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Ain't that a Kick in the Head?


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Versing walked back up the hill and rejoined the group.

"Yeah. Those two down there are really hitting it off. If they disappear into the Super-Duper mart, don't be surprised. They'll be performing some funny business with each other."

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Cathy looked Tomoyo in the eyes with a giggle, patting her on the head rather cutely.


"It's alright, honey. I do it all the time. I best get going though, need to get to rivet City by morning... 'Less either of you are heading that.... Way...," Cathy stopped for a se, hearing a rustling in near-by bushes. she shook it off, knowing it was probably just a Mole Rat looking for food.


"Uhhhh.. Versing's quick.. Uh.. Should I jsut go back with you, honey? Or will that group you're apparently with be hostile?"


As she asked that, she faintly heard Vlad and Versing going back and forth, possibly answering her own question about hostilities.

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Vlad blinked oddly, his face in a rather thoughtful expression but shook his head taking the thoughts out of his mind.

"Odd sorts I guess? Any unheard news from them then?" Vlad sat back down leaning against the rock and his rifle resting at his side. He looked to the rest and grinned. None of them got a decent nights worth sleep I think, it would be morning soon. Vlad though, looked deep into the smug sky and wondered what suprised awaited then within the Super-duper mart. Was it raider? or was it something entirely different he did not know for certain, his curiosity always got the better of him in many ways.

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Versing explained some things to Vlad.

"There's some woman down there with an M16 that almost shot Tomoyo and me. She thought we were raiders. The one with the M16 is named Cathy and she is apparently part of the Brotherhood of Steel, so I'll have to watch my back around her. Just let them have their fun. Saves us all some ammo if they kill some raiders while they're in there conducting delicate experiments. Besides, they're some of the best armed people out of anyone here, so they shouldn't have much of a problem. As for news, not much, but apparently somebody back west defected from the Brotherhood of Steel to the NCR, and their name starts with a V. No it's not me, either." He heard a rustle in the bushes and looked around quickly, but saw nothing and turned back to Vlad.




The Frumentarius froze completely. Two people had heard him, now, and he could barely afford to breathe. He slipped his brass knuckles on in case of a fight, and slowed his breathing until it was almost nonexistent. he would have ti start going to the camp soon.

Edited by Flipout6
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Cathy, shook hr head softly, smiling at her.


"they jsut met you. give 'em a chance. Versing and Vlad seem nice. C'mon. Let's see what happens. If they still hate you tomorrow morning, we'll go off on our own."


Wit that, Cathy headed up to the camp, having heard Versing proclaim his sentence about the Brotherhood.


"Ex-Brotherhood, Versing. I got exiled for... Eh, maybe I best save that story for when, and if, I know you all better. either way, I'm not going to turn on you. unless you're gonna give me a reason? ... C'mon, Tomoyo, you slow poke! ...Even though you're.. Literally like a foot behind...."

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Versing shook his head and smiled a little. That one girl was so amazingly awkward when she was hitting on somebody else. Man, he hoped he didn't give her a reason to turn on him. His NCR breastplate wouldn't stop an M16 round. Neither would his helmet. He went over to Chips and began to pet the cyberdog. It was staring fixedly at a rock, the same area where Versing had heard something move earlier. He stared at it for a minute, too, but saw nothing there. He continued to pet the dog.




The Frumentarius behind the rock was practically a ghost now, yet that dog wouldn't stop staring at his location. He waited until the dog stopped staring at the rock, and began to sneak very slowly away, his footsteps unhearable even to him. He crept away, one hundred feet, two hundred feet, and then dropped down a small hill that rendered him invisible to the group. He stood up then, and began to head back to the Caesar's Legion military camp, a triumphant grin on his face.

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As they got up to the came, Rex Jr. ran to the Cyberdog, curiously sniffing at it. Cathy, however, wasn't so easily careful, and much like tomoyo had, she tripped over Sandro, sitting on the ground.


"Jesus, that was the softest rock ev...Er... Oh. Uhm.. Sorry. Didn't see you there..."

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