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Ain't that a Kick in the Head?


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Versing, noticing Ferox alone, walked up to him, and crouched so he could look him in the eyes. He was thankful he wasn't even feeling the effects of the alcohol, he was deadly serious. He didn't feel even remotely bad about waking Ferox from a half-sleep.


"Before you doze off, I'm going to talk, you're going to listen. You may have alerted us to Axelle's wounded state, but that doesn't mean I trust you. I've got my eye on you. Pull anything and I'll fill you with slug rounds, you hear me? The fact that you betrayed the Legion simply means you can betray us without a problem as well. I don't like the fact that Axelle likes you at all, you're only alive for her sake. You and I, we're not going to get along, might end up with a death, be it me or you, and it's best if you accept that."

Edited by Flipout6
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Morgan looked towards Versing for a second and then turned his attention back to Jackson.


"Can you excuse me for a second? Gotta stop my friend over there"


He walked over to Versing carefully, just in time to hear him threaten Ferox and decided to intercept. He grabbed Versing by the shoulder in a near bone cracking grip and pulled him away


"Just what in the sam hell do you think are you doing?! Just because he's ex-legion it doesn't mean you can go around and make him your bullseye! Now sure you are NCR, but this kid has shown that you can put differences aside and help out!"


It was obvious that Morgan did NOT like Versing acting like he did towards Ferox


"Just so you know, I consider him a friend since he has helped out a bit before, and you know I take care of my friends. So if you so much as touch a hair on his head I'm going to give you a one hell of a whopping, got it?"


Morgan was practicaly holding Versing a small bit of the ground, looking him right in the face.

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Sandro watched the exchange between Versing and Morgan, and blew out another cloud of pipe smoke, forming several rings that framed the pair within for his amusement. He limped over towards the pair, and added,


"I did warn you, Versing. Everyone deserves one chance. Even Ferox. Now it seems Morgan agrees with me. Leave Ferox be, and Morgan and I won't have to give you a thrashing." He limped over to the main desk, and sat down, propping up his feet and pulling out a pre-war book he'd found.


Tomoyo found herself smiling back at Axelle, and said, her voice kind and gentle,


"No we don't, little one. What is it you wished to talk about?"

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"Pfft. A friend of yours, all of a sudden? Fine, if you insist. Let go of me." He scoffed at Sandro's warning as well. "Remind me, next time, not to tell him he's being watched. Next time I'll just let the elite, well-trained enemy of ours wander around and do as he pleases. I was warning him-or threatening him, whatever- that I had my eye on him. And that's not going to change. I'll tell you what I told him: he betrayed the Legion without a hitch, he can betray us far more easily. Now, if you could let me get somewhat drunk, if you please... now's a day to celebrate, even if we do have a mongrel tagging along...and his name isn't Chaser." Versing grinned a little. Edited by Flipout6
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Sandro was about to protest, when Leeroy, his pet Yao Guai woke up, and gave a tired roar. Leeroy didn't like having the two legs making all that noise around him, and raised his protest at the noises.


Sandro looked sidelong at his pet, and smirked.


"I agree, Leeroy. Too much yellin' and fuss over nothing. Ferox may be some legion-trained man, but Leeroy ain't tryin to rip him to sheds, and he's a pretty good judge of character. Either way, you don't attack Ferox, or you get Morgan, Me, Leeroy, and Ferox to deal with. Also, you hurt my bear, I hurt you. Now go." Sandro made a dismissive gesture, and returned to his book, a book about a boy with a scar on his face who learns magic.(Yes, he's reading Harry Potter)

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Morgan looked at Versing again, not paying attention to Sandro at the moment and kept Versing in the same grip, although a bit looser so he wouldn't snap his shoulder.


"I'm sure he just did what ever he had to survive. And he knows of my explosive temper so I don't think he would try anything funny. And if you so much as point a gun at him I won't hesitate to break your arm. Alright?"


Morgan gave Versing one solid squeeze right on a nerve to prove his point before he let him fall to the ground.


"Keep that in mind" he walked off towards the bar of the tower and found a nice bottle of scotch and opened it and grabbed a glass.


"A drink for good health"

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De Vere watched Versing's encounter with Ferox and sighed. After Morgan had dealt his words out, and let Versing drop, Miss De Vere decided now would be a good time to reconciliate with Versing. She offered the man a gloved hand to help him to his feet, and said "I hate the legion as much as you... But attacking that man won't do you any good, he's not one of them anymore. While it is a good idea to keep an eye on him, i wouldn't do so more than the others. Everyone can turn on you in an instant, reason why i mostly work a lone now."
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Ferox's eyebrows raised at the scene that played out in front of him and then stood up, "Thanks for your concern, everyone, but I think it would take a lot more than a few conversations to change Versing's mind. I guess I'll just have to prove myself, eh? Where do they keep the alcohol around here?"


Axelle thought for a moment, then blurted out, "Tell me about yourself! I don't think I know much about you, other than the basics."

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Versing fell to his knees when Morgan dropped him, and took Miss De Vere's hand to pull himself up.


"Thanks. You're right, of course, about one thing at the very least. People can turn on you in a snap. Should've seen what happened when I said I'd execute him before, half the group wanted to shoot me, Cathy included." He looked back to Cathy, who must have gone off to comfort Tomoyo or something, and then looked Miss De Vere back in the eyes. "I'll be watching him like a hawk, though. I don't think I'll ever even so much as strike up a friendly chat with him. That's simply instinct, I don't trust him, so I make sure that he's not a danger to anybody except our enemies. Nothing against you or anyone except him, of course. Now, if it's okay with you, I think I'm going to have a drink or three. It's been a while. Sorry if this leaves a bad impression, I don't drink often. Like I said, nothing against you, of course."


Versing was puzzled by his apparent need to be far more polite than usual with Miss De Vere. It puzzled him, and only made him walk faster to the bar, where he finished his bottle of Scotch and grabbed another drink out of the cabinet. Ferox seemed to be getting started, or at least coming to the bar, as well. Versing considered that he might kill Ferox in a drunken stupor somehow. Nevertheless, he drank once again.

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Ferox noticed Versing walking into the bar, his eyes daggers, and begin to drink. Probably was thinking about killing me... Ferox sighed and tipped back a shot of whiskey, coughing as it burned the back of his throat. "I-" he stopped once again to cough, "I've never had alcohol before. Was it supposed to burn?" He took another shot to test, and it, too, set the back of his throat ablaze as he swallowed. "Least that one tasted a little better."
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