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Ain't that a Kick in the Head?


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"Ugh.. All those rooms smell like Legion. Guh.." Cathy sighed lightly as she walked down the hallway toward the room Tomo and Axelle were in, groaning lightly as she rubbed the back of her now-stitched head. She walked with a limp currently as she had twisted her ankle and knee during the fight, but didn't realize it 'til later, due to adreniline.


She aimlessly knocked on the door of the bathroom they were in, wearing only a grey half shirt, showing her scarred midriff and stomach, and a dark blue pair of panties, showing off her scarred legs and bandaged knee and ankle.


"Hey, sexy pants.." she waved at Axelle as well, trying her hardest not to stare at the yong woman's chest. "Heya, kiddo. Howyadoin'?"

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Tomoyo noticed how Cathy seemed to be either staring, or trying not to stare at Axelle's form in the bath, and, partially protective, partially flirty, Tomoyo moved in front of Cathy, blocking the woman's view of Axelle. She gently ran her fingers across the woman's cheek, and kissed her, softly and gently, with a chaste passion. (non sexual, I'm behaving) Breaking the kiss, she pointed to the other bathroom in the suite, and gestured, walking out of the room to draw Cathy a hot, scented bubble bath. She noticed she would need some more bath supplies soon, and figured she would probably find some of the richer people's suites here in the tower. She walked out of the bathroom to check on Axelle, and said to Cathy,


"There is a bath drawn in the other bath area for you. Relax, wash. You look like you need it. No offense, of course." She retrieved her jeweled comb, and started running the tines through Axelle's hair, combing the knots and tangles out of the younger girl's hair, her own long hair tickling at the back of the girl's neck as she leaned in to work at the knots.


Sandro woke up with a start at the security desk, and cursed himself for dozing off. He figured the idiots would still be at their drinking contest, and he went outside to do a perimeter sweep, disgusted at the smell off the pyre on which all the dead were being burned, and pressing the button at the security panel which closed the metal gate outside, and the gate rattled shut, barring intruders from the tower. He returned to the security desk, after first salvaging some parts from a couple of robots that had managed to get inside the walls, and rigging up a communication rig so he could hear any paging from the interior security desk, and rigging the photoreceptors of the robots into crude security cameras, he sat behind his new rigs, and prepared for security detail.

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Cathy sighed lightly, partly in pain, partly exhaustion, returning the kiss as long as it was on. She silently cracked her neck and thanked the asian with pat on the shoulder, slipping into the other room.
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"Yesh, you drank that. Unlesh you're too drunk to remember." Versing said scornfully. On the radio, the song "I don't want to set the world on fire" was playing. Versing laughed.


"HA! HA HA! Thish shong ish funny! The guy doesn't wanna shet the world on fire, but the world got shet on fire! You know, the Great war, world wash on fire? It really wash, man." He downed another bottle.

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Morgan opened a new bottle and looked at the couple drinking their rear ends off and shaked his head


"Waste of good drink if you ask me, I prefer beer for drinking constest and scotch and whiskey for relaxing. Care for a drink ma'am?"


Morgan took up another glass and placed it on the table, before he poured himself a drink and took out a cigar. The time for relaxing was here he thought

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Sandro kept his eye on the security monitors that he had rigged up at the lobby desk. He heard something about bets on winners in the bar, and sneered, tossing his now empty scotch bottle at the wall, where it shattered. He made his way into the bar to see if he could find another bottle of drink for himself, and found that most of the whiskey was gone. He grabbed another bottle of scotch, and relit his pipe, striking a match off a rough patch on the wall. Blowing a cloud of pipe smoke over the drinkers, he retreated to his desk, and continued watching the perimeter. After all, someone had to watch their arses, and since the rest either were washing, sleeping, drinking, or watching the idiotic drinkers, it seemed to fall to him. He settled in the comfortable chair he had dragged from a nearby room, and settled down, his gun on a small shelf below the counter, and his drink on the floor by his hand.


Tomoyo finished combing Axelle's hair, and then walked out of the room towards the bathroom where she had directed Cathy, slipping her arms around the woman from behind and gently holding her. Tomoyo muttered into Cathy's ear,


"So, I wanted to ask you, with all the flirting and whatnot, does that mean you... like me? I mean, in the way I like you? Or are you just playing the flirt?" Her voice was calm, but a hint of raw vulnerability could be heard, and her heart was beating like mad.

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Axelle stood up, water sloshing over the lip of the bathtub, and grabbed the nearest towel and wrapped it around herself. She had liked Tomoyo's singing, but had been quiet for the past few minutes, her mind wandering off as she tried to think of another song to sing. Cathy's entrance hadn't even snapped her out of it, oddly. A song had come to mind, but it was silly and nonsensical, however Axelle found herself singing it anyway as she rifled through a drawer in the corner of the room.


Satisfied with her find, Axelle slid off her underpants and put the cleaner pair she'd just found on instead, tossing the old ones in a trash can. Even though she had bathed in them, they still smelled like gore and sweat. A black tank top that was a bit too short for her was the only shirt in the drawer, and deciding that she was at least a fan of the color and style of the top, she put it on. In the morning, she would look for a pair of jeans to cut into shorts, but for now, she was tired.


Stumbling out of the bathroom, Axelle noticed Tomoyo and Cathy and waved gingerly. "I didn't even see you come in, Cathy," she joked, before looking around for something to put her hair back up into pigtails with, singing to herself once again, this time a sad song that she remembered hearing only a few times.


Ferox looked at Versing and his arm shot out as he tried to point, the whiskey bottle flying out of his hand and hurling toward Versing's face. Ferox merely hiccuped, forgetting what he was going to say while pointing in the first place.

Edited by tokyobleach
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