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Ain't that a Kick in the Head?


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Versing wasn't sure what to do. If he stopped pointing the gun at the woman, she could shoot him with no threat of immediate fatal retaliation. He dropped the gun pointed at Ferox, and the Legionairre could be on him like a dog on beef. He cursed at the situation. He responded negatively to Morgan's command, not due to PTSD, but simply a lack of trust in Ferox.


"Don't worry, I'm not having an episode or anything. But I don't trust Ferox a third as far as I can throw him. At least the woman isn't ex-Legion, that much is obvious simply because she's a woman. I'm probably more likely to shoot Octopus right now than her. Not that I will...unless he gives me a new reason to."

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Morgan walked over to Axelle and put his hand on her shoulder and looked her in the eyes in a near brother like fashion


"You ok kiddo? Stick with me will ya?"


He just stood there, looking at her to make sure she would be ok, he did not want to lose her seeing how well she held the group together.

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Miss De Vere looked at the girl lying there "She doesn't look so good... but seeing as you all survived against the legion, i'm sure she'll be fine." She said, finishing her cigarette, dropping it, and smothering it with her foot. She answered Morgans question of who she was to the whole group, her eyes on Versing "The name's De Vere... Miss de Vere. I came here to watch Junius die, and to save your asses from the assassin." She took her hat off, and held it under one of her arms, all of her face was in view now.
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Morgan smiled back, feeling a bit more secure.


"Don't worry kiddo, some sleep and some meds and you will be back in action in no time. I know you can make it buddy."


He chuckled a bit for himself before he spoke again "Hey, if I can get beaten up 3 times you can survive this haha"


He gave Axelle a quick hug before he turned his attention to the woman who just had showed up


"If you wanted to watch Junius die you are too late, I took care of him personaly. The name's Morgan Hollister, but the legion know me as Carnifex,or executioner, now."

Edited by MikeRyan
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Versing cocked his head at both Axelle and at Miss De Vere, and slowly lowered his pistol. Unsurprisingly, the shotgun was still aimed at Ferox. Then the woman took off her hat.


"Hmm..... I know that name, I know that face. You were with the NCR at the Battle for the Dam, were you not?" he asked Miss De Vere. "That would explain how you know my name, at least. As for Junius, Morgan killed him, and I cut his corpse to shreds."


Versing tossed the woman's name around in his head. He didn't remember her being a trooper, but he knew her somehow. Either way, it was good to meet a fellow Dam survivor.

Edited by Flipout6
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"Either way, it's always good to meet another Veteran. Now, this seems to be the routine now, I WOULD shake your hand.....How does this always happen?" Versing examined his blood spattered hands, some of it Junius', some of it Luicia's. "My hands are covered in blood and gore. Again. What was this favor you said you owed me before you shot the other woman?" He asked, genuinely curious.
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Miss De Vere pondered a moment, but spoke up "Even if you realized it or not at the time, you saved me and the team i was working with. We were somewhat cornered by the legion, and you and your squad shot them down... My father taught me that it was good practice to repay favours, so i figured when i saw the brazillian sneaking up here, i'd stick a cap in her for you." De Vere paused, and lit another cigarette.
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Sandro had remained by Axelle even when he heard bullets flying. He was going to guard her with his life, as his contract entailed. He had been lax about that, and she got hurt. Now, he would be harder to get rid of than fleas. Even when the rest of the group seemed slightly reassured, he refused to relax around the woman who had just shot one of their companions in cold blood. Who cared that.. come to think of it, he couldn't remember the woman's name. Either way.


"Not to seem.. distrustful, but I don't quite trust you. I mean, you shot a woman in cold blood and then act as if you did us a favor? Also, you get one warning, one chance from me. You make ANY inclination to hurt the kid here, and you will not live through the night. Clear?"


Tomoyo waved a hand at Sandro.


"Calm down Mister Sandro. She wouldn't be so stupid as to try something when she's clearly outnumbered, would she? My name is Tomoyo Daidōji. A pleasure I'm certain. You play nice with us, and we'll play nice with you. Okies?"

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