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Ain't that a Kick in the Head?


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Morgan walked over to Versing and gave him a friendly wave


"How's it going Versing? Everything alright? I thought you could use some company, that and my legs need some stretching, especialy my bad one"

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Morgan waved to Versing and gave him a quick how-do-you-do.

"What? Oh, yeah everything's fine, for the moment. Oh, okay, I'm lying. I'm worried about the Legion expanding this way. I can't fight off the whole Legion, try as I might. If they decide they want this land, they'll come in, burn everything, crucify the men, enslave the women and children, and then set up shop. All it takes is one central military camp in the Wasteland, and they can expand East, kiling and enslaving everything in their path, even, eventually, they Brotherhood of Steel. You know this as well as I do."

Edited by Flipout6
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Vlads eyes flickered open, he upholstered his .44 in panic and pointed in any general direction, only to holster it again as he clearly forgot who he was with but as quick as ever remembered. Versing and Morgan were gone, Sandro was sitting and Luisa was...dancing. Vlad watched the woman in silence, a grin appeared on his face as he though this woman was quite the attractive lady. Though he turned to look back out to the wastes. Wiping the sleep from his eyes he sat up holding his rifle to his chest with a calm look upon his face.


Vlad then speaks, not to anyone in general just out loud. "We should hit the Mall when Dawn hits, I am suppose to be dead already." He gives a faint smile looking up at the sky, leaning back on the rock he takes a mental picture of everyone who accompanied him and smiled

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Versing, right after he finished his sentence, turned around to look at Vlad and then said, loudly enough for him to hear;

"It's probably going to take more than a day to get to the Mall. We'll probably be spending tommorow night in a subway bathroom. At least in there you only have to guard a single doorway." Then he turned back to Morgan.

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Vlad hears Versing, his brow perks in curiosity and yells back. "Wrong Mall Versing! The Super-Duper Mart! The one by the bridge which extends to the Metro subway you are talking about!. It's a few miles from here but..we should be able to get there soon " He chuckles a bit, though the mall in the capital city would not be a bad idea to stop by. Edited by boneless1
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Versing didn't feel particularily stupid, because he had said a mall instead of the Super-Duper mart. He shrugged and answered anyway.

"Oh. Well, just something to think about if you ever consider going to the Mall in downtown DC."

Versing turned back to Morgan. "Anyway, what do you think will happen next, Legion-wise? Obviously the rest of the assassins will catch up to me in due time, but what happens when either them or me are dead?"

Edited by Flipout6
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Greebo decided that he was done guarding, or killing anybody. He walks down to the camp and says "Sandro, old boy. It has been a pleasure working with you. I have decided to Retire, and go live a life of quiet and peace. You are welcome to visit at any time. I look forward to it." Springing to a salute, he sets his gun over his shoulder and begins walking, then turning he says "Chips seems to like Axelle, better than he does me. She can keep him." He jogs off and is swallowed by the night.


Sandro sits there stunned. This had come out of nowhere, and he hadn't had a chance to say goodbye. He wondered if he'd ever see Greebo again. Chances were he wouldn't.


Chips whined a little when his master leaves him. He sits there whining slightly, wondering if he will come back.


Leeroy lets out a snore, and shifts in his sleep.


Sandro looks at the snoring Yao Guai. "Shuddup you!"

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Axelle patted Chips on the head and spoke for the first time in a long while, "Good boy."


Spark let out a deep bark, his brain case blinking bright blue as he jealously begged for a pat, too.


"You big baby," she muttered, rubbing the thick glass of his brain case with a smile.

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Tomoyo was walking just off the road leading towards Megaton. She had skirted the area where the Super Duper Mart was, as she heard there were Raiders there, instead taking a long detour around to the south. As she was walking back towards the road, she was stumbling slightly, half asleep already. She feels her foot hit something hard, trips and falls. She pushes the ground with her hands, does a flip and lands on her feet, spinning already drawing Wisdom, her Wakizashi, to see what she tripped over. She sees a ghoul leaning against a rock. Sheathing Wisdom, she bows her head slightly. "My apologies, sir. I'm quite tired, and am not paying full attention to my surroundings."


Sandro had thought he heard quiet footsteps, and is just about to get up to look when a woman trips over him. He was impressed by her reflexes, watching her do a flip and draw her weapon in case of attack. "Name's Sandro, smoothskin. What are you doing out this tired late at night? Coulda tripped over a raider instead of me. Hell, how do you know I ain't one?"


Tomoyo smiles, and says "A raider would not have such a tidy camp near the road, nor would they have a ghoul like yourself. They hate ghouls." She looks around, seeing a youngish girl, a few men, *she shivers involuntarily* a sleeping yao guai? A cyberdog? She started wondering if she had hit her head. Her pet hawk Sakura wakes up and looks around, it's eyes gleaming slightly.


Sandro nods. "Good point, I guess. Why don't you introduce yourself to the others?"

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Versing was completely thunderstruck when Greebo retired on the spot, and left his dog with Axelle. It started whining, and Versing could tell it was distraught. He bent down and held his hand out to the dog, properly introducing himself, before petting it and saying

"Man, I hope you have a short memory. The sooner you forget a sad moment like that, the better."




While versing was petting the dog, somewhere very far up in the North-west corner of the Wasteland, a man walked out of a tent. He walked around the campsite, inspecting it. His bright green eyes swept the area, his hand rested on his steel Roman-style gladius, and he ran his other hands across the brutal scar running from hiis left eyebrow to his right cheeck, over his lips. Upon his head rested the helmet of the Decanus of Caesar's Legion, with matching armor and toga covering his skinny, extremely muscular body.


Decanus Junius Cornelius walked throughoutthe Legion camp outside of the ruins of Raven Rock. He was satisfied to find the Legionairies under his command training, running and sparring, with the sentries vigorous and alert. he considered his orders, and how to proceed. Establish a solid foothold in the "Capital Wasteland". It said, issued by Legate Lanius himself, and signed by Caesar himself. He would have to find the layout of the land, assess the resistance. Perhaps the ruins of the nearby Enclave base could establish a fortified settlement, and hidden, if need be. he would send out a Frumentarius today, to obtain the details needed.

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