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Ain't that a Kick in the Head?


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King stepped out of his place to see the stranger and Versing chatting, and with that he decided to go for a walk upstairs. He needed to find something on the location of his Caravan. He started up the main stairs and took the elevator up to the top floor, there he found the largest penthouse room and discovered something he had been waiting for for years.


As he entered the Penthouse he could smell the stench of human waste, he drew his double-barrel and walked calmly, hearing a slight scratching noise. King checked the rounds in his shotgun were indeed bean bags and then a figure burst out of the closet across the room and made for the Balcony, King reacted and fired a shot that hit the man and dropped him to the floor.


King holstered his shotgun as the man groaned in pain, he toed the old man over to find Alistair Tenpenny alive and well. Some years back he had chased this old murderer half across the wasteland for killing a teenage girl. King knew the Regulators wanted him but he knew the girl which is why he took the job.


"Alistair Tenpenny, the Butcher Of Liberty..." King said sadistically.


The old man held up his hands and tried crawling to the balcony.


"Look I didn't do it, I'm just a survivor like you...please don't kill me!" He cried, he reeked of s*** and desperation.


"Been in that closet for awhile now, my guess since those Legion guys came in and butchered your so called 'elite' huh Tenpenny?" King said angrily, remembering the corpse of the girl he found, savagely raped and murdered.


King grabbed a rope from his bag and tied the man up and set him next to the railing on the balcony, he drew his .44 and removed 5 shells from the six shot revolver, he smirked and spun the cylinder.


"Were going to play a game, I need to know what happened to a caravan that was meant for megaton and your going to tell me..." He aimed at the old murderer.


Alistair spit at King in defiance and King smiled and pulled the trigger much to the old mans shock, but instead of the expected bang only thing heard was a loud click.


"Hah! didn't work!" he yelled in personal triumph.


King just smiled and kicked out the cylinder, he slid in a second shell and spun the cylinder again.


"Now, same question. Everytime you don't tell me what I want I load in another bullet."


He aimed again and pulled the trigger, the gun didn't fire again. King repeated the process and when he aimed Tenpenny finally broke.


"Okay! Look I sold out the caravan to Paradise Falls, I watched as they took the caravan and its crew." He said desperately.


King holstered his revolver and nodded, believing the old man.


"Thank you son, for not killing me..." He said in relief.


King smiled and grabbed the old man and brought him close to him so they were face to face.


"You wanna know something funny, It's not the fall that kills you...." And with that he threw the murdering psychopath off the balcony and over the railing to fall forty floors.


"Its the stop at the end!" He yelled as Tenpenny fell, screaming like a little girl all the way down until he was silenced by a wet smack of meat on pavement that ended the depraved old man.


King lit a cigarette and looked out over the Wasteland and smiled, knowing that girl was finally avenged.

Edited by Macman253
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"Eh, like I said, testosterone speaking." Jackson said uneasily. "I'm still a teenager. What exactly does she expect? Is she right in the head?" Jackson had taken a scoped hunting rifle off of his back and held it ready.


"She has...... difficulties around men." Versing muttered shakily. "Just avoid her for a while."


"I'll do that." Jackson held the hat up to the air in mock reveration, and slowly replaced his trader's cap with it. "I am now......The master of style." He announced dramatically, falling to his knees and raising his hands as if worshipping some invisible god. Then he hopped to his feet, with an agility far greater than the average man. "Oh, hey, I think your friend here has the right idea." Jackson specifically avoided the world 'Ghoul.' "I'm gonna go pack up my tent and come in here, plenty of space." Jackson walked out of the tower doors, and arrived a while later wearing a very heavy backpack. "I'll go set this up."

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Miss De Vere was taken aback when Sandro just ran out of the room, in the middle of a conversation. Suddenly a screaming figure came falling past the balcony... Tenpenny?! Alistair Tenpenny had survived this long?... Wait... no he was now a bloody mess on the pavement, splattered like a bug hitting a high speed object. Well, The Tower really could be hers now, but she'd have to think about it before anything serious.


She Came walking down the hall just as Tomoyo stormed into her own room, and De Vere looked down the staircase at another newcomer... some Teenager who had a bleeding nose, and ragged clothing, Carrying a large backpack "I'm going to have to start charging for these rooms, amount of strangers turning up i could make a fortune." De Vere said with an ever so slight smile, her tone half joking."

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Axelle had been laughing hysterically during all of this, and clutching her belly all the while. She couldn't really feel the pain anymore, just a slight tug when her abdominal muscles contracted. It would take some getting used to, for sure. But that didn't matter. What mattered was that it felt like everyone in the foyer was putting on a show for her. She felt bad for some reason when Tomoyo walked out of the room, embarrassed. She tugged on Versing's sleeve. "Do you think I could stay in her room tonight? I'm out of it and she seems like she could use a laugh."


Ferox bit his knuckle to keep from laughing at the boy who stumbled in. He felt like he had to guard his emotions around Versing, to avoid conflict.

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The whole chain of event that just happened was simply too much for Morgan, who had burst into a massive laugh attack. After laughing for about five minutes he said, while chuckling and gasping for air; "I'm sorry but I gotta step outside for a while" after which he went ouside the tower giggling.


He stood outside taking a few good deep breaths when he heard a voice coming from his left, slightly muffled


"So, finaly gotten Junius huh? Must feel great. After all these years"


Morgan looked over briefly to the man and then out into the unknown. "Long time, no see old friend. I was wondering when you would show up. And yeah I got him, I got him good."


Even though Morgan couldn't see his face due to it being covered by a gasmask, he knew the other man was smiling


"Remember though Morgan, you still have a lot to do before your journey is over but seeing your progress here, you can do it."


Morgan nodded and lit a cigar and took a few drags, but when he turned to talk to the man again, he was gone


"Good bye old friend, see you later" Morgan smiled for a bit before he went back inside, just before Tenpenny slammed into the ground not far from him

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Axelle tugged on Versing's sleeve.


"Yeah, I think she could use that. But make sure that she knows it's you before you walk in." He said to her, and then looked to see Jackson's next move.


"Except I live in a tent, I'll just set up the tent in a room! I'm on my own property then!" Jackson shouted excitedly. By now he was jumping and dancing like the youth he was. Jackson had decided that he might stick with this group, they seemed so sullen and sad and angry, they needed something to brighten up their lives a little, especially that Versing guy in the strange fatigues, Jackson could SEE that something troubled him, even while he laughed.


Versing on the other hand wondered how it was he hadn't shot this kid yet. Probably because he was just that: a kid. Sure, he could be dangerous, but who couldn't? He was trying hard to entertain them all (although Versing doubted he had to.)and had done so at his own expense (he wore a fez hat, forget the broken nose.)


Jackson saw Morgan walk in and Tenpenny transform into a pool of blood, and laughed. "Whoa there! How hard did ya hit him?!?!"

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Morgan looked at what was left of Tenpenny, and then turned to the new guy


"That's not my handywork, infact I was just out for some air and a cigar."


He inspected him slightly before stretching out his hand


"The name's Hollister, Morgan Hollister. And you are?"


Sure Morgan might have heard his name before, but he believed more in getting to know somebodys name properly with a handshake and a smile.

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Sandro walked back into the main area, having managed to take a short nap in one of the rooms. He didn't need as much rest anymore, but he felt it was a good thing to sleep every now and again. He heard Axelle asking to stay in Tomoyo's room, and smiled. That was the kid for you, always trying to make people happy.


"C'mon kid. Let's get you to that room. You need rest, and I'm sure Tomoyo would enjoy your company, if she's not too.. irritated. Then again, she's shown no signs of harming you." He scooped up Axelle, and carried her to Tomoyo's room, and knocked on the door.


Tomoyo was pacing back and forth and then she heard the a knock at the door. She flung it open, and saw Sandro with Axelle. Things had taken a confusing turn, that's for sure. She asked,


"Why are you bringing her here?" Sandro smirked, and set Axelle down on a chair in the room, and replied on the way out,


"She requested to stay with you, said you needed a laugh. Take care of the kid, eh?" He left the area, and went off to find Versing. After a few minutes, he found that he never left the main hall, and passed him a bottle of whiskey he'd salvaged from the bar.


"Here, smoothskin. I found that in the bar here."

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Jackson grinned back at Morgan and shook his hand.


"Howard Jackson, wastelander and hunter. Great to meet ya, Morgan." Chaser, excited by all the dancing and yelling, jumped up to Jackson and knocked him off his feet. "Oof! Geroff me, ya damn dog!" He laughed.


Versing gladly took the drink, but wasn't sure whether getting drunk would be wise.


"Hmm, Don't know if getting drunk is the smartest thing to do, tempting as it may be." Nevertheless, he uncapped the bottle and took a long swig. "Whatever, I'll drink enough that I can still fight....but still celebrate. Thanks, Sandro."

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