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Ain't that a Kick in the Head?


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Meanwhile, in a corner of the bar a stranger was sitting all lonely and apparently sleeping peacefully.


On a table next to him was a few empty bottles of whiskey and an cigar resting in an ashtray and on the floor, next to the strangers bag, was a wolf guarding his master while he rested, growling occasionaly to those who passed by. The only real strange thing about this man was the way he dressed but its nothing people thought about, so they just let him sleep

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Nicholas Prescott Rheims - Nicholas's Safehouse



The trip back to town was thoroughly uneventful. The small dirt bike with Nicholas astride had zipped through the lonely desert at a good pace, making it back to the city outskirts in a little less than three hours. Nicholas carefully guided his steed back to his small safehouse, where he chained it up in the small shack he had built for it. After making sure the locks were secure, he headed inside.


The interior wasn’t much to look at. The walls were barren save for a single dusty window. The wooden floorboards all squeaked. The only furniture in the place was an old moth-eaten recliner, a milk crate turned footstool, and a cheap plastic picnic table. There was a small stockpile of wood in one corner and a small collection of water cans and food bags in another. On the table sat his only dish: a large metal pan. The only serious piece of construction in the building was his weapon locker, made out of sturdy wooden beams, that sat against the back wall. There was no television…no lights…no stove…no refrigerator or freezer…nothing even remotely luxurious. He preferred it that way, though. In his eyes, his lifestyle kept him from going soft.


After stowing his Dragunov in the locker and taking a couple of extra clips for his .45, Nicholas plopped down in the recliner and kicked his feet up on the footstool. As he pulled an energy bar out of a pocket, he suddenly remembered just how tired he was. His sporadic insomnia had hit him particularly hard last night, and he had felt its effects all day.


He contemplated catching up on lost sleep as he lazily munched on his bar. He had been in a fog since around two in the morning – harder to think clearly and do stuff. On that notion, his thoughts drifted back to his latest lackluster performance at the bandit camp earlier. He frowned. He couldn’t help thinking that if he had gotten plenty of sleep last night, he would have done a lot better. Nicholas’s thoughts soon left his failure, however. The total quietness and the filling sensation of the energy bar conspired to put him to sleep. His exhausted mind readily listened. In no time, he was fast asleep with the other half of his energy bar still in his hand.

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The Doc nodded to Greebo, then looks to Vlad with a questionable look. Vlad, who seems to be a bit off says,


"Are you sure, I can pay for it you don't have to."

The doc huffs out of impatience and looks to Greebo, then Vlad again.

"Make up your decisions your going to be passing out soon and that wont be any good for business..all my cots are already taken right now."

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Meanwhile, in a corner of the bar a stranger was sitting all lonely and apparently sleeping peacefully.


On a table next to him was a few empty bottles of whiskey and an cigar resting in an ashtray and on the floor, next to the strangers bag, was a wolf guarding his master while he rested, growling occasionaly to those who passed by. The only real strange thing about this man was the way he dressed but its nothing people thought about, so they just let him sleep



Axelle sat across from Sandro, sipping a glass of water and petting Chips while the ghoul drank some sort of alcohol. She knew the names of the different kinds, but had never really kept up with which kind was which. She scratched at Chips' ear and wondered why Spark never wanted to come inside here with her, but then decided it must be the smoke he didn't like, or wasn't used to. Feeling in the mood for a Fancy Lad snack cake, she dug a hand into her pocket with a bit of a grin playing on her lips. How many did it take to buy one? She counted out about five caps, deciding that must be enough, and stood up.


As she walked toward the bar, she noticed Gob had walked off somewhere. She ran her tongue across her lip rings as she wondered where he could be, then nonchalantly stepped behind the bar and peeked into the back room. She jumped as she saw Moriarty sitting back there, and dropped her caps, then watched as they rolled under the table of a particularly tough looking guy. Crouching and poking her head under his table, she grabbed the caps from against the wall.


"Ow!" she exclaimed. She had raised her head a bit too soon, and hit her head on the table's edge so hard that her teeth clacked together.

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Meanwhile, in a corner of the bar a stranger was sitting all lonely and apparently sleeping peacefully.


On a table next to him was a few empty bottles of whiskey and an cigar resting in an ashtray and on the floor, next to the strangers bag, was a wolf guarding his master while he rested, growling occasionaly to those who passed by. The only real strange thing about this man was the way he dressed but its nothing people thought about, so they just let him sleep



Axelle sat across from Sandro, sipping a glass of water and petting Chips while the ghoul drank some sort of alcohol. She knew the names of the different kinds, but had never really kept up with which kind was which. She scratched at Chips' ear and wondered why Spark never wanted to come inside here with her, but then decided it must be the smoke he didn't like, or wasn't used to. Feeling in the mood for a Fancy Lad snack cake, she dug a hand into her pocket with a bit of a grin playing on her lips. How many did it take to buy one? She counted out about five caps, deciding that must be enough, and stood up.


As she walked toward the bar, she noticed Gob had walked off somewhere. She ran her tongue across her lip rings as she wondered where he could be, then nonchalantly stepped behind the bar and peeked into the back room. She jumped as she saw Moriarty sitting back there, and dropped her caps, then watched as they rolled under the table of a particularly tough looking guy. Crouching and poking her head under his table, she grabbed the caps from against the wall.


"Ow!" she exclaimed. She had raised her head a bit too soon, and hit her head on the table's edge so hard that her teeth clacked together.



The stranger, without seemingly moving a muscle, suddenly had his gun pointing directly at the clumsy girls forehead and said with his somewhat dark yet smooth voice: "if you are looking for some quick caps under there missy, you are after the wrong guy. Now you better tell me what the blazes you are doing next to my pocket before I have to waste a bullet, got it?" The mans wolf had started to growl beside him, noticing that his master was holding a baddie at gun point and thus getting ready to strike.


"Now let's just finish this quick so I can go back to my nap again alright?"

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Quicker than it should be possible to do so, Sandro put his drink down, grabbed his assault rifle, which he had put down beside him, safety off in case he needed it, and pressed the barrel against the man's head.

"Try anything, smoothskin, I dares ya. Your head will be Swiss Cheese before you can say Bazinga."


Greebo pulled a bag with 100 caps in it. "Would that cover the bandage job old boy?"


Chips whined, and barked at the man in a suit. He was scaring him, and he was going to harm a pup.

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Axelle smiled up at the man, "I only dropped my caps under your table. It sounds very cheesy, but here is the proof." She held out her hand and opened her palm, showing the five bottlecaps, along with some blood from where she had tensed while having the gun pointed at her and gripped the bottlecaps so hard that they had dug into her flesh. Her hand shook slightly. "Let's end this peacefully. Why bother ruining your night over a clumsy kid who drops things, anyway? Let's save both of you some ammo and just forget about this."
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Axelle smiled up at the man, "I only dropped my caps under your table. It sounds very cheesy, but here is the proof." She held out her hand and opened her palm, showing the five bottlecaps, along with some blood from where she had tensed while having the gun pointed at her and gripped the bottlecaps so hard that they had dug into her flesh. Her hand shook slightly. "Let's end this peacefully. Why bother ruining your night over a clumsy kid who drops things, anyway? Let's save both of you some ammo and just forget about this."



"Hmm very well then, you don't look to be a thief anyways, have some bandage to wrap the hand up, it's in the bag and on me. Now if you excuse me this paranoid old cowboy is going back to sleep."


He then lowered his gun, calmed Loki and went back to sleep pulling his hat over his eyes.


"Oh and by the way, if you could use an extra gun then tell me, I could use some extra caps."


He then started snoring a few seconds later.

Edited by MikeRyan
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Vlad looked to the doc and nodded, as he did a gesture that signaled "have away at it" by waving his hand right in the air with a little grin on his face. The Doc nodded, then he walked over to a desk, then into a room. Vlad remember Doc said from the other room, "Hold on," as the sound of hitting keys on a keyboard can is also audible, the clatter of some equipment begins to sound as he gathers thing. Vlad was feeling a tad bit better, though he knew the pain would once again rise to a throb in the near future. He sighed as he leaned back, leaning his head on the wall and closed his eyes waiting. Wondering he should do anything in return for the ghoul. Vlad looked to Greebo and said.


"That man, the fancy looking guy Axelle ran into a little while ago; Malcolm is his name." Vlad said with a frown as if saying sorry for letting him bother you. Though he continued to say. "I owe him a big debt because of my father, and I wont be able to pay it..so I'm going to be a dead man tomorrow." He looks down and shakes his head.


"I don't know why i'm telling you this but..hell it doesn't matter."

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