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Ain't that a Kick in the Head?


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"Catherine Drake. Call me Cathy. nice to meet you both, but one question... What in the blue friggin' Hell is an NCR? or a Master Corporal for that matter? i'm only familiar with Initiate, Knight, Paladin, Star Paladin, Scribe and Elder."


Cathy holstered the weapon over her back, stepping forward so the two were in her Pip-Boy's radius. As she did, her draw dropped at the beauty of the Plasma-weilding beauty, something that's never happened to her before. She seemed to be at a loss for words, so she merely shut up to let this "NCR Master Corporal" answer her question.

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"Uhhh....," Cathy groaned, finally shaping the cobwebs loose.


"i eat Bloatfly meatt if it's all I have. It wouldn't be any different. Um.. Right. Uh.. No, you.. Uhm.. Ahem.. Had nothing on your face. Aside from your face. I mean.. Wait.. Crap."


Cathy was seriously flustered, then doing what she always does in this situation; She pulled out a packet of Vault-Tec AA Brand smokes from her armor pocket, lighting the first one she pulled out, puffing on it.


"Aaaahh, much better. Gotta be polite and not use Chems in front of others.. Unless I'm desperate.," She said, subtly kicking the syringes from a dose of Psycho and Med-X away behind the rock she'd been at.

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Versing paled, and shook a little.

"The NCR is a large group on the other side of the country. Our lands consist mostly of farms and towns, but we also have a decent-sized military. I'm ranked as Master Corporal, so about the equivalent of a recently-promoted knight. Just beginning to get handed the leadership responsibilites, and just a little bit of the better equipment." He stared at her cautiously, not a stare of attraction but instead the stare one gives someone who is likely to become an enemy. He left out the part of the NCR being enemies with the Brotherhood of Steel. He slung his rifle over his shoulder, but gripped it like his lifeline. He didn't really have a problem with the Brotherhood's ideals, but they had killed a lot of honest, hard-working men back West. He was trying to make sure he wouldn't be the first out East.




As Versing was preparing to drop Cathy if necessary, the Legion Frumentarius walked out of Moriarty's Saloon, after becoming the second man to interrogate Gob about the surrounding area that day. He had heard about this other man that had also asked about the surrounding area that day, but disregarded it for the most part. He scouted out to the east, and came upon a large group about a hundred feet away. He hid behind a rock, and hid well, enough that even the dogs and the Yao Guai would have trouble even detecting his prescence. He had already found the dead assassins on the bridge, and forged west to find out who was responsible, after taking the final machete gladius from the dead group. He peeked out ever so slightly from behind his rock, not enough to be noticed but enough for him to see the group. It was a mixed bunch, including people of all ages, a Yao Guai, a cyberdog, and a ghoul. he would observe the group for a few minutes more before moving on.

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"Should I leave you two alone?" He asked the ALREADY flirting girls. He looked around again, alert for ever more crimson, but found none and awaited a response from the soon-to-be-married couple beside him.
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Cathy smiled seductively, her gaze trailing down the Asian's body, focusing on the chest area for a moment with a grin.


"Oh, I see a lot I like.. But it's not polite to be so.. Adult in front of a gentleman. Speaking of you, mister Corporal, I remember the Brotherhood mentioning them a while back. something about a member of the Brotherhood defecting to the NCR, in a way.. Something with a V.. Oh well. Enemies of the West Coast Brotherhood, but apparently that's because the West Coast Brotherhood are about as useful as the damned Outcast pricks; Obsessed with technology, but too stupid to properly use it. The Outcasts are the same way. they only care about technology, and care nothing about the Wastelanders. In fact, there's a group of the assholes near-by here, I know of, at Fort Independence. I've dealt with them a few times. Okay guys, but still complete dicks."


She puffed her smoke again, having used enough to regain her wits. She dropped it on the ground and stamped it out, sighing contently.


"I take it you two aren't traveling together... Dumped into each other? got other friends and just heard me sign these Raiders' death certificates?," she asked, keeping a hand near her M1911, just to be safe.

Edited by DemonLady
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Versing had no idea what this woman was talking about. nobody had defected to the NCR's side. At least, not while he had been there. And he sure as hell had NEVER been with the Brotherhood of Steel. Shaking his head, he began to walk back up to the group.




The Frumentarius in the bushes observed a man walking back up the hill from a store down the road. Upon closer inspection, he was wearing NCR fatigues. The Frumentarius narrowed his eyes. This was the man the assassins were after, and probably the one that had killed them all. He considered shooting the man, but the group that he seemed to be walking to wouldn't take kindly to such a thing, especially if this Versing man was killed. Besides, orders were orders, especially when they came from one of the most ruthless and intelligent officers in Caesar's Legion. He slid back behind his rock, perhaps a little quickly, but safe from the wrath of the NCR soldier should he open fire.

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