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Ain't that a Kick in the Head?


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The bottle hit Versing square in the forehead, shattering and cutting it to ribbons. Some glass almost took out his eye. He sat there for a moment, glaring at Ferox. Naturally Jackson spoke the loudest.


"WOAH-" the word he said next was interrupted by Chaser barking. "-Bar fight in three....two....one!"


Versing lunged at Ferox over the table, snarling insults and profanities as he went. He grabbed Ferox's head and pulled it down into the table, and then pulled the ex-Legionairre's head up and punched it as hard as he could several times. At this point he was just venting, unleashing his pent-up anger and hatred of Ferox all over Ferox's face...and it felt damn good. He stumbled a little bit.


"You want to start something, you worthless mongrel?!?! Well, you've started something!" He threw another punch.

Edited by Flipout6
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His head spinning, Ferox took every one of Versing's punches with harsh grunts, before letting his sharply trained reflexes come into play. He swiftly pulled himself out of Versing's grip and twisted the man's arm behind his back before letting go and gritting his teeth as he shoved his boot into the center of Versing's back at full force, missing the arm only because of his drunken lack of coordination. "Don't touch me, you washed-up NCR bastard!" He sniffled, then looked down.


Drip, drip, drip...


It seemed his nose was dripping blood at an alarmingly fast rate. He pinched it between his thumb and forefinger and aimed his head toward the ground, hoping to get the bleeding to congeal and stop.

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Ferox's insult only gave versing more reason to attack him. The arm-behind-the-back thing hurt, but not enough to slow this trooper down. He whirled around and noted triumphantly that Ferox's nose was bleeding like mad. He felt hot blood oozing down his face, the cuts on his forehead were causing blood to stream down his face. He wiped blood out of his eyes, splattering a bit of the floor with it. Damned head wounds bled like a deathclaw's victim. It took him a moment to get his coordination in order. (being drunk messed that up.) Versing charged Ferox and bellowed before crashing into his rival/enemy. He lifted Ferox up and, using one hand, slammed him down into a table as hard as he could, breaking it. He took a step backwards and wiped more blood out of his eyes.


"Is that enough for you, or do I need to kick your A** some more?!" He questioned. No, not questioned.....challenged. He was dying to hurt Ferox, he hated him that much.

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Ferox snarled at Versing and rolled to his feet, swaying a bit in his drunken state. "It takes a lot to get me upset, Versing. But I think that maybe our hatred for each other is just about at the same level." Without warning, feeling none of the pain from being slammed into the table, Ferox tackled Versing, sending them flying into the alcohol cabinet. Glass shards were sent in practically all directions.


Ferox felt a harsh burning sensation as the contents of several different kinds of alcohol spilled onto him and ran into his many cuts and scrapes. Now he felt his injuries, and it was much more intense than it should have been. Lying on top of Versing, Ferox found it impossible to move now, with his flesh burning as if set ablaze.

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Sandro heard the smash of glass from the bar, and grabbing his sawed-off shotgun, he ran to the bar area as fast has his legs would carry him. He saw that the drinking contest had progressed into a fully fledged bar brawl. He fired his sawed off into the ceiling, and shouted,


"All right, that's enough! What is going on here?"

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Ferox knocked the wind outta Versing, and when his injuries were soaked in alcohol, he gasped in pain.


"Gah!" several pieces of glass hit Versing all over his body, from his face, to his arms to his torso, some of which were soaked in alcohol. With all the pain caused by Ferox, Versing was determined to really hurt him now. He brought his knee up into Ferox's stomach, and threw him off. Gritting his teeth in pain, he taunted Ferox.


"Bet you were beaten by your own 'wife' back in the Legion, you scumbag." He brought his boot into Ferox's face, and then leaned against the wall in agony. He pulled a shard of glass out of the back of his shoulder. He spat swear words at Ferox. "Maybe Junius kept you around as his pet rat. Some mighty assassin you turned out to be, getting beaten by a low-ranking NCR trooper. GET OVER HERE!" He grabbed Ferox by the collar of his jacket and brought him flying towards the wall, head-first. His injuries burned, he felt almost like he'd collapse. At this rate it was just drunken fury keeping him going. The wall was probably the only thing that kept him standing without swaying.

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"Of course I do. I don't play the flirt. Unless I'm horribly drunk. Which is pretty rare." She hooked her thumbs into the bottom of her top, pulling the fabric over her head. As she lifted her arms, you could quite decently smell her, having not showered in a few days, now. "I'd also be a pretty big prostitute [sorry rule mongers. I can't think of a better word.] if I slept with you without feeling anything for you beyond friendship, now wouldn't I?"
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Tomoyo could smell the unwashed smell Cathy was giving off, but her relief at the fact she was indeed loved made her not care. She pounced on Cathy, kissing her, and pulling the woman closer, trying to convey all the feelings she had towards Cathy to be transmitted through the body contact.


(I'm behaving, Cathy may have no top on, but I'm keeping posted intimacies to kissing only, as promised)


Breaking the contact, she finally noticed how bad Cathy smelled, and turning slightly, she pushed Cathy gently towards the bath.


"You smell, sweetie, and not sweet at all! Take a bath, and maybe we'll continue this later."

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Cathy smiled softly, returning the small Asian's kiss with force. Her smiled din't fade until the girl shoved her toward the bath, grunting.


"Okay, okay. Excuse me for smelling after being around DEATH AND DESTRUCTION AND FIRE AND SWEATING CAUSE OF IT."


She playfully glared before hooking her thumbs into her panties, pushing them down, and kicking them to the side. "Probably need to burn those..." She finally stepped into the bath and sat dwn, the water stinging some of her wounds. "Gaah.. Feels nice, but hurts too.."

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Tomoyo's only response was to retrieve some medicinal herbs from her bag that she had planned to use on Healing Powder, and crushed the dried herbs into the hot bath. She also squirted some of her shampoo into Cathy's hair, scrubbed it out, then dumped a small bucket of water over Cathy's head, and repeated this once more. Once she was satisfied with Cathy's hair, she kissed the woman on top of the head and collected the clothes that Cathy had left on the floor.


"I'll get you some new ones. I found some good ones in one of the rooms. I'll leave your body to you, unless, you want me to help." She winked at Cathy, and left the room. She tossed the underclothes into an oil-can fire on her way, and retrieved some clean ones from one of the other rooms, these were a simple, frilly white, but they would serve. Returning to Cathy, she reentered the bath room and left the underclothes on a chair.


"There. They're clean, and I'm pretty sure they'll fit you."


(Note, The Japanese are raised to be less bashful about bare bodies, as there is not a lot of privacy in Japan. Tomoyo may not have grown up in Japan, but lived with a family and had traders stay sometimes at her family home, she is a little less.. ashamed of her body than most.)

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