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Ain't that a Kick in the Head?


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[i know we said everyone take a turn first and all, but c'mon; Is that REALLY gonna keep up without dying? xD]


Cathy shrugged her shoulders a bit, suddenly bending over to pull her boot off. "Christ in a can, why didn't I notice there was a rock in my boot? And whaddyou mean De Vere has the money and brains? I've got a crapload of caps, and... Well, okay, the amount of chems I do in my spare time has probably wrecked my brain, so, yeah, you're right there." She looked around a second, blinking, then wincing, as if the act caused her pain.


"Uhh.. Iunno. He said when he got here that he could drink anyone under the table; Maybe he's bathing in booze. also, Axelle, if those jeans of yours are un-comfortable, I have a couple old pairs of mine that might fit you, and are sure as heck looser."

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Jackson awoke.


He sighed, realizing he was lying face-down in something that was NOT a bed. He could hear Chaser panting beside him, and the dog's hot breath assaulted his face relentlessly. He looked up and saw the German Shepherd standing right in front of him, looking down at him. He scrunched up his face.


"What d'you want?" He was answered with a slobbery tongue slapping him in the face. "Got it." He scratched Chaser's ear and stood up.


He realized he had been laying face-down in a faded red carpet. He was in a very odd room, with four walls and no door. The ceiling contained a hatch to get out. Jackson leapt for it, dislodged it, and almost managed to climb up and out of the room before he slipped and fell back into it, hitting the floor with a loud thud that shook the entire room. As his vision cleared he noticed the buttons on the wall, and crawled over to investigate. They were numbered off, with the odd pictured one. Then it hit him.


"How the hell did it take me this long to realize I'm stuck in the elevator?"


Jackson pressed the first button that would lead him to the ground floor, and found he was already there. The doors were stuck, though, so Jackson managed to wrench them open. The sudden slackening of resistance made him fall right on his face again (Thinking about his poor nose.) right into the front lobby, rather dramatically. He looked up, saw Versing and some others standing out in the open. It was obvious he had made a heroic struggle to get out of the elevator.


"Yeah, so funny story, I forgot to mention I'm a sleepwalker...." He struggled awkwardly to explain.


"I swear Jackson, some higher being is placing you and that elevator together. It's like fate or something." Jackson looked up and saw a grinning Versing mocking him, before he turned back to the others. "I'm going to put it bluntly: within the next five years I'm leaving DC for Shady Sands. So I can't stay here to help found a settlement, and that's final."


Jackson struggled to his feet, stumbled into the bar, and found himself some breakfast. He sat down at the chair opposite Axelle at the same table, chewing on a Brahmin steak. He swallowed, and began to speak.


"Sooo, come here often? Nah, I'm kidding. Feeling better? You looked beat up as hell yesterday." Silently in his head Jackson begged please don't mention I slept in that damn elevator...

Edited by Flipout6
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Morgan looked over at Jackson trying to supress a smile "You know, I've used rocks as pillows, but I've had the thought of sleeping in an elevator. I have to try that sometime"


But alas he didn't last long and soon burst into laughter before he cleared his throat and looked at Versing


"Shady Sands? What are you going to do there? Then again it is your capital. And I agree with Elle, err Axelle, if we do an equal leadership community here, with all of us having a slice of the responsibility cake to care for, we could work this out. We just need to figure out what eachone of us is good at, and then we are golden."


Morgan stood and thought for a while about how it all could be split up.

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De Vere listened intently to the talk of rebuilding the tenpenny towers and it's surrounding area... what a brilliant idea, as she heard Axelle propose equal shares and responsibilities, she was even more intrigued. A smile graced her crimson lips as the young girl said that she was the one with the brains and the money, and Cathy's response was amusing to say the least. It was true, she had money put away in banks and invested in various ventures that she could pull up, as a large bag of caps wouldn't quite cut the expenses needed. And it was also true that she had the brains, she had run business before, and her mind was free of any drugs and other mental afflicting substances (save of course nicotine, but it was her lungs that suffered, not her mind) "This idea is rather... delicious, we really could make a grand living out of this place, a safe haven for the people. I'm in, if everyone is sure?" This was a gamble, but gambling ran in De Vere's las vegas blood. Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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"I'm in, but I'd appreciate it big time if VERS WOULD GET ME THOSE FIGGIN' CHEMS. What're you doing back there, screwing a Deathclaw? Yeah, anyways, I am in. but everyone's aware the first thing needing doing is repairs to the tower, right? It was damaged heavily, get enough people in here, and this place is gonna collapse worse than a drunken hooker on the New Vegas Strip."
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Versing looked sideways at Morgan.


"Shady Sands is where my family lives. Parents, siblings, cousins, even. I haven't seen them in years. It doesn't sit right with me to leave them wondering this entire time. Besides, after that I'm re-enlisting. Round 3 with the red-skirts." Versing responded to Cathy's need for chems by running into the medical clinic, grabbing three shots of Med-X and some stimpaks, specifically avoiding anything she would take simply for a fix. Sooner she kicked that habit, the better. He returned to the main lobby and handed her the chems. "Here."


Jackson grinned at Axelle. "I see right through that poker face, don't even bother. Good to know at least I'm not the only one with a sense of humor." He looked sheepishly at Versing, before he grabbed his now-broken nose and wrenched it back into position with an audible crack, and brought water to his eyes. He blinked a few times and continued to speak. "Anyway, good to hear. I know those cross-dressers are pretty tough, especially on women. Good to know they didn't rough you up too badly." Jackson said all this out of friendly concern, as opposed to trying to make a move.


Chaser simply examined Axelle's cyberdog Chips. After a few seconds of that he insisted on shoving his nose through a gap in Jackson's arm, and his tongue lolled out happily. He of course didn't care that he actually managed to push Jackson farther into the wall.

Edited by Flipout6
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"All you could find, eh? Eh, these'll numb the pain for a few hours, thanks." She stood up for a sec to give the Soldier boy a friendly peck on the cheek before flopping back down and injecting the meds into her system.


"Now, if everyone's on board, I can get this train rolling by getting Moira on the horn and seeing if she can get us some salvaged wood, nails, an H&H Nail Gun, some hammers, sledgehammers, axes, the like. Or we could scrounge through the tower first o see what we can find." She let the meds she injected kick in for a second, before standing up and stretching, almost as if the pain was entirely gone. "There we go."

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Morgan rubbed his beard like he usualy did when he was thinking before he started speaking


"There should be a batch of tools in the utility room, saving us some caps. And I've had some contact with the local caravans before, I could have a quick chat with them. And Axelle and I could work some on building some defenses or atleast get some of the electronics running again."


Morgan had always had a nack for electronics, but he figured that he could learn a thing or two from Elle, as he had started to call Axelle when she wasn't listening.

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Ferox watched the dogs interact with each other, before giving in and patting Chips and Spark on the head. The dogs had been so quiet lately, he wondered how Axelle managed to keep them in line so easily. Both the dogs happened to be breeds known for drooling, and Ferox looked displeased as his lap was nearly covered in slime from their dripping jowls. His gaze met Jackson's, and he allowed himself a wry grin upon seeing that Jackson was meeting a similar fate with Chaser.


As Morgan finished, Axelle grinned from ear to ear. "It's been a long time since I've been able to fix anything. I'm looking forward to this. Plus, this place is so posh, I bet they have every tool you could think of." Hearing Versing say he was leaving in less than five years had hit her like a ton of bricks falling from the top of a skyscraper. At least the thoughts of getting her hands on those tools helped with that stress. Well, that and hearing Jackson's joke about the Legion being cross-dressers.

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