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Ain't that a Kick in the Head?


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Cathy merely sat there, occassionally groaning, most likely in pain, and the odd sigh of content. She took the towel when it was handed to her and quickly dried up, wrapping it around her upper body.


"Goddamn, it should be a crime to be this sore.."

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Morgan took a deep breath and shook his head.


"Just, just don't do anything stupid that will get you killed ok?"


Morgan walked away, possibly to go find a room and grab some shut eye.

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Versing smiled.


"Too late. Beshidesh, where'sh the fun in life witout any excitement?" He asked. He was, of course, not letting on how much it meant to him to have people that cared about him so much even out here.


He finished his meal and retired to bed for the night, in a room on the second floor. He fell asleep almost instantly, especially in his drunken state.

Edited by Flipout6
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Tomoyo passed the underclothes she found to Cathy, and leaning close, she whispered,


"I could give you a massage, if you're really that sore. Either that or I could make you a special tea I know of and you can stop b*tching. Your choice sweetie." Her smile was playful and flirtatious, and her hands worked gently at Cathy's shoulders as she spoke.


Sandro continued watching his monitors, smoking his pipe, and waiting for the intelligence level to rise, or at least someone sober to come and chat with him. Since the kid went to sleep, he had nothing else to occupy his time.

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Jackson came back down to the main floor via elevator. Versing and Morgan seemed to have gone to bed, so Jackson went over to talk to Sandro.


"Those red guys were some nasty figures, eh? Like raiders. Versing kept mentioning something about them being a big problem where he came from. Who were they?" he asked.

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Morgan found an empty room for him and Loki and went to the bathroom to wash up a little, when he saw how messed up he had become from all his time traveling with this group.


"Damn Loki, I barely recognise myself in the mirror any more. Got more scars than before now, but all of them have a history haha." Loki barked in agreement as Morgan started to clean off all the blood and dirt from his body, being extra careful around his left eyesocket, where an eye used to be a couple of weeks back before he lost it in a fight with a deathclaw.


After he was done cleaning himself he put on some clean clothes and gave Loki a bath too. He finished the whole thing by giving himself a haircut so he wouldn't look too scruffy before he inspected his new scars in the mirror. He decided to cover the worst of them in bandage and then went back out to the bed where he hanged his belt with his knife and gun on the bedframe for fast access.


He then closed his eyes and fell into his most comfortable sleep ever.


Comfortable in the way that the ghosts of his past where quiet.

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Versing left his gear by the side of his bed, found some pajamas in the closet, dressed himself in them, and fell asleep. Despite the usual once-a-night nightmare about Bitter Springs, his sleep was untroubled.


When he awoke in the morning, sober, he decided that both he and his clothes needed a bath. He filled up the tub, took a quick bath, and quickly got dressed in a white T-shirt and jeans he found in the closet. Even through the shirt you could see his ribs. He slipped on his gun belt and kept his shotgun in its place on a sling over his shoulder. He tossed his uniform into the bathtub to clean it, and when he was done, put it on the bed to wear later, perhaps. He opened the bedroom door and walked out.

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Sandro had sort of dazed out, and snapped to attention when Jackson started talking to him. He rubbed his hand across his face and said,


"Apparently they were Caesar's Legion, they're more of a threat in the Mojave than here, but they still managed to make a real nuisance of themselves, didn't they?" He looked askance at Jackson.


"Shouldn't you be in bed smoothskin? Hold on, who's that?" Sandro leaned forwards, seeing someone moving on the perimeter monitors. It was a short man, stocky and muscular, with a shortened super sledge, and metal armor with a backpack. Sandro watched the stocky man walk around until he saw the gates, and then he heard the buzz on the intercom. Flipping on the microphone, Sandro queried,


"Who are you, and what do you want smoothskin" The short stocky figure spoke in a heavy scottish sounding accent, saying,


"Mah name is Byron, and all ah wants is tae have a place tae sleep the night away. Is there some way tha' ye can allow this?" Sandro figured one short man against their large group wouldn't be too much of a threat, and thumbed the button to remotely open the gate. The short man walked through, and started towards the main building, while Sandro closed the gate again. Soon enough, the doors of the tower opened, and the short stocky man in armor walked into the room. He nodded at the two at the desk and said,


"Pleased tae meetcha, as said my name's Byron, Byron Thunderbeard at yer service. Ah can fix most machinery, ah can make basic explosives, and drink anyone under the table."

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  • 2 weeks later...

Versing walked out into the main hallway. Looked like he was the first one up. The light of dawn flooded the front hall with a hellish orange. Versing went to the bar to see what kind of breakfast he could get. He scrounged around and wound up with some sugar bombs. He sat down at a table and munched on some of them.


Perhaps the tower could be re-populated. There were plenty of good people out there in the wastes that needed a safe home, and Tenpenny Tower would do nicely. Perhaps he'd bring this up with the group once everyone was awake.

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Morgan woke up a few hours later and got dressed, feeling more calm than ever before, and went down into the dining room to find Versing sitting there eating breakfast.


He decided to join him and sat down with some food and drink he had scrounged together and started eating.



"You know, we could learn eachother some things. And possibly do more than that."

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