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Ain't that a Kick in the Head?


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Versing hoped the Med-X dulled Axelle's pain as he plucked out the bullets from some of her injuries with a pair of tweezers. He was shaking as he pulled out each bullet and tossed it onto the floor. He felt a tear track down his cheek, he had failed her. One of the only real things keeping him going was protecting her and the group, and now he was plucking bullets out of her body. How stupid was he? Even Axelle's hand on his cheek didn't reassure him at all.


"Damn! The one thing I want to do is protect you and other children, and you've been shot at least five times, slashed at, broken and bruised. What kind of protector am I?" Sandro walked in. "I need your help badly, Sandro. I'm no medical expert, most of these wounds are beyond my ability to competently treat. Let's forget the argument- Axelle is the focus right now."

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Sandro nodded, and got to work on Axelle. He would have tears in his eyes if his ghoul state ruined his tear ducts years ago. He started plucking bullets out of the wounds, and injected some super stimpaks, while he stitched the worst of the wounds closed. After awhile, he had done as much as he could, and poured some whisky over the wounds, which would most likely hurt like hell, but it needed to be done. He injected some more stimpaks to speed the healing, and sat back.


"That's all I can do. I'm no medical expert. I'm a Colonel, not a Doctor!" Sandro smiled grimly.

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"Neither am I. The most a soldier learns is advanced first-aid training. Axelle, I wouldn't reccomend doing anything for a while, those Super Stimpaks will play havoc with your muscles until they wear off, you get me?" He instructed, his voice now hard. "Sandro, good work. I reccomend you get some new armor, eventually. I'm going to go and get Axelle some new clothes. He went to the nearest room he could find that hadn't been buried in rubble, and the door was closed. He thought nothing of it, most of the residents probably tried hiding. He opened the door and walked in, his boots thudding along the floor. He rummaged through a wardrobe and found some clothes for Axelle, closed the door and turned away.


Apparently, now was a great time to take a bath for Tomoyo. Versing jumped ten feet into the air when he realised she was there and scampered out the door, swearing loudly and slamming it behind him.


"Dammit! Sorry Tomoyo! Didn't know you were in there." He yelled and went back to Axelle, red in the face. He set the clothes on a table nearby. "Here, for when you can walk again."

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Sandro wondered why Versing's face was red when he ran out of the tower. He dismissed it, leaving Versing to keep Axelle safe, and walked into the Tower. He wondered what Versing had meant about his armor, and walked into the clothing store of the tower. He caught his reflection in the mirror, and saw his old armor was really messed up, whole chunks were missing, and a gash was in it near his stomach, but his flesh was untouched. He removed his old armor, and found a new chestplate, putting it on above a padded undershirt. The legion had clearly missed this one piece of armor, as there was only clothes left. Sandro grumbled, and found a Dark Blue Button up shirt, and put that on. He put on a new pair of trousers, and found that the belt he had wasn't holding them up properly, so he grabbed a set of suspenders and used those as well. Feeling like adding something silly, he grabbed a dark red bow tie, and put that on as well. He found a nice long tan coat, and put that on. He put his guns into a new Bondolier that he found, and attached his assault rifle's holder onto it, putting that on over top of his coat. Holstering his Sawed Off Shotgun at his hip, he stuck his Machete Gladius into his belt, and found a hat, a Stetson, and added that to the ensemble. He walked out of the building in his new outfit, feeling quite pleased at the haul.


Tomoyo had been half asleep in the bath when she heard someone walk into the room. She slowly realized it wasn't Cathy, as it had been in her daydream, but it was a man! She grabbed her Plasma rifle and still aimed a shot at the door when the man, who turned out to be Versing caught unawares and ran out of the room. Honestly, hadn't he ever heard of knocking? She set her gun down, and returned to Relaxing.


(Got permission, its in the discussion)


Cathy went into the Tower, and looked around for some new armor. She hoped she could find something useful. She too walked into the room with Tomoyo in the bath, merely winking cheekily before walking out to find clothes in another room.

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Morgan walked on over to Junius, or what was left of him, and picked up the head and looked at it


"Well Junius, bet you didn't expect to be killed by a slave huh? But I atleast got my revenge, but don't think I'm done, oh no. I'm going to cause hell for the legion! Mark my words!" He saw Junius spear lying on the ground nearby so he picked it up, shoved it into the ground with the head sticking up and put the head on top.


While standing there, proud of his handy work, he heard Ferox yell for a medic and ran inside the tower to see if he could do anything to help.

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Versing stayed and watched over Axelle, careful to be on the lookout for any complications arising from the medicine. So far Axelle hadn't even passed out, which was good. He saw Ferox outside and casually kept his shotgun on the counter beside him, his hand barely brushing against the grip. He heard someone running just outside the door to the tower, probably Morgan, but he still grabbed his shotgun to go look, restraining himself from giving Ferox some more bullets to pick out. It was Morgan after all.


"Hey, Morgan! In here!" He gestured, and then caught up with Morgan and said quietly "Avoid the room on the right at the end of the hall. Tomoyo is taking a bath, so I learned the hard way." He went back into the medical room and resumed leaning on the counter, his hand near his shotgun's grip.

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Axelle, almost completely out of her mind at the moment from blood loss and medication, laughed as she watched the others rush about tending to her wounds. She had no idea why, but everything seemed very funny.


Ferox finished pulling the first bullet out of his leg and winced. It always hurt picking out bullets... Luckily, these were whole and hadn't fragmented at all.

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Sandro heard what Versing had said about Tomoyo in the bath, and grinned. He now knew why the man had come out of the tower so red-faced. He searched the tower, finding an odd device that he decided to examine later. He found a box of medical supplies, and picked the lock, finding some O Positive blood. He remembered hearing that O Positive was the Universal Blood type, and that it could be used for any blood transfusion. He made his way over to the room where Axelle was, and started the transfusion, pumping it into her arm through the attached needle. This should help with the wonkiness. After the transfusion, he started examining the odd device he had found. He found it made a strange humming sound. He tried pointing it at one of the robots, and an arm came off. He walked over to it, and found the bolts that had held the arm in place had completely unscrewed.


"A screwdriver? Who looked at a screwdriver and said 'This could be a bit more sonic?'" He continued playing with it, and discovered it had more than just screw driving functions. It reminded him of the multitool he used to carry before the war, but sort of alien. He decided to keep it.


Tomoyo finished her bath and drained the tub, dressing, she strapped back on her swords, and the holster for her Plasma Rifle and made her way towards the Medical Clinic. Her hair was tousled, and still dripped slightly. She would comb it and retie it later. She blushed deeply when she saw Versing, and cleared her throat nervously. Worst the man would have seen were her bare legs, which she had out of the bath to balance the heat of the water with the coolness of the air, but it was no less embarrassing to have had him walk into the room while she was bathing.

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When Axelle started laughing at everything, Versing began to get scared. This was probably blood loss and the Med-X, but his face took on a nervous expression. He got up from the counter and thought helplessly about what to do. Sandro went off to do something, hopefully something constructive, but Versing was scared now. What if he had used too much Med-X? What if her heart was about to stop? He felt the pulse on the side of her neck....slow, but still going steady. He breathed a sigh of relief, but kept a super stimpak ready in case the heart stopped. Sandro came back with blood packs, and gave her a transfusion.


"You sure it's wise to give her 200 year old blood, even if it matches? I'm assuming you picked that one universal blood type, or her own. Nothing to do about it now, I suppose." He shifted uncomfortably. If she died because of this, he didn't know if he'd ever be able to stay around Sandro ever again. Tomoyo walked in, and Versing barely spared her a glance, his face still the definition of uneasy, although she blushed deeply. He continued to watch Axelle, checking her pulse every now and then just to be sure.

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Morgan walked into the room where Axelle was currently getting taken cared of and in a rare gesture, for him atleast, took of his hat and coat and put them on a nearby sofa.


He walked over to where Versing is standing and kept his focus at Axelle "How's she holding up man? Any signs of improvement?"


Morgan nervously toyed with a necklace he had while waiting for a respone from Versing

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