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Ain't that a Kick in the Head?


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"Just make sure you're careful. Last thing we need is you lopping your own arm off, or obliterating your kneecap with a sledgehammer." Cathy sipped the realitively decent tasting coffee she'd made back upstairs that she took out while morgan spoke, sighing lightly. "Ya wanna come with me to find scavange some supplies and materials after I get on the horn to our friendly neighborhood insane scientist lady, Axelle?"
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Jackson finished his breakfast quickly and simply sat for a minute in front of Axelle, his eyebrows furrowed. He looked at her for a second, seeming to read her expression, then got up from the table. He towards the med bay, and then turned around right outside the entrance.


"Yo, Versing, Ferox, c'mere! I need to talk to you guys." He said loudly. "Just those two for now, please." he added.


Versing looked at him, surprised. "Last I checked putting Ferox and I in the same room wasn't a good idea."


"No deathmatches allowed." Jackson quipped. "Besides, it's important. Believe it or not I'm actually being serious here."


Versing was taken aback, but complied. Jackson being serious? Unbelievable. He followed Jackson into the med bay. "What is it?"


"Wait for Ferox, then we'll talk." Jackson responded.

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"Alright, first things first, don't kill each other." Jackson said as he closed the door behind them. "Second, DON'T KILL EACH OTHER." He emphasized unnecessarily with a grin.


"No promises." Versing muttered under his breath.






Jackson began to speak. "Okay, I may have only known you guys since I made my dramatic entrance last night, but that don't mean I don't see you guys as friends. Well, most of you. Anyway, romantics aside (Ferox, I'm looking at you.) I got something you guys might want to consider. I-crap, I have no idea how to come at this- well, Versing, when you mentioned you'd leave, it really hit Axelle hard. She's trying pretty damn hard to find it, but against yours truly it holds no water. As far as I've seen you two are the closest to her, and YOU-" He pointed at Versing. "-saying you'd leave right out of the blue like that has really hurt her, smashed her to pieces, so to speak. You can see it in her eyes."


Versing's face drooped. Perhaps he shouldn't have said that so bluntly.


"-I know what you're probably thinking: 'oh, someone's got a crush' and 'aw, isn't that sweet' but this is friendly concern. I'm not going to try and boss you around or whatever, but I think you two should talk to her, try to cheer her up. I don't know what any of the others think, but I know Axelle is crushed by it. Talk to her, do stuff with her (not that way) and all that, brighten her spirits. Versing, you especially, since you created this mess. Don't deny it." Jackson added as Versing opened his mouth to protest. "I'll try my best too, I can make people laugh, you've seen it already. Doesn't always work, but I can try. That's all. What, no encore?" Jackson finished. "Might as well ask any questions while we're in here and not being shot at."


Versing simply stood there and looked troubled. He'd personally speak to Axelle when next he got the chance.

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Ferox crossed his arms, "Well, just so you know, Versing and I can't exactly just be friends, but I won't hurt him. I also have one condition for you, too. Don't go messing with her heart or something. Last thing she needs after hearing about Versing leaving is heartache."
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"Cool. I saw a ham radio out by the gate, I'll go contact Moira and then we'll get to work, k, kiddo?"


Cathy got up and wandered out the large front doors of the tower, almost causing her lungs to epxplode.


"Sweet Jesus in a hand-basket, who knew all this death could smell this bad?"


She wandered off to the radio and sat down in the chair, trying to get the frequency for Megaton, specifically Craterside Supply, hoping nothing was damaged or anything that could interupt her efforts.


"Hello? ... Hey, Moira. ... I'm good. Really sore, but good. How're you? ... That's good. Listen, some friends of mine and I are going to re-establish Tenpenny Tower, and we may need some supplies. A lot of them. .... Yes, RE-establish. ... Well, it's kind of a long story. Short version, is Caesar's Legion killed everyone in it, Tenpenny included, and we ended up fighting them while being hugely out0numbered, as in about 9 to a couple hundred, and winning. But the tower sustained a lot of damage. Explosions, gunfire, missed melee assaults... the out-laying wall is half gone, for crying out loud. So ya think you can help? ... Cool. ... Uh, I'd say probably a few dozen stacks of plywood, shame not mattering, a ton of nails, as much Wonderglue as you can get, duct tape, and... I think that's it. I'll leave the radio on this frequency so I can contact you again if anything else comes up, or you need to contact me. ... Yeah, glass panes sure wouldn't hurt either; Can you get a team to get them here safely? ... Alright, great. How much do I owe you? ...Oh, well, thank you, that's sweet of you. that'll really help us out in the long-run. ... Alright. You too. Bye. ... Phew. There's that."


Cathy stood back up and headed into the lobby, smiling. "Fresh-as-possible plywood, nails, a ton of Wonderglue and duct tape is on it's way. Where do you wanna start scavenging, Axelle?"

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Jackson was taken completely by surprise by Ferox's statement. Guess they didn't know him well enough yet to know he wasn't the kind of guy to do that.


"Can't believe I'm saying this, Howard, but I second that statement." Versing added.


"Who's Howard?" Jackson asked. Versing looked at him. "....Oh right. My first name." Jackson went by his first name so rarely that he forgot it regularly, despite his intelligence.


"You're avoiding the issue." Versing growled.


"True, sorry. I suppose you guys haven't known me long enough to really trust me yet. Well, first things first, I won't be making a move on her or anything-"


"Then what was that a minute ago?" Versing questioned, cutting him off.


"That's friendly concern, nothing else." Jackson stated firmly. "I suppose it's only right for you question me. But I won't hurt her or anyone. Unless they try and shoot me or something." He added the last bit with a weak smile. Seriousness was not his strong suit.


Versing huffed and walked out the door. He trusted Jackson about as much as he could someone whom he'd known less than 24 hours, but he put up the tough routine to scare off any ideas he might have had.

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Ferox nodded at the kid, hoping he wouldn't make any moves despite what he'd said.


Axelle put a finger to her mouth as she thought, pursing her lips. "I think we should hit RobCo. Think of all the scrap metal and tools that would be lying around inside that place."

Edited by tokyobleach
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"Hey, good idea. I was thinking of scavenging here, but the RobCo facility's an even better idea. That Vault Dweller that escaped Vault 101 had gone there to hlep Moira with something, but I don't think they cleaned out the place of much, if anything."


Cathy nodded emthatically before sippnig her coffee that was still on the table. "Alright, kiddo. Getchur shoes on and let's go. Bring some Stimpaks and a gun, preferably a pistol. We gotta go light if we're gonna lug anything back. Can't carry back materials with 50 guns on our backs, eh? ... Hm.."


She appeared in thought for a second before smirking, clearly having been thinknig of a way to word what she was about to say. "HEY! KNUCKLE-DRAGGING PENIS-HEADS I CALL BUDDIES. Anyone wanna come along? The more the merrier, and the more people we have, the more materials we can lug back!"

Edited by DemonLady
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Morgan nodded and went over to Cathy;


"I'll come with you, I'm used to heavy loads and you never know when you can need a pair of strong arms. Especialy considering your condition. Just let me go get my bag."


He went back up to his room and put his coat on the bed, so it wouldn't get in the way while picking and then checked on his arm bandages, which he had for a while now, and decided they where good. He then picked up his bag,put on some gloves, and went back to the lobby.



"Hey now that I think about it, has anyone seen Sarina? Haven't seen her in a while."

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