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Ain't that a Kick in the Head?


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In one of the more... seedy clubs in Megaton, Luisa was table dancing, a man that knew a considerable amount of information about her next target was only a few centimetres away from her, watching her move her lithe body in sensual motions, as she smiled down at him, with a cheeky grin, he had tipped her quite a few times, and she made sure he was feeling rather drunk. She leaned forward and whispered in his ear "So what do you know about your friend Jayred?"

"Jayred? what do you want to know for?"

"Oh no reason... i'm just interested, heard he is quite the guy... you know where he is? maybe we can go see him?"

The man smiled and said "Oh yeah? he is partial to a group of three... He lives in a house on the other side of town, can't miss it, it's got some new parts."

Luisa smiled and said "Oh? really? I'm gonna have to go take a look.


She got down from the table, and kissed the man on the cheek, walking out of the club... but he was not satisfied, he came up behind her, and dragged her across the street, slamming her against the wall "So you like him better than me?! I don't think so!"


Luisa could see Sandro, and the others on the other side of the street, so she tried to call for help.

Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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Sandro pulls the trigger, and unloads 7 rounds into the man's frontal lobe before it jams. "God dammit! Hey kid, you said you could fix this yeah?" He directs at Axelle, handing her the assault rifle. turning to the girl, he says "You alright there, smoothskin? Last thing I like seeing is a dame gettin hurt."
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Vlad looks to the others with a content nod, he then says to the them. "I'll be back, I have to gather my things..got a nice gun I ordered a few weeks back from Moria."

Vlad then walked up the railings of the heap of metal, the smell of the air tickling his nostrils. While walking he took a side glance at the deactivated nuke. He smiled and thought to himself. "Something so dangerous, but dead inside." As Vlad reaches the Craterside supply he opens the door with a healthy grin as he see's Moria sweeping around her nice little shop. The smell of chemicals and all sorts of experimented liquids can me smelt, the room was full of lockers, buckets, and small crates full of random junk.


"Oh Hi there Vlad..just cleaning, how you doin.?" She asked


"I'm doing fine, though you ever get that order in?" Vlad said as he leaned against the counter, browsing the rest of her wears that are on display.


Moria, who snaps and nods as she walks to another room. You can hear here going though some sort of trunk, metal hitting each other as she shifts around.

"Oh yes here it is!" She says with a big smile, she walks out the room holding a Battle rifle (M1 Garand) with a few empty bloc clips. She lays them on the counter, then she pulls out a large amount of .308. Vlad, who now has a smile plastered over his bearded face takes hold of the battle rifle, feeling its weight. He aims down the sights as he says.

"How'd you find this baby."

Moria smiled and shook her head. "Oh yea know, old army base the other scavengers are goin through..one came in here looking like he came from far away and he had a couple of weapons I aint never seen before."


Vlad smiles to her, and nods. "Alright, how much and throw in a back pack will ya." Moria turns around as she gets a small black back pack, a few pouches here in there and a few wear and tear. "1500" Moria said, Vlad gladly got out the caps and slid them on the counter. He put the empty Bloc clips into his bag, then followed by the large amount of .308 rounds. "I'll fill the bloc clips on the road." Vlad says to himself. He then slide the battle rifle around his shoulder and nods.

"Moria." Vlad says with a tone of gratitude.

"Yes Vlad?"


She smiled and nods as she returns to her constant sweeping, Vlad opened the door and left. Only to hear the screams of a woman, he looks up already seeing Sandro with his gun pointed at the mans head. Vlad quickly rushed to the group as he see's the drunken dead body, Looks up to the girl and then to Sandro. "We..we might wanna get out of here before the sheriff kicks our..you know...I suppose you are alright?" He says to both Sandro, and the rest of the group even the dancer.

Edited by boneless1
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Axelle ran her tongue along her lip rings as the whole event had taken place. She figured things would happen this way, as she was getting used to Sandro's personality. Running a finger lightly over the edge of the Chinese officer's sword, she said "Today really is my day, isn't it?" She grinned as she recognized the woman as a dancer she had talked to a few times while walking to Moriarty's every now and again in the mornings, and waved. Edited by tokyobleach
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Vlad, who ran his eyes around his surroundings trying to see if any citizen seem panicked. Oddly enough no one did so, Vlad opened his back back getting out an empty bloc clip and eight rounds of .308. He looked up to the rest of the group, as he squeezed in the eight rounds into the bloc he then took his battle rifle and shoved in the bloc. A click can be heard, then he pulled the lever making the cocking sound. He then chuckles to Axelle's words and nods. He wipes some sweat from his head and says.


"I know what ya mean." Vlad says with a smile on his face, as clicks off the safety from his rifle and places it back around his shoulder.

He looks to the Dancer, gives her a nod in greeting.

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Axelle turned the gun over in her hands a few times and made sure there were absolutely no bullets inside, then held the gun so that it would catch sunlight inside the barrel and closed one eye, looking inside from several inches away. "Guess it's not an ammunition problem..." She muttered to herself, then reached inside her unzipped coveralls and unhooked a keyring full of screwdrivers of different sizes from a belt loop on her shorts. She plopped down onto the hot metal walkway and quickly disassembled the assault rifle so that she was sitting cross-legged and surrounded by parts. Once again, she went to work, her hands going faster than her mind, and reassembled the gun, "Just a problem with the spring. It should work now."
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