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Ain't that a Kick in the Head?


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Luisa listened to all of the talk of assassins as the group settled down to camp... what would they think of her if they knew she herself was an assassin? and a bloody good one at that... instead, to take her mind off it, she practiced dancing, nothing sexual, but she moved like the waves, her lithe body fluent in it's movement as she practiced dancing... she wouldn't notice if any one saw her, she was for too wrapped up.
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Morgan nodded at Versing and took out a cigar and a bottle of some unknown liquid and chuckled a bit for himself before taking a swig


"Special mixture, helps keeping you awake when you dont want a hole in the bone" He lit his cigar and chuckled for himself again, petting Loki and took a quick look at Luisa before turning back his attention to Versing-


"So are you sure you dare to sit here with a murderous ex-slave in the middle of the dark night?" He then burst out in a quick laugh, showing that he was just teasing "Hehe, don't worry I wont hurt you, neither will Loki. In fact I'm a bit glad you decided to stay, it's always nice with some company when you are all alone in the night guarding. And thanks for listening earlier, it's always nice to just vent out from time to time, telling people what kind of demons trouble you"

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Sandro had been listening to all this in silence, standing in the shadows to not lose his night vision. Walking still in shadow over towards Morgan, he says "I can take the watch, smoothskin. I don't sleep much anyway."


Greebo sat in a ruined building overlooking the camp. He had his rifle ready to keep the camp safe.


Leeroy yawns, and lays down near the fire.


Chips sits wanders up to Versing, sniffs him, then lays down beside Morgan, hoping to get his belly rubbed.

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Sandro asked Morgan to take his place on the watch, and Chips sniffed Versing. He shrugged. He and Morgan could talk another time, he supposed. He shrugged again and continued circling the group, rifle in hand, watching for movement.
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Morgan nodded at Sandro and started to rub Chips stomach like he wanted.


"Thanks but no thanks good mr ghoul but I think I'll stay up. I have to gather my thoughts a bit so I wouldn't be able to sleep anyways. You may join in if you want though"

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Finding no movement, Versing payed just a little bit less attention to what was outside of the camp (he was still alert, though.) and began thinking about what had transpired that day. The two main things that worried him were the assassins that caught up to him and the Legion scout they had killed. Normally he didn't have too much of a problem with assassins. Every group in the world had an assassin. The NCR had rangers and snipers. Caesar's Legion had assassins. Mr.House had hundreds of durable robots with submachine guns and grenade launchers. He had no doubt in his mind that the group contained at least one assassin of some sort. That Greebo character, for instance, had blown a man's head off from a good distance away like it was nothing at all. And that other woman, the dancer, could easily use those charms to get close to a target. He just hoped neither of them had been hired by the Legion. He didn't want a betrayal on his hands.
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Sandro made an expression that, had he still possessed eyebrows, would be raising one. "Good Mr Ghoul? That's a new one smoothskin. Here's a tip, Keep things like shades on at all times, even when it's night, til your fire's out. That way, you always have night vision intact." He takes off his glasses, and points. "See that gecko?"
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Morgan looked into the distance and saw the gecko sandro was talking about;


"Yeah I see it, but if you excuse me roughskin, I think I'm going to go join our trooper friend for a walk, my legs have gone stiff"

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Versing heard Morgan call Greebo "roughskin", a term he had never heard before. He furrowed his eyebrows, before his face returned to its regular state. He looked at his rifle for a second, despite vigorously cleaning it, and looked out towards the countryside once again. He was looking forward to at least chatting a little with Morgan. It sounded like they had a lot to talk about. Edited by Flipout6
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