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Ain't that a Kick in the Head?


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"Mm.. It was nessecary. I figure having someone get legitimately peeved at them'll make them think... As for the hair, toldja, black and blue. That means black with blue streaks."


she shifted in the water with a light groan, faintly hearing Vers' voice from the bar, and growling. "Or maybe not, since Vers seems to not wanna go to a room..."

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Tomoyo's hands pressed down on Cathy's shoulders, showing the strength in her lean, muscular form but not actively trying to push Cathy under the water, just keep her in the bath. A low growl entered her voice, as she says,


"You WILL stay down, even if I have to climb on top of you! You are in no shape to be running interference for a bunch of idiots! You are going to stay here, and get your hair done, then you are going to come with me, and you will eat and you will sleep. You need rest, and food to recuperate." The growl left her voice, and she said more softly,


"Perhaps I will make it worth your while to stay, hmm?" She teasingly nipped Cathy's ear, and pulled out the hair dye, and a small, battered comb from a shelf. She washed the comb in the water, and began separating the hair in strips, treating them with the dye with a precise, careful and gentle touch. Before long, it was time to rinse, and Tomoyo gently tilted Cathy's head over a drain in the floor, and thoroughly rinsed out her hair. She let go of Cathy's head, and grabbed a bar of soap with rough sand in it for exfoliation, and handed it to Cathy.


"Wash, unless you want me to help you." She said the last half flirtatiously, half seriously, since Cathy may well have trouble due to her injuries.


(Japanese.. less bashful etc)

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"Yes, Mom..." She sighed with a slight growl in her own voice, eventually contently relaxing in the water, letting time go by as the Asian worked on her hair. As she finished, she coughed from the wound on her stomach being agsinst the tub as she was leant over, but sighed eventually. "If only Stimpaks were auto-heal, I'd be fine.. You wash. I'm content just sitting here.. Plus I'm sure you'd not pass up a change to fondle me. Perv." She laughed at her own stupid joke, placing her newly-dyed hair-covered head back, her eyes shutting.
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Tomoyo smiled at the joke, and washed Cathy's body, her touch soft, yet firm, as she worked the soap into a lather, than assisted at washing Cathy's body from head to toe, lingering in certain areas with a slight blush, and a grin at Cathy, watching for any reactions. Soon, the washing was done, and Tomoyo put the soap away in it's container, and her hands reached down into the water, gently brushing against Cathy's thigh as her hand reached for the plug near Cathy's feet. As the tub drained, Tomoyo gently kissed Cathy, and then got the woman a fresh towel to dry off with.


(That's as risque as I'm gonna get. I'm not making the same mistake as before)

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Morgan walked over to Versing and gave him a solid punch in the face, with enough force to make the drunk lose his balance and fall to the ground.




Morgan was obviously both angry and disappointed at his friend for ignoring his warning and was just staring at the man who was sitting on the floor looking rather silly.


He calmed himself a bit and shook his head "Look, just, just don't do it again ok pal? Just don't"


Morgan helped Versing up again, but suddenly punched him again, without looking angry


"That's for going out and getting yourself crucified"

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"Oof!" Versing landed square on his rear. "I toldja he shtarted it, man. Look at my head. No gurantees I won't kill him later, either." Indeed, blood was already visible through the bandages, if just barely. He struggled to his feet with Morgan's assistance, only to get hit in the face again. This one he shrugged off, although his expression darkened. He clenched his fist and punched Morgan in the face, although not as hard as he could. He wouldn't seriously try and hurt his friend, he was just getting his point across.


"And that one's for following me." He stated, and his eyes flashed.

Edited by Flipout6
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Morgan simply shrugged off the punch, considering drunk people sometimes are rather weak, especialy after four bottles of whiskey


"Well if I wouldn't have followed you, you would still be on that cross"


Morgan absentmindedly cracked his knuckles


"Besides, if I wouldn't have showed up Junius would proboably have killed you, and that's nothing I would have wanted"

Edited by MikeRyan
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Versing felt a little bit troubled. He had accepted the fact that he'd probably die when he left, but if he had, then nobody else would have been at risk from the Legion.


"That wash....not part of the plan. But I knew I wash probably gonna die. You had to put your own life on the line anyway. I don't know how I'm shupposhed to react to that." He held an expression of bewilderment on his face.

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Sandro found his thoughts turning to his old friend, Greebo. He wondered what the guy was up to when he heard a buzzing. He looked at his monitors, and saw a man at the gate. He triggered the remote intercom, and said into the microphone,


"I see ya there, smoothskin. What's your business at Tenpenny Tower?" The man replied through the intercom,


"I'm looking for a Nicodemus Sandro Jesus Martinez! I have a package from a one Greebo Jones!" Sandro was shocked, and pressed the switch to let the man in. He met the man at the gate, signing for the package, and paid the courier for his time. He went back inside the main lobby, and sat back down at the desk, shutting the gate behind the messenger. He slit the package open with his machete tip and found a bottle, a picture of the Ghoul who sent it, and a letter, on which he read,


Dear Sandro. I wanted to let you know that I decided to move on from the Capital Wasteland, and have traveled to Nevada, where I hope to visit New Vegas. It was splendid knowing you, even if you did tend to get into trouble a lot. I have enclosed a photo, and a bottle of Strawberry Cordial, from a vault I have found nearby where I wrote this. Hopefully this package finds you well, and with the bottle intact. I hope that you stay well, and that maybe one day I will see you again. Always your friend, Greebo Jones. Sandro sat back, flabbergasted at the gift, and glanced at the picture. There was Greebo, wearing his uniform with a husky dog beside him, a new sniper rifle, and his ever present smile.

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De Vere calmly sat in the same seat she started in, observing the fight. It was clear that both men were holding back... even only a small amount, it would stop them from killing eachother. She took a large puff on her cigarette, and continued to simply watch the situation from the comfort of her chair. She'd have to have a proper conversation with Versing at some point, but in his drunken stupor she wouldn't try and waste her words.
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