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Ain't that a Kick in the Head?


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Versing stared back at Ferox, and their eyes remained locked in the kind of way that two deathclaws look at each other before they start tearing things up. He downed a bottle of scotch before he audibly challenged Ferox.


"Hey, Octopus, drinking contest. Right here and now." Hey fetched them both a bottle of whiskey and sat down on the opposite end of Ferox's table, grinning wickedly. If he lost, he'd either pass out or be so drunk he'd start screaming about flying angelic deathclaws with miniguns before shooting Ferox in the face, so this could only end well. "I'll go first." He downed the rest of the bottle of whiskey. "Your turn."


Jackson came to watch.


"Oh this is gonna be good! GUYS, FEROX AND VERSING ARE HAVING A DRINKING CONTEST!" He shouted excitedly. Chaser barked, ran in circled, and knocked Jackson over the counter.

Edited by Flipout6
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Ferox raised an eyebrow and took his own bottle of whiskey, "I won't back down just because it's my first time doing this, you know." He tipped back his bottle and was surprised to find the alcohol slid down easier with each gulp. This wouldn't be as hard as he thought.
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Sandro simply smirked and drank some more of his own bottle of scotch.


Leeroy yawned and padded outside to find something to eat.


Tomoyo smiled and sat down on the other chair in the room opposite Axelle, that way the girl wouldn't have to keep moving around and potentially hurting herself even more. She smiled and blushed slightly, nobody had ever asked about Her, except for whether or not she could fight, etc. She ran a hand through her hair, now untied and loose, and sighed. Her hair fell about her shoulders and head like a black silk curtain, shiny and almost too dark to look at, with a faint red sheen to it. (Black hair usually has a slight blue sheen, or slight red sheen)


"As you know, my name is Tomoyo Daidōji. I was born 22 years ago on a small trading outpost/farm, where I grew up with my grandfather and parents. My older sister was there for a time too, but she left for some reason when I was 9. I was really sad, I loved my big sister. Actually, let me show you something." Tomoyo lunged for her pack, and retrieved a small, ornate box. She opened it with a small jeweled key around her neck, and showed the contents to Axelle. Inside the box was a small comb, with an ivory handle, and mother-of-pearl inlay, as well as solid silver tines, (The bits that go into hair) as well as a couple of rings, and a mid-sized locket. She pulled out the locket, and opened it, showing 2 pictures, one could have been Tomoyo herself, but taller and slightly more mature looking, with a young girl holding onto her hand looking adorable, and the other half were a couple, man and woman, who were Tomoyo's Parents.


"The one on the right is of my sister and I when I was 7. The other is of my parents." She gestured, encouraging Axelle to look at the treasures and locket. She continued talking.


"After my sister left, it was just me, my parents, and my grandfather. When I was Eleven, my grandfather came to me and said he had something important to show me. He took me into his room, and showed me my swords. He said that they had belonged to his father, and his father's father, all the way back to a Samurai in Feudal Japan. The blades, although ancient, even then were well maintained and sharp, their handles worn with use. They were absolutely beautiful, in the deadliest sense of the word. He said that the next day we would begin training, and for the next seven years, we trained. Fighting, and exercise. I learned how to wield them, how to hold them so they feel a part of me. How to care for them and maintain them. When I wasn't training with my Grandfather, I was learning my Kanji, and English, calligraphy, and how to wield a plasma rifle, at my mother's insistence. She didn't approve of the whole 'Japanese must wield swords' thing. Then, about a year later.. when I was nineteen..." She trailed off, and sniffled slightly. She took a deep breath and continued.


"The raiders came and attacked. They killed my mother, and my father. My grandfather and I managed to hold them off for a time, but he was old, and I was too young and inexperienced to hold them off for more than a few hours by myself after my grandfather was shot down. They decided they liked me and... had their way with me. They left me, shamed and violated, taking almost everything of value. I think one of them felt pity for me, as he tried to stop them from doing what they did. He made sure my bedroom was untouched, saying he had searched it and found only clothes. He also made sure my weapons were left for me, and enough food to get myself to the nearest town. His name was Neil. I saw him once or twice after that, but the damage was done. I can never fully trust a man. I may be able to trust him at some point, but other than that I don't think I'm capable." She sighed deeply and concluded,


"That was about two years ago. During that time, I buried my family, packed up everything I could from my home, and locked the place up. I left it behind, and put as much distance as I could between myself and it. I wandered pretty much on my own until I tripped over Sandro, and met Cathy and all the rest of you." She smiled and leaned back, taking a sip from a glass of water.


"Feel free to ask any questions you wish, little one. I will answer what I can."

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Axelle ran her eyes over the contents of the small box, sadness taking over her usually happy features. Of all the items in the box, including the photos, the comb held her attention most. She had no idea why, but it was so beautiful and perfect, she wondered how it had managed to escape the ravages of time as it had. She felt a strange respect for Tomoyo as she listened to the girl's story, and looked up at her almost breathlessly.


"I... Our stories are sort of alike. My grandfather was killed by Raiders, and you can guess what happened to me afterward. Even women got in on it." She smiled and added, "But not all people want to do those things to me, so I accept it as the past. Better to trust our friends than let our enemies see the weaknesses in our group, right?"


Ferox was almost done with his bottle when he suddenly began to feel slightly different. How much of this stuff did it take to get stumbling drunk anyway? He shrugged and swallowed the last bit.

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Tomoyo reluctantly nodded her agreement. Then she decided to do something for Axelle. She walked over to the young girl, and gently ran a hand over her face, and into the girl's hair.


"What say I draw you a bubble bath, and then do your hair, hmm? Looks like you could use some time to wash the blood out of it, then while it's clean and washed, I'll comb the knots out of it. I can even help wash your hair and whatnot, should your injuries prove.. problematic with your mobility. Actually, I'll probably have to be in the room anyway, make sure that you're alright. That sound fine to you?"


Sandro watched the idiots doing their drinking contest and simply smirked. He found the whole idea absurd, they were just gonna end up with a hangover.

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Morgan calmly finished his second bottle and put it down and glanced over to the two who where competing and just chuckled


"Amateurs" he said to himself when he opened a third bottle and took a swig from it.


He turned around to watch as Ferox and Versing got more and more drunk

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Versing downed his bottle of Scotch, grinned, and grabbed another pair for the two of them.


"I think both of us are a long way from done here." He downed a big gulp of alcohol, also beginning to feel slightly odd.

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De Vere heard the young boy shouting about a drinking contest, and her face brightened up... that would definitely be something interesting to watch, and maybe it would cool down the tension between Versing and Ferox a little... unless, of course, it turned into a drunken brawl, in which case it wouldn't end so well.


De Vere returned to her room to change into some 'casual' clothing. She put on a wool crochet turtleneck dress, with a ribbed turtleneck, cable knitting with shredded detail throughout, and long sleeves. It was a dark green in colour. She put her hair up in an updo, fastening it in place with hair slides. She stuck on a pair of green heels to match, and made her way to the bar.


She looked at the pair drinking, and sat down with her legs crossed at a table. "How about we make this a little more interesting? let's make a wager on who'll win."

Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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Morgan walked over to De Vere and sat down on a chair at the same table


"A bet? Why they always make things fun, but I don't think its such a good idea to spurr these on. Then again watching amateurs drink is always a blast! I'm in, 150 caps on Versing"


Morgan placed a small bag of caps on the table betwen them

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Versing continued drinking along with Ferox, and soon was beginning to really feel tipsy. Nevertheless, he continued to try and drink Ferox under the table. Jackson still didn't drink a drop. He liked to think he was drunk on life already.
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