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Ain't that a Kick in the Head?


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Versing noted that Vlad kept looking at him funny, almost as if he was suspicious of him. Versing wasn't particularily worried, and he sure as anything wasn't surprised. It was only natural that an armed stranger from a distant land, and a distant army would be treated with uncertainty. Sitll, this was why he liked to be perfectly open and honest with people he met. He didn't hide any dirty secrets, and the only thing he did hide was the occasional painful memory, one in particular. If he was honest, then people trusted him not to betray them, or expected him to be their enemy. Either way, no nasty surprises. This group already knew he had well-armed assassins on his tail, and yet they didn't seem to particularily care. It was then that Vlad asked if he wanted to come along, mentioned an armoury and a personal threat to him, and, most importantly of all, that he didn't want all of them dying on his account. The last statement alone was enough for Versing to warm up a little to Vlad.

"Welcome to my world." he responded. "You absolutely sure you want me along, even with those assassins? I also don't want anyone killed because they invited me along. Obviously I can help you out with the guy after you, but it's the guys after me that I'm worried about.... Not just for myself, but for the rest of you guys, too." Versing hoped he was accepted. This man had saved his life by killing the assassin on the bridge, and he had people after him, too, something Versing could help out with. He awaited Vlad's response.

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Vlad smiled to Versing and said.


"A pack Versing, a pack is as flexible as an army. And with a pack the odds of surviving more then doubles." Vlad looked quite bright, he had a grin on his face then continued.


"You ask if I am willing to risk my life for someone I never met, A man that wears a uniform with a symbol that has insignificant value here. And with that, the symbol of the bull." He gestures to where the dead assassins were located.


"They mean nothing here as well, so here they are the same as us. You are a man with a gun, and they are men with big knives and big guns. Combines together with us, I would damn well say we have a large gun if we all stick together." He chuckled to his little play of words then again said.


"But to answer your question, everyone dies here Versing. It only matters -how- you die now, here in this wasteland. I would rather die with meaning and cause, then die with no reason at all...if you understand what I mean." He extended his hand to Versing. "Maybe now I can shake you hand." He gave a welcoming smile to him.

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Versing smiled back at Vlad. He was happy to have human company again, especially company he could relate to (In other words, Vladimir and Morgan.) He made sure there was as little blood as possible on his hand before he held it out to Vlad and shook his hand firmly. Still smiling, he said

"Glad that I'm finally going to be able to travel with someone again. I've been almost completely on my own for months now. I'm going to have to agree with you, too- It matters how you die, not when you die. Now, if you'll excuse me for a minute, I'm going to have to properly introduce myself to the others."

He walked up to Morgan first, with whom he had spoken already, and held out his hand (for a handshake, obviously.)

"I'm glad to be joining you guys. By the way, I don't think I gave you a proper thanks for patching me up. So, thanks a lot, man. Need any Legionairres dead, just ask." He flashed Morgan a friendly grin.

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Morgan gave Vlad the entire pack without questioning and chuckled a little "I don't mind me some sniping, havent had a chance to use my rifle yet but attacking someone like him sounds like the perfect opportunity to do so."


Morgan then took out a bottle of water and handed it to versing with a handshake; "The patching up was no trouble at all, glad to see a friendly face. Now, take this water and clean yourself up a bit so you dont look like a wandering dead guy" Morgan looked at his ghoul friends and wondered if he had touched a nerve there since ghouls generaly gets called zombies


he then looked back at Versing and smiled; "And I will sure as heck tell you if I need some help killing assassins"

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Vlad took the pack from Morgan and said "Hm, very kind of you." Vlad then popped on cig out looking at it with an odd look as if determining the quality. He smelt it for old times sake and then he reached into his left pocket. Pulling out a lighter that seemed to be unused for many many years. Though the reason why he still keeps it is unknown. Vlad then stuck the cig on the tip of his lips, lighting it and takes a long drag from it. The ember burned bright and happy, the smoke flowing through his lungs light a rekindled fire. Though Vlad didn't really feel spectacular inhaling smoke once again it was just a slight calm feeling that he felt.


---------- The Suited Man (Malcolm) --------------

There Malcolm stood, within a brightly lit room. It's wall made of thick concrete just like the ground he tapped his foot on, his nervousness forcing him to grit his teeth. It wasn't always easy to speak to the boss, and he knew for damn sure that he was in a horrible mood. Even though he doesn't act like it he knows it..the look in his eyes tells a story like none other. Malcolm stood, stood there staring at a sealed door made of a steel that could withstand a direct missile hit. He waited to hear that latch free itself and a man walk in, striding with a confidence of a million soldiers. Malcolm's eye's then looked to an empty desk, it's wooden frame was well cleaned..the surface was well shined and the various books and journals that lay about scattered. Save for a few large sacks of caps to the left near his pencils and pens. To the right of the desk was a pistol, a silenced .45 auto pistol. A special one for the boss, theirs a story behind that pistol but the boss never tells anyone besides his friends, and he doesn't have friends. His eyes were quickly averted by the clanking noise of the latch unsealing, the steel door shifted and a man, a brute one at that stepped out.


He was confident, bold, and when he stepped in the room Malcolm knew he was controlling the situation just by looking at him. Oh he was that good.

He had slick backed raven black hair, with the help of gel of course. His fists were larger then a mans head and his height was at least 6'8. Oh Malcolm feared this man, he took a gulp as the boss sat in his leather seat and the boss just stared at him, like a petrifying stare he just gazed in his eyes with impatience.

Boss patted his chest, dusting off his red and black striped suit narrowing his eyes at Malcolm.

"You waste my time with this imp Malcolm..I don't like imps..I don't like problems with imps."


Malcolm quickly looked away but within an instant he had to look in his boss' eyes. Malcolm then straightened up his act and said.

"Vladimir sir, he is no longer one man." The boss looked at him, his brow furrowed and said. "And how do you know this."


"Our contacts report of him, having companions..dangerous look about them." Malcolm said


"Then get rid of them..what is so hard about imps with a little friends." The Boss Replied.


"It is more-"


"It is more what?!" He yelled, an angering tone rising like a volcano ready to erupt.


"He travels with assassins, a sniper, a girl, and now they have an NCR soldier."


The boss snarled and shook his head. "You bring this to me Malcolm..you bring me this..this small little incursion of ruffians going about saying they are commited to what..to what?!"


Malcolm winced a bit as the boss continued. "You take care of them..quick and easy..and if you don't Malcolm." The boss leaned forward, close to Malcolms face, his breathing deep and harsh. "I will gut you...and feed you to my little pets." He spoke with a deep and low tone, the threat ever more real Malcolm was in fear, he swallowed and nodded. "Right away sir.." Malcolm quickly turned and began heading towards the door that lead to a more open space within the lair.

"Oh and Malcolm!" Yelled the boss, Malcolm turned slowly, meeting his eyes again. "Pay what you need to and don't overspend."

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Sandro had been left behind near the town of Megaton, and went looking for the group. After a while, he found them and called out "Real nice! Leave the Ghoul behind, forget all about him! I go to take a leak, find all you left me behind!" Sandro was royally pissed, and grabs the Gladius off the ground, and tosses it hand to hand, up in the air and catches it. "Balance is pretty good on this. Think I'll take it."


Leeroy came rushing up, and sniffs the air. He smelled fresh blood. He growls, and looks around.


Chips had stayed near Axelle the whole time, and had gotten injured protecting her from a bandit. He goes over, sits down and whines.

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"Well, good to know that at least it won't go to waste. While you were taking a leak, Vlad found me, and a legionairre, and shot the legionairre." Versing walked up to this new face and held out his hand.

"I'm Versing from the NCR back West. And you are.....?"

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Vlad saw Sandro arrive, a smile grew on his face. Seeing that Versing was giving him a greeting he took a long drag from his cig and said.


"Sorry there Sandro, heard some shots and ran this way. Luckily you found you way though." He took another long drag from his cig, exhaling the smoke slowly, as if gazing within the smoke. He seemed to amused by the smoke, fluttering around dancing within the air with no rules of gravity, its shape bendable to anything if you allow it.

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Versing? Where had he heard that before? Thought Sandro. He grasps the outstretched hand, and says "Sandro. Just Sandro. Had a last name I think once. I don't remember. I am a bodyguard to the kid there. My friend Greebo was up this way somewhere, do you.. Watch it!" Sandro prepares to throw the gladius through the face of a Legionare behind the newcomer, when a shot rings out, and the legionare's head explodes. "Gotta love Greebo, faster than any of us."


Greebo walks over, rifle slung across his back now he wasn't using it, and calls out "What ho, my boy! Greebo Jones, at your service. You really need to watch out! Sandro old bean, good to see you made it!"

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Versing checked the body of the Legionairre. It wasn't what he expected. Before him lay the headless body of a Legion scout...... not the assassins that should be gunning for him. realising that his worst fears may be coming to pass, he turned to the entire group in general.

"This one isn't an assassin.... He's a scout. If Caesar is sending scouts East, that means that he's either sending more people after me, or worse; thinking about expanding. If the Legion expands east, the Capital Wasteland will become the only land not completely under Legion control, but only if you're lucky. Who knows how many towns the Legion's taken over farther west, how many slaves they've taken? Dammit, this is exactly why I came out this way....." Versing knew one thing for sure, and that was that the faster he got to the armoury and got his hands on some better weapons, the better off the Capital Wasteland would be.

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