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Ain't that a Kick in the Head?


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Vlad was thrilled with the idea of the adventure, so thrilled that he had a smile plastered on his face like a big secret. He couldn't help it..he was usually a lone man getting shot at by something incredibly dangerous...in other words bullets. Vlad, was also quite happy that his special order came in. He read about the battle rifle within an old world book he found on a dead man. How the battle rifle was a prestigious piece of weaponry, he was all so very happy to actually hold one and he was anticipating how the bang sounded. So, he looked to Axelle and said.


"I'll be at the front gates, join me when you're ready I suppose." He looked up to the rest of the group and nodded. "I'm going to test fire this weapon."

Vlad then turned, taking his leave. He made his way outside the front gates where the robot would give it's annual greetings. Vlad grinned as he took his weapon from his shoulder. Feeling the fine wood, the metal in which it was bonded to was an immense feeling. Vlad took position on a rock, laying prone on it so he can rest his gun between two convenient notches.


Vlad aimed through the sights, his breath steady as he aims at a high point of a slope that's around 40 meters away from him. He grins as he mutters. "Bang."

And the gun sounded, kicking back against him he hit the mark. A smile breached his face and nodded, going back into firing position he took another shot.

All of them within an accurate circle. With ease he let out the next six shots fire all in a rapid fire, pulling the trigger till it gave that little click informing you of it's empty stomach. Vlad quickly took the empty bloc clip from the rifle, putting it in his bag he then grabs another empty one. Sifting through his back he gathers eight rounds and shoves them into the fresh bloc clip. Then, he loads it into the rifle; making that cocking sound as he pulled back the lever which notified his success in loading the weapon. He smiles, takes aim with great joy and mutters. "Bang."

Edited by boneless1
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Axelle turned the gun over in her hands a few times and made sure there were absolutely no bullets inside, then held the gun so that it would catch sunlight inside the barrel and closed one eye, looking inside from several inches away. "Guess it's not an ammunition problem..." She muttered to herself, then reached inside her unzipped coveralls and unhooked a keyring full of screwdrivers of different sizes from a belt loop on her shorts. She plopped down onto the hot metal walkway and quickly disassembled the assault rifle so that she was sitting cross-legged and surrounded by parts. Once again, she went to work, her hands going faster than her mind, and reassembled the gun, "Just a problem with the spring. It should work now."



Morgan, who had just finished looting the corpse of the drunkard, sat down next to Axelle and looked at her while she was working in curiosity, letting off a small clap when she was done decided to ask Axelle something:"Say friend, you wouldnt mind showing me how to do stuff like that? It could be a useful skill to know. So what do you say? Oh and Luisa, it's nice to meet you, the name is Morgan Hollister."

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Morgan got up from the corpse and looked at Luisa "I saw your pretty face on a poster on that club over there and thought i recognized you, good to know memory aint failing me again"


Morgan put the small trinkets he looted in his pockets and then did a proper gentleman introduction to Luisa; "Morgans own small guidlines number 1: be a gentleman to any lady, except the evil ones."

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Axelle put her screwdrivers away and wiped her nose with the back of her right hand. There were a few little pieces of dried blood that stuck to the back of her hand, and she decided to inspect her palms. They seemed to be stained orange from the nosebleed earlier. Wiping her hands on the legs of her coveralls, which did little good, she stood up and offered the rifle to Sandro. Without looking back at Morgan, she said, "Sure, why not."
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Sandro takes his gun back from Axelle, and reloads it. Yanking back on the safety, he fired a round or two into the air, and smiled when it went of without a hitch. He tousled Axelle's hair again. "Good work kid. You really are handy with tools."


Chips licks Axelle's face.


Leeroy sleeps on his rock.

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Vlad, who had finished his test firing laid on the large rock, leaning against it and filling all ten of his bloc clips. Shoving each round into the clip as he sweats mercilessly. He hears the two gun shots from a gun within the town and smirks. "The gun seems fixed." Vlad says as he recognizes the sound of the gun, an assault rifle no doubt and it was most likely Sandros. Vlad began to wonder of the girls well being, if she was well. Though Vlad quickly shook the thought off him as he stood, placing the now filled bloc clips into his cargo pants he lifts his back bap and shifts it onto his back. Looking to the sun as he lets out a relieved sigh.

"Rifle shoots well, all is well it seems." Vlad then grabbed a necklace under his vest and held it with a firm grip, he looks up again and says.

"If you up there mother, lets just say I aint alone anymore..found some friends." Vlad chuckles as he could imagine his mother applauding him

"I know, it is funny but..it's a thought that makes me smile mom..I hope you're doing good up there." He then tucks the necklace back under his vest and smiles, placing the rifle around his shoulder.

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"We're going on a trip all right," Axelle said, "We're going scavving in the capital. You're welcome to come along, of course, if you won't be afraid of the things Raiders and muties can do to you." She pulled at her middle lip ring and thought for a moment on how to word it in a less rude manner. "That is, if you can defend yourself from them. Raiders have hurt me before, and you're a pretty girl, so I'm a bit worried. They'd jump at you like hungry wolves." Axelle knew she was speaking as if she were older than Luisa, but she had to be sure the woman knew the dangers. She added, "But as far as mutants go, I've never seen one before. I need to learn a few things about fighting myself."
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