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Ain't that a Kick in the Head?


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Versing gritted his teeth as his injury was stitched up, but was otherwise fine. When Morgan asked him what he was doing this far east, it took him a moment to answer.

"I'm out here in D.C because those damn legionairres are assassins. I fought against the legion with some guerilla tactics a little farther west, but Caesar sent assassins after me. There are still four out there. I've killed five, partially thanks to Vladimir here. Don't let that fool you, though, they're some of the Legion's best soldiers, they carry top-notch weapons, and they can survive, or even thrive in some of the worst parts of the wasteland. If you like, I could explain a lot more than that, but I don't want to bore you."

Edited by Flipout6
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Versing gritted his teeth as his injury was stitched up, but was otherwise fine. When Morgan asked him what he was doing this far east, it took him a moment to answer.

"I'm out here in D.C because those damn legionairres are assassins. I fought against the legion with some guerilla tactics a little farther west, but Caesar sent assassins after me. There are still four out there. I've killed five, partially thanks to Vladimir here. Don't let that fool you, though, they're some of the Legion's best soldiers, they carry top-notch weapons, and they can survive, or even thrive in some of the worst parts of the wasteland. If you like, I could explain a lot more than that, but I don't want to bore you."



Morgan shook his head in disgust ;"I know how those assassins are, have some...personal issues with them. They are basicaly the main reason I had to leave the mojave. Seeing them here now does kinda make me hope those four you mentioned are the last we will see here, but you never know with those guys. Now that I think of it, how's the situation around the mojave? Heard anything about that?"

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"All I know for sure is that there's been even more conflict. I don't know how many years ago you left the Mojave, but I do know the Legion is beginning to get a bit of a foothold. They have a massive fortified base on one side of the Hoover Dam, although whether they have any other real bases is beyond me. There was a massive battle at Hoover Dam a while ago, can't quite remember how long. I fought in that, and let me tell you, it's given me a new respect for how deadly the Legion can be. We had to lure them back to Boulder City before blowing them sky high and sniping them. We didn't manage to kick the Legion out, though. There's probably been a second one by now, and I wish I fought there, too, but I'm too far out of NCR territory. Only huge battle I'll be getting is if the Legion expands this way. I'm out east and past Legion territory just in case they decide to, but no word on anything yet. I'll fight them tooth and nail of they expand east, but they don't seem to be doing that...... yet. To more fully answer your original question, the Mojave is mostly in the hands of NCR and House now, the Legion only controls land east of the Colorado River." Versing wasn't lying about anything. He wished he had fought at any second battle at Hoover Dam, and he also would fight the Legion if they expanded East. he would keep his troubles about Legion expansion to himself for the most part, he didn't want to burden anyone else with such worries.
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Vlad wiped some sweat from his forehead and looked to the two exchanging stories. He then looked out to the bridge, carefully observing the area where the assassians had ambushed Versing. It was odd to see crimson men so far out here, though Clad had no knowledge of them they sounded as if beasts, preying on the weak.

Vlad turned back to the two.


"Your both from Mojave then, far from home you both are but..lemme tell ya. D.C was a well populated area and still is. We have hordes of super mutants floating the capital ruins, ghouls that rampage within the metro, raiders that take what they want, Brotherhood of steel and remnants of the enclave battling it out within the streets.

I don't know about all the stories up there about the NCR or this "legion" but I will be damned if they would be able to clear out this hell-hole. If that place is all desert and this is all city..i'd reckon you would be seeing a lot of muties and all that other bunch a whole lot more here then you would see there. D.C is its own war."


Vlad frowned looking down to his boots, he thinks of his past but quickly shakes it off of him. Instead he peers deep within the hazy distance where the mall lies, he could see the sun setting slowly and dark would be approaching. He hated the night within the wasteland, it's like the incentive for the most foulest of all creatures to come out and play. Raiders deem it worthy to come out into the open more since there shadow is non-existant and they can be more reclusive. Vlad gripped hos

.44 holster with anxiousness. "Anyone got a smoke?" Vlad said as he turned back to Morgan and Versing.

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Morgan checked his pockets and then turned to Vlad; "You want a cigar or a cig? Got both. And yeah it has been a while since I was back home. But I like D.C. too, the communities here seem to really hang together tightely here. And we got muties and ghouls back there too so I'm not unfamiliar with them."
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"Nope, sorry. I don't smoke." Versing thought about what Vlad had said. The part about the Enclave and the Brotherhood of Steel particularily disturbed him. Two of the most powerful factions in America were apparently present out here, and from what Gob had told him, the latter was thriving. The NCR was enemies with the Brotherhood back West, and the Brotherhood as a whole was probably aware of this. If he ran into a Brotherhood patrol, he was up for a fight that he wouldn't win. Plus, the Enclave was out here, and while they were only remnants, even one regular Enclave soldier could wipe out everybody in this little group (except maybe Leeroy the yao-guai) if he had even the most basic Enclave armor. Add all of that to the super mutants and his assassins, and Versing was certain of one thing: he was going to need a bigger gun. He was also pretty sure about another thing: this Wasteland was seriously dangerous, especially the city. With that train of thought, he decided that there was one thing he could do that would help with upgrading his arsenal.

"Hold there for a second, guys." He ran down to the bridge and found the body of the assassin he had stabbed in the neck, his corpse now stiff. Beside him was the curved Machete Gladius, which would be very useful for close-quarters encounters. It could penetrate light to medium armors. He picked it up and clipped it onto his belt. He went down to the body of the other assassin by the river and picked up his Gladius, carrying it in his arms as he walked back up to the group. "With all the mutants and Enclave out there, a weapon upgrade won't hurt. Anyone need a Gladius?" He held up the spare sword. He figured that if nobody else needed it, a powerful blade like this would be worth a lot of caps, or useful if Versing decided to use both at once.

Edited by Flipout6
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Morgan looked at the spare Gladius but then he shook his head


"No thanks lad, they might be good for stabbing people, but like I said I have a bad history with them so I'm afraid I'll have to say no, besides I already have a weapon I got from a legion man" Morgan took a look at his bowie knife and got a small smile on his face, as if remembering something good

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"Suit yourself. Anyone else wants it, it'll be here in the dirt. I'll keep it if nobody claims it." He thrust the sword, point-down, into the sand at his feet, and walked over to Morgan. "You've killed Legionairres, too, then?"
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"Suit yourself. Anyone else wants it, it'll be here in the dirt. I'll keep it if nobody claims it." He thrust the sword, point-down, into the sand at his feet, and walked over to Morgan. "You've killed Legionairres, too, then?"



Morgan took a deep breath and looked at Versing from under the brim of his hat; "More than what I am comfortable with. Only had one good encounter one, and that was the one who gave my knife. The others just gave me scars for life"

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"A cig would be nice." Vlad said with a reluctant smile, though behind that smile was a rather different thought. Vlad had no clue why he had this sudden craving to smoke since he has not taken on drag from a cig for years. Though Vlad was assured that the saying "quality over quantity" was good enough to convince Vlad he could do it.


He had mixed feelings about Versing, he didn't know very much near to anything about the guy. Though the talk of these Caesar and the NCR mad Vlad feel quite insecure. He was worried if these savaged would come to D.C though Vlad had doubt in his mind that taming the D.C area was close to impossible. Unless they didn't advance on the capital city. Even though Vlad had no idea what kind of power these people we packing he was worried, perhaps it was the idea of change if was to happen. Quickly as the thought came it disappeared, like a sprinkle of rain within a mornings grace.


Vlad, looked to Versing, almost as if examining him again. Though he had not received any kind of threatening looks from the man Vlad was quite unsure of him. Though he had no reason to doubt. "The capital city, deep within it. That is where I am planning to go; we could use an extra gun Versing."


He looks to Morgan. "The reason why we are headed that way is to kill a damned man, a man who wants to kill me. I went expecting to die in a fight, but truthfully I have confidence that we can do it, we can kill him and walk out alive. This man is dangerous, he has many things in his sleeves and pockets. Though if you want to risk your life for me for some debt I owe then I am thankful truly. The pay I promised was the mans armory, he has any weapon, equipment, armor you can think of. At least that I know of. But I want to warn you first, this man has mercenaries under his belt, some power armored fools, men with big guns. If you are still up for it..then I cant wait to kill this bastard." Vlad smiles as he extends his hand for the cigarette.


"I just don't want you all dying on my account."

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