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Ain't that a Kick in the Head?


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It was at about that moment (When he booted Ferox in the face.) that Sandro came charging in. Versing looked at the old ghoul before he fired his weapon. Of course, he had trouble actually seeing him because of the blood dripping into his eyes. He covered his forehead with his hand and wiped what blood he could out of his eyes. It's not that his injuries were that severe, it's that head injuries bled like hell.


"Stupid traitor over there threw a bottle at my face." Versing explained. "So I whooped him for it. Even if my forehead and back hurt a lot now." His speech was accented by a notable drunken slur. "He deserved it."



Jackson had since retreated out of the room and to the elevator. He went through Tenpenny's suite and out onto the balcony. The sun was setting over the Capital Wasteland, and Jackson simply watched it, appreciating it. Despite the fact that he was the funniest guy besides Three-Dog possibly in the wasteland, Jackson had a bit of a soulful side. As in, he enjoyed sunsets, scenery, and prioritized happiness over almost everything. He leaned against the balcony railing and simply took it all in. Chaser went off to investigate a bottle of nuka-cola. Jackson scanned the horizon with the scope of his rifle, seeing nothing to actually worry about, although there was a small group of wandering raiders maybe a half a mile out. Jackson, remembering what raiders had tried to do to his tent, started to pick them off. There were only four or five of them, as as such there were little trouble. He hit the one in the rear first, and then made his way forward, staying undetected longer than he thought he would. Soon they were all dead or close to it. (not all of his shots were headshots.) He reloaded his rifle and continued to enjoy the sunset. He was content right now, and if anybody accused him of being anything other then a comedian or a really skilled shot, he'd blatantly deny it, of course.

Edited by Flipout6
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Ferox hit the wall headfirst, jarring his neck badly with what seemed like enough force to kill a person, but oddly, miraculously, even, he seemed to not be hurt too horribly. He pushed himself to his feet, blinked and stumbled, then opened his mouth to speak and winced for a moment, an idiotic expression on his face. The words spewing forth in a quick slur, Ferox managed to spill out, "That's why I had my rank. I just can't seem to die. Nothing seems to kill me." He squinted a few times, then put a hand on his stomach and vomited.


Axelle slipped her goggles on and let them gently rest around her neck, missing the familiar weight. She hadyet to find any rubber bands and was still searching through a desk, sitting in the dilapidated chair before it, when she heard a gunshot coming from across the tower. She quickly shot up, knocking the chair to the floor, and darted across the room, throwing the door open and leaning over the railing that overlooked the foyer, breathless. Feeling a sharp pain, she looked down to her stomach and saw her stitched wound peeking from under her too-short shirt. She would have to be more careful.


Her bare, wet feet padding on the slick marble floor, she gently descended the stairs, then heard a horrid cacophony of crashes and bangs, causing her to clutch at her stomach and run toward the source of the sound, the bar. She slid as she made her way through the doorway, skidding to a stop just before she could crash into a wrecked table.


Her jaw dropped at what she saw: Ferox and Versing in shambles, the bar utterly destroyed, and bloody footprints smeared across the floor in what she was sure must have been quite the show of drunken rage. Upon seeing Ferox spit out some line about being unable to die, then vomiting on the floor before himself, her face contorted itself into something reminiscent of a feral dog, turning a shade of red that highly contrasted with her cobalt locks, and she boomed, "Just what the hell is going on in here?!"


Her eyes darted down to her attire and loose hair, and her expression faded into a bad poker face as she tried to hold back laughter at how awkward this could potentially be for the others.

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Sandro heard Axelle's yelled question, and smirked. He turned to the kid and said,


"Kid, you really shouldn't be up and about right now, you should be more careful. However, since you ARE here, perhaps you could help talk some sense into these knuckleheads. I tried firing a shot into the air, but that only seemed to damage the ceiling, and left my security monitors unwatched." He smiled at Axelle, and blew a mouthful of pipe smoke over the combatants.

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Versing explained again.


"He threw a bottle at my face, hit me, so I whooped him for it." He wiped some more blood out of his eyes, and then fell over. The alcohol-soaked cuts were extremely painful and he was dizzy from alcohol and slightly from blood loss. He began to laugh. "HA! I whooped ya, ya mongrel!" He taunted Ferox, his speech accented with a heavy drunken slur. Suddenly he felt odd, almost as if he didn't want to kill Ferox. No way could this possibly be happening! He hiccuped nervously.



Jackson finished off the raiders and set his rifle down on the table beside him, the barrel still lightly smoking. He took in the sunset for real now, with nothing to distract him. He particularily enjoyed the orange glitter coming off of the water systems, and the colours of the clouds way off to the north when the sun reflected off them. He did have an artistic side, not that he would probably ever admit it to anybody.

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She simply absent0mindedly leaned back, a content sigh escaping her lips as the girl washed the obvious blood, dust, dirt and smell of death from her now-raggedy hair. As she finished, she looked around for her bag, the bag containing some pre-War "Nuclear Fusion" hair dye.


"Before you go, could you get the hair dye outta my bag? i dye my hair every 6 months or so, and it's about time it went black and blue. Thank God for the same stuff being in it as is in Nuka-Cola Quantum. Gives me some Radiation Poisoning and a headache, but nothing I--"


She was interuppted as the gun-shot from across the bar rang in her ears aswell, eyes widening at that. Her newly-found paranoid nature kicked in, causing her to sprout up. "What the frig was that?!" She immediately stepped out, slipping a towel around her waist, using a near-by safety pin to hold it in place, not trusting her boobs as she darted out of the room, headed for the source of the sound. Eventually she got there, her own bare, driping wet feet skidding to a halt at the doorway to the bar. She saw it in an utter wreck, causing her jaw to drop.


"What in the name of Bastardus McFugus is going on down here?! What did you numbskulls DO?!"


[Please note, while based on swear words, "Bastardus McFugus" doesn't count as swearing. I say it in real life all the time. Though McFugus is spelled with a K, not a G when I really say it, so for the sake of not ticking anyone off, I modified it to be more of a slurred G sound here.]

Edited by DemonLady
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Tomoyo was just reaching for the hair dye in the pack, and then there was a gunshot, and Cathy rushed out of the tub towards the source of the noise. Shaking her head in irritation, she followed Cathy, steadying the girl when she skidded on the floor and gazing in confusion at the mess in the bar.


Sandro heard Cathy's shout, and remarked,


"Those two knuckleheads got it into their heads to beat the living daylights out of each other. I fired my shotgun into the air to try and startle them into knocking it off.. but it was the kid who really seemed to get through to them." He noticed Cathy's toweled, dripping state, and saw Tomoyo with a bottle of some hair product or other, and made a shooing gesture.


"Get back in your bath, girl. You're dripping all over the place, and you'll catch a cold. We can handle things here." Tomoyo nodded at the old ghoul, and gently tugged at Cathy's shoulders.


"Come on, lets get you back into the bath. You can finish washing, and I can help with this hair dye."

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Versing simply grunted. Even in his drunken state it was obvious to him that Axelle was the only thing that would keep the two of them from killing each other in the coming days, and even then, they'd probably get into another couple fights. They didn't need to be drunk to fight, either, Ferox himself said that he hated Vesing.


"Gonna need some bandages here." He pointed to his bleeding head. He managed to struggle to his feet and stumble towards the infirmary. Despite Axelle's injuries and the tower's previous Legion occupation, the medical supplies were fairly untouched. He wrapped some bandages around his head and stumbled back into the bar. "Least that should shtop the bleedin'" He slurred.

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"fine, but you two marble brains have two options. Either be in seperate rooms and seperate ends of the tower by the time I'm finished, or I'll shoot both you drunken asses in the knees, AND THEN lock you in a tiny, empty room to kill each other in. I'm in horrible pain, I have 500 different woulds, and I think my friggin' VAGINA's hiding a few woulds inside itself. I am in NO MOOD for Captain California and Mister Mongrel to be comparing penis sizes with their fists or playing a game of I'm better than you, you under-friggin'-stand me? Seperate rooms. Seperate sides of the tower. So help my God, I'm not joking. I have a Riot Shotgun and I WILL put a slug into both your narrow backsides. now get to seperate rooms. Roughface, you have my permission to use the cattle prod I have in my bag. I took it off the Legionaires, if you need it if they go at it again, come find us upstairs, my bag's with me. Or send Axelle in or something."


Cathy huffed a good, strong sigh and headed back toward the stairs, hands clenched into fists in her painful rage. She wandered back up there, slipping the towel off and getting back into the tub, groaning.


"Stupid mother trucking Jet-brains..."

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Versing grumbled something about killing Ferox later and liking the name "captain california" before grabbing some food. He sat down at one of the tables and dug into a can of pork 'n' beans with a spoon, and drank some water to counteract the alcohol's dehydrating effect.


"How it ish you're shtill alive I don't know, mongrel. Just shayin' that. We'll probably fight shometime even while we're shober. I think it goesh without shaying that my friendsh-'cause you shure as anything don't shee them that way- are the only thinsh shtopping me from killin' ya." He ate a spoonful of pork and beans, wondering how Morgan would react to any of this.

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Sandro shook his head at the yelling and merely returned to his security monitors, stowing his shotgun under the counter.


Tomoyo nervously hurried back to the bath room where Cathy was, and while pulling out the bottle of hair dye from it's box, and getting a rad-away ready for after the treatment, she kissed Cathy on the neck and muttered,


"Normally, I wouldn't care too much about the way men are treated, but do you really think all that yelling was necessary? I mean, it could aggravate your injuries, and that sudden running from the bath couldn't have helped. The herbs in your bath are medical healing herbs, so just allow yourself to relax. You're warm, your cozy, your being cleaned, your... girlfriend *Tomoyo shivers slightly with joy at the word* is here to do your hair. What more could you ask for? Now do you want streaks? Or an all over dying? I can do either, my sister taught me how."

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