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Ain't that a Kick in the Head?


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After a brief sleep in her old room, De Vere got re-dressed into her original outfit, careful lacing the diamond brooch she wore onto her jacket. She checked herself over and did her hair and makeup, and then proceeded to the dining room, as she assumed that anyone awake would be gathered in there.


As usual, there was a cigarette in her nimble fingers, held as close to her fingertips as possible in a lady-like manner. "Good morning gentlemen."

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Versing was glad to see his friend awake, it was getting too quiet for his likes anyway. He quickly finished his mouthful of cereal as Morgan spoke. He considered Morgan's proposition for a moment, and then made his answer.


"Sounds good, man. It'll be good to get away from this damn tower for a bit, too. Although I'm not sure what I could teach you, really. What were you thinking we'd be doing? Because I think there are a lot of good people that could live here, perhaps we could fill it." He said. 'course, he'd probably agree with whatever Morgan wanted to do. Morgan was a good man, even if he was scary as hell sometimes. "But first things first, I ought to get myself some body armor if we're heading out today. Junius stole mine and you utterly annihilated it when you killed him, perhaps Boutique Le Chic has some combat armor."


Miss De Vere surprised him a bit, but he responded politely, and with a smile. "Morning."

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Morgan nodded at De Vere and took another bite of his food.


"Morning miss.´"


He then turned his attention to Versing again. "Yeah filling it would work quite well, I mean Tenpenny is dead and the legion is gone. We could do some clean up, get rid of the bodies and try to get this place populated again."

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  • 3 weeks later...

"Yeah, but.. Ugh.. Someone needs to be... Uh.. The Governing Body.. There's gotta be... Guh... Some kinda ruling.."


Cathy walked down stairs in her, for lack of a better word, jury-rigged, sewed up armor, walking with a noticeable limp, her handgun basically glued to her palm.


"Can't just... Son of a.. Make it a guessing game..."


[Excuse the OOC bit, but, holy dead, Batman. >.>]

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Versing looked over his shoulder at Cathy, who was obviously still hurting from yesterday. He stood up from the table and made his way towards the medical bay, stopping to talk to Cathy.


"You look like you're still hurting. Need a stim?" He asked. Versing could sympathize with her, his cuts and scrapes from his fight with Ferox were still sore today. "Gotta change my bandages anyway." He gestured to the stained bandages still wrapped messily around his head.

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"Ugh, we'll se if the pain goes away.. but if you scrounge up any Med-X back there, I'll take it. And possibly Psycho.. Er.. Maybe Jet, too. Oh, and if you can find Steady, I can do a Denver Triple Dog... God, I'm a junkie. Just.. Keep your eyes open for those, anyways. It's a free Wasteland. ... sort of."
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Morgan nodded slowly at what Cathy had said.


"Aye, we're going to need a sort of leader. But who? Me? Vers? It has to be someone with atleast some experience of leading and taking decisions. Sure I got some but eeehm, that group didn't survive long. Then again it was during an escape so eehm" Morgan just went quiet looking a bit awkward.



"We will have to think about it"


was the last thing he said before returning to his food.

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Versing turned right around when Morgan suggested he lead the tower.


"Oh, Tandi's Panties no! Absolutely not. There is no possible chance at persuading me otherwise. I'm a military man, not a secretary. Besides, I gotta head back to the NCR at some point in the next few years, I got family I ain't seen in ages." He shot out.


He hoped the group didn't take this the wrong way. He was probably going to leave the Capital Wastes at some point. Perhaps not soon, but probably within 5 years.

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  • 2 weeks later...

"Wouldja hurry up with those chems?! It feels like Caesar himself stabbed me with a frickin' chainsaw in my lower abdomen, and for pete's sake, I can lead this place. You all know from experience that I'm not one to be screwed with, and I have leadership experience both from my days in the Brotherhood and from leading a group of Mercs shortly before I met you guys."


Cathy forced herself into a chair, setting her Colt on the table before her, taking out a couple Ibuprofins and popping them dry to aid the pain a tiny, tiny bit.


"I mean, think about it. Vers doesn't wanna lead, Morgan, you'd get us killed, Axelle's only 15, De Vere would probably shoot herself in the face, no offense, Sandro's only responcibility is Axelle, and Tomo... Well... No offense to her or anything, but she's not exactly fit to be a leader. I mean, imagine if I died in her leadership, or any of you, for that matter. Me especially, would crush her. That only leaves me as the possibility, especially since I still have Brotherhood connections, Outcast connections, some ex-Enclave friends, connections to some scavenger's outta Point Lookout, some buddies in the Pitt, some Mercs, some traders I know that travel all around the Capitals Wastes, up to Ronto and through a chunk of New York, plus the entireity of Megaton, Underworld and Rivet City like me. I could turn this place into the most successful settlement in the Capital Wasteland! I could move Three Dog out of the GNR building in the heart of Super Mutant County, DC, Sierra out of that crap-hole she calls Girdershade, I could have this place fortified in no time!" She smirked. "Plus it was my idea to have a leader~"," she added, mainly just to toss in some of her child-like glee into the arguement, before grunting again.


"After.. I'm healed.. that is.. Oh, God..."


[OOC, no, that's not god moding, 'cause it would also cost her a lot, and not ALL of them would be on board or available; they're just things she COULD use to re-establish Tenpenny Tower.]

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Axelle listened to the entire conversation intently while sitting alone at a table, both her arms and legs crossed as her bare foot bobbed back and forth with the beat of some tune that was stuck in her head. She thought everything over and tilted her head to the side unconsciously, her thoughts taking her much farther into the future than she'd like for them to go. She shook her head. She was thinking too intensely about all this. She lacked the kind of strategy to even lead this group without her temper exploding.


A heavily bandaged Ferox sat in a corner, picking at something he assumed was an omelet that Axelle had made for him earlier that morning. Pity for how injured he had gotten last night, that was a new one for her. His eyes shifted over to the teenage girl, feeling the ghost of a smile creep across his features. To him, she was beginning to seem like something akin to family, somehow... Hell, everyone was.


Catching Ferox glancing in her direction, Axelle cast a cold look in his direction and flipped him off, grinning afterward. She then tugged at the waist of the jeans she was wearing, feeling a little uncomfortable with how tight they were.


Keeping her eyes trained toward her lap, she blurted out, "Why don't we all just make votes on stuff and all have an equal ranking? I'm pretty sure all of us would be good for something eventually that would make us leader of that moment. I mean, kind of like, I'm a talker. Cathy has the connections, De Vere has the money and brains. Morgan, Ferox, and Versing are like, hardened soldiers... The list goes on. It all sort of fits together like some puzzle." She rubbed the back of her neck, actually blushing, and, in order to distract from the situation, mumbled, "Where is that Jackson kid, anyway?"

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