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Ain't that a Kick in the Head?


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Morgan glanced over to Cathy and smiled in a half crazy way


"Yeah I sure did, but don't forget that it was because I was on its back stabbing it repeatedly and it started swinging its head around. But you know, I'm kinda glad that it happened in a strange way, I can finaly say that I did something few would even dare to dream about. I stabbed a freaking deathclaw matriach to death and lived to tell the tale. Of course I still got to get used to having less vison but I still got my aiming eye left and I'm glad for that."


Morgan lit one of his trademark cigars and looked dreaming into the horizon "although next time, I'll keep an eye out for its horns. Still my position as wasteland badass is secured for a while. Now I just need to beat an super mutant overlord in unarmed combat and I will be god on earth!"



He gave Jackson a pat on the shoulder and walked out the gate, ready for a day of looting and hopefully keeping his eye.

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"Hells yeah!" Jackson exclaimed, and followed Axelle out the door. He was eager to get out onto the road. He walked beside Axelle, keeping step. "You feeling okay?" He asked, her, concerned. She probably barely knew his name, so Jackson wondered why he was asking, but he let the question hang there anyway. It occurred to him that he had asked her that question a few minutes ago, but he wanted to know if Versing's little speech had made her feel any better. "...Or am I going to have to do something tremendously outrageous and hilarious to cheer you and the rest of these gloomy saps up?" He added with a grin.


Versing voiced his enthusiasm at leaving and walked a few steps behind Axelle and Jackson, keeping a semi-suspicious eye on Jackson, just in case. It wasn't so much mistrust as much as it was that he didn't want Jackson trying to make a move on her. After all, those two were only a few years apart age-wise, and as far as Versing had seen they got along quite well. Of course, part of his watching Jackson was just his natural protective instinct of those he held dear. He casually cradled his shotgun in his hands in case they ran into any of the Yao Guai Jackson had mentioned earlier.

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Cathy walked beside Versing, her pistol in her holster, now her M4 rested on her shoulder by her hand, armor piercing rounds loaded just to be safe.


"i don't know why Jackson's so worked up about the Yao Guai around here, warning us like we should be afraid of them over Deathclaws, which ALSO frequent the area... Hey, is it true you guys have gigantic Tarantula Hawks in the Mojave? Cazadores or something? As dangerous as a flying Deathclaw or something?"

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Axelle smirked at Jackson, "Try something outrageous, for the hell of it." She punched him lightly on the shoulder and grinned.


Ferox almost piped up and told Cathy all about cazadores, but decided better on it, since she had asked Versing first. He didn't want to cause any unnecessary tension.

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Morgan froze for a second when he heard Cathy mention the cazadores, thinking back to his travels.


"As true as the dirt on my boots.Now I only quickly passed through during my travels but I was unlucky enough to run into a group of them. Dang things are poisonous too, nearly took off my hat for the last time. Not pleasant at all"


Morgan shivered at the thought of the poison that had been through his veins that day.


"Sorry, didn't mean to jump in like that. I'm sure that Vers knows more about them than me though, having lived there and all."

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"Morgan's only explained part of it. They've grown to a decent side, some of the bigger ones rival deathclaws in size. They're some of the fastest living things I've ever seen, save congress going after a bribe-" Versing wasn't blind to the corruption within the NCR government. "-and in addition to their poison, the sting packs a tremendous wallop, and even without the poison the stinger alone can bring down the toughest men with a couple of pokes." He explained. "I always compare them to deathclaws in terms of danger. They aren't tremendously strong or tough, nor do they have much in the way of armor, but they're super fast and they make each sting count."


Jackson chimed in. "Here's the thing with winged monsters like that; they rely on flight. Now I've never encountered any of these tarantula hawks myself, but anything I've ever seen that can fly-bloatflies, birds, or a ghoul fleeing some body wash- doesn't have much in the way of legs. If you hit even one of its wings it won't be nearly as fast, cut yourself a bit of slack, know what I'm saying?"


"Yeah, we've paid for that kind of knowledge in both caps and blood, considering how many people learn the hard way."


"Make sure you make that stuff common knowledge when you get back, eh? Could save some lives. They'll thank you with like beer and stuff." He grinned.


"I'm not a heavy drinker, really." Versing said.


"Says the only one who got into a bar fight yesterday." Jackson sniped slyly.


"Are we there yet?" Versing muttered under his breath.


"Aaaaaaaaagh, the pain!" Jackson mocked agony. "You have no idea how many times I've heard that from some annoying little squirt trying to get to Big Town from Lamplight. Dozens of times, per annoying little squirt, of which there were dozens." Despite his humor, which he poured his heart into constantly, Jackson was still on the lookout for Yao Guai. "Oh hey, thinking of which, the reason I'm uneasy about the Yao Guai, is because I know them. Not personally, unfortunately we won't be visited by a cultured black bear named 'Mr. Tubbins', but I know about them. What adaptations they have to match their environment, how they hunt, where they strike. It's not like a Yao Guai is some idiotic, tripped-out raider that's going to stumble after you, they'll ambush you, and despite weighing more than a super mutant they're actually pretty stealthy. And they're smart, they know a human's vulnerable spots. They know to crush our windpipes, break our necks or our skulls, or to try and sever the spine. All it takes is a second and you're being eaten by a ghoulified black bear. Trust me, not a nice way to go."

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"Yeah, I escorting this girl to Big Town for the butt-heads in Lamplight, and she wouldn't shut up. Her nails, are we there yet, her feet were hurting.." Cathy coughed silently before clearing her throst. "... She uh.. Never made it to Big Town, if you catch my drift..."


Cathy clasped her gun in one hand, still resting it against her shoulder as the RobCo facility came into view; the building had began to deteriarate since that person escaped that vault and was here for Moira, as far as a corner of the building having collapsed into itself, possibly recently as dust was still prominent.


"Alright, here's how we're going to do things; We'll work in pairs in different shifts. That way, if the building decides to pick today to collapse completely, there're still some of us on the outside to help get the two that got trapped out, and also ensures that if any of us die, we don't ALL die. Ferox can with Jackson, While myself and Axelle, and Morgan and Vers wait outside. You get 45 minutes to get whatever you can. Then you'll carry what you got back to the tower and return, just leave it outside. And yes, I did just think this plan up on the spot. We'll alternate Ferox/Jackson, Me/Axelle, then Morgan/Versing until we either run out of daylight, strangth, or a building to loot. That work for you guys?"


Cahty awaited a responce as they reached the only useable entrance [There're two in FO3, right? >.>] since some collapsing occured. Then remembered.


"Oh, and if anybody sees anything that looks dangerous, depending on the possible severity, either take it slow, find a way to go around or avoid it, or get the heck out, don't risk it for some supplies we can get almost anywhere."

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Morgan nodded in Cathys direction


"Fine by me, gives me some time to think about things as well."


Morgan put his bag on the ground and sat down, tinkering with his rifle absent mindely while thinking about his past and any ideas that might pop up that could help the tower.

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"Let's be honest now." Versing said. "If I see something dangerous, I'm shooting it. Not sure about Jackson."


"Nah, I'll just sit down, have a friendly chat. Pink teapot, napkins, tea and biscuits. It's all good." He patted his baseball bat.


"You got a name for that thing?" Versing asked.


"What, the bat? No. Maybe the Louisville slugger would work...?"


"Taken. I know the Legion's big-shot, Lanius, uses a sword called the Blade of the East-"


"Bat of the East. Beat ya to it." Jackson smirked, looked for Yao Guai, gestured to Ferox, and was the first inside.


Versing didn't bother sitting down, instead keeping vigilant for the moment, although he did lean against the wall. "Hm, least she didn't try and put me and Ferox together, one of us would probably kill the other."



Jackson was grinning like a jackal as he walked down the hallways of the RobCo plant, for reasons even he didn't know. He tried making small talk with Ferox. His grin widened somehow.


"So, former cross dresser, huh? Once a cross-dressser, always a cross-dresser, or are you actually turning on 'em?"

Edited by Flipout6
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