I am sure one of us has some skill in the..erm medical area however medical expertise is learned these days." As they reached the group Vlad looked to Morgan with a nod, gesturing to Versing. "You don't happen to be any good in treating wounds?" Vlad said, as he glanced around the group with curiosity.


"Versing, this is Morgan." He points to Morgan, then he to the girl. "Axelle." Then his finger glides to the ghoul. "Sandro." Then at last his finger reaches the dancer.

"I'm afraid I don't know her name yet."


Vlad chuckles as he sits down and takes his rifle, popping out the bloc clip and getting one round from his bag, then shoving it in the bloc clip he pops it back in and cocks the rifle. Placing it back on his shoulder. Within that moment he wrestles with his bag to obtain the small flask from the side pocket of his bag, screwing the cap open he takes a long gulp of the pure water.

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As they walked up the slope, near the group he looked to Versing. "They sound like monsters, luckily you aren't dead now. You look in bad shape but I am sure one of us has some skill in the..erm medical area however medical expertise is learned these days." As they reached the group Vlad looked to Morgan with a nod, gesturing to Versing. "You don't happen to be any good in treating wounds?" Vlad said, as he glanced around the group with curiosity.


"Versing, this is Morgan." He points to Morgan, then he to the girl. "Axelle." Then his finger glides to the ghoul. "Sandro." Then at last his finger reaches the dancer.

"I'm afraid I don't know her name yet."


Vlad chuckles as he sits down and takes his rifle, popping out the bloc clip and getting one round from his bag, then shoving it in the bloc clip he pops it back in and cocks the rifle. Placing it back on his shoulder. Within that moment he wrestles with his bag to obtain the small flask from the side pocket of his bag, screwing the cap open he takes a long gulp of the pure water.



Morgan laughed slightly and unrolled a bit of the bandage; "after a few years living in the wilds and meeting all kinds of people you pick up a thing or two about medicine. Get over here soldier and I'll have a look" Morgan motioned for Versing to get closer so he could get a look on his wounds.

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Versing nodded his head in greeting to each of the others in the group and stepped forward to let Morgan bandage his wound. His thoughts were racing. Should he go with this group, if it was offered, or should he head out on his own? He still had 4 assassins on his tail, and he had no doubt they wouldn't be unlucky enough to lose two of the three guns in their possession. They may have even joined into a group of four. He had a bigger chance of surviving if he was with a group, but he didn't want to put them in danger. On the other hand, if he ran he still had the chance to kill them- he had proven that by killing two of them today- and if he didn't succeed the only good person lost was himself. He decided that he would be forward with them straight up, and let them decide.
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Morgan took a look at the wound and felt a small sting when he saw the wound but didnt reflect on it much to try and forget about the last time he was stab, which wasn't pretty, and started to


"Nasty cut that but some proper patching and well it should be a bit more pretty looking" Morgan took up some medical thread and needle he had just in case in his first aid kit and started to carefully stich up the wound,cleaned it with some of his precious alcohol and then bandaged it carefully incase anything was broken.


"There we go, best I can do but it should hold until we find a doctor atleast. Tell me, what is an NCR boy and some (Morgan shivered slightly) legionaires doing this far east? Last time I saw you guys was when I worked for the Mojave Express as a courier for a while, and that was some time ago."


Morgan put down the rest of his medical equipment in his bag and looked his work before nodding proudly at his work.

Edited by MikeRyan
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