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Ain't that a Kick in the Head?


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"Hey, I resent that remark, roughface! Catherine Drake. Cathy for short."


she sat down within arms reach of Sandro, offering a hand to him in greeting.


"nice to meet you, Sandro. Did you come from Underworld, or..?"

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The Legion Frumentarius arrived at the Caesar's Legion camp quickly, as he ran much of the way, although he stopped to retrieve a map. Decanus Junius Cornelius monitored his approach, and met him at the gate.

"Ave, Frumentarius. What have you discovered?" he asked the Frumentarius, who pulled out the map.

"Ave, Decanus Cornelius. I have retrieved a map, and have marked down the major settlements. The biggest one in the area is far in the South-Eastern corner of the Wasteland, and as such will serve as a the most powerful city to conquer, as well as the second-last. What disturbs me is the heavy prescence of the Brotherhood of Steel in the Wasteland as a whole, with a fortress in the remains of a pre-war intelligence center."

"The Brotherhood will be a problem. Rivet City, not quite as much. Anything else?"

"Yes, Decanus. near the settlement of Megaton I discovered three of the Caesar's best troops, the assassins. All three were dead. Nearby there was a large, well-armed group. The profligate fugitive Versing was among them. He is evidently not in good health, but he acts otherwise. He resembles a skeleton, as he is extremely pale and thin, with shrunken eyes surrounded by dark circles. His cheeks are shrunken. He has not eaten much and has been pursued to no end, but is by no means weak. He is the one that killed at least two of the assassins."

"And the other?"

"The other one had been decapitated by a large-caliber rifle of some sort. The favored weapon of the profligates, which is also Versing's primary weapon, do not possess the firepower to do that sort of damage."

"Hmm. Interesting. The bullet must have come from somebody within his group."

"I know his previous location by heart, Decanus, if you wish to alert the assassins." He reported. The assassins were currently resting within the camp.

Junius Cornelius grinned maliciously, before he entered a tent.

"Honoured guests, Caesar's finest, one of our Frumentarii has learned the location of your mark. If he is gone when you get there, you will be but a few hours behind him."

Within minutes, the assassins had fuly geared up and gone......




Versing almost laughed at the fact that a second person had tripped over Sandro, but held his tongue. It was getting dark, and he had better get some rest. He tossed down his pack and used it as a pillow. Despite being fairly comfortable, he couldn't shake an ominous feeling of premonition.

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Sandro stares at the hand for a moment, than shakes it, his grip strong. "Yeah. I was in underworld for a while, then was escorting a merchant. He got killed by Greebo, I wound up with that kid in megaton. Now I'm here, being tripped over."


Tomoyo shifted in her sleep, and winds up leaning against Cathy.

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Cathy felt something poke her just shortly after releasing her grip from Sandro, smiling down at the girl she was now honest-to-goodness crushing on.


"I've been to Underworld. Actually..," She interuppted, digging around her backpack for something. "Ah, here it is. Carol asked me to give you this book if I ever met you. I knew "Sandro" sounded familiar. Said it contins locations of some "Ghoul Hunter" camps. some new Raider-like group who're bigger bigots than Allistair Tenpenny. Oh, and Versing, the girl who defected from the brotherhood on the West Coast was named Veronica Santangelo. Defected when she met a courier who seemed to be on the side of the NCR."

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Malcolm (Suited man)-------------------


"Alright." Malcolm said as he adjusts his suits collar, the stain was now gone from the little girls accident and his mind was fresh. He felt he had earned a new begging.

Within a room he sat on a steel chair, bolted to the ground he leaned forward resting his arms on the table and arching his back. The table, long and rectangular made of metal seated about fifteen other men, each man had a rough look on their face, experience and sheer merciless gazing eyes. Some enemies, some friends, some acquaintances. Malcolm set down a map, rolling it across the table it was drawn with expertise and detail of the D.C wasteland, his hand graces the paper with a touch of gentle curiosity. Each of the men leaned forward to gaze at it, each one of them recognizing there home; each one wondering why they have been gathered.


"I gathered you all here for business, so do not worry your not in any kind of trouble." Malcolm gave a sly grin as the other men looked at each other with a curious look about them. "Each of you own a large amount of men, each of you are known for you skills of being both quiet and loud if you get my meaning."


Now each of them understood, a job that is why they were brought here. "Vladimir Grenswell, a man in debt to us has now taken up that valiant knight act and is now set on stopping the boss." When he said stop the boss each of them gave a chuckle and shook their heads, Maloclm grinned knowing their doubts of that ever happening but he continued. "What you don't know is that he has taken up a rather odd selection of friends..each of them very dangerous..very..stuck to the cause I thought of bribing them but I will consider it once we have made our way to them." Malcolm smiled to the audience as if presenting a college paper, giving them each a look. "Your debts will be squared, you will be payed handsomely and you wont have to worry about any..personal problems with the boss anymore. So, let me begin..Vladimir knows how to get here, which in turn is a bad thing. His rout is the only way in, coming through the metro..then the square, back into the metro then into the underground tunnels which would bring him to us..cutting out all the side tracks of course, now this is where you come in."


Malcolms finger traced the map, location to location metro to metro. He pointed out each location which Vladimir might stop at and those he knows he would not.

Each of the highly distinguished men nodded. "This is where you come in...you must kill him, and a happy bonus if you deal with his little friends is that understood?"

Each of them nodded, all of them looked determined. "Don't underestimate a man with his mind set on something..he wont stop, and remember..if you fail the boss will gut me and in turn..I will gut you." Malcolm gave them their orders, each of them leaving with haste to prepare. Malcolm had a cheap grin plastered on his face, as if victory was well in his grasp. Vladimir was going to face a storm..a storm that leads to one hell of a hurricane.

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Sandro takes the book, and flips the pages. "Carol. I remember her. Her business picked right up after Azhrukal was murdered by Charon when that little girl bought his contract." He says, half to himself. "Nice lady, and I recognize this one. Last time Greebo and I worked together, we had both been hired to take that camp out. Found each other pretty quick, and worked well to kill the raiders, with Leeroy's help of course." He says, indicating the once again sleeping Yao Guai.


Tomoyo mutters something in her sleep.

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Cathy talked to Versing, who wasn't sleeping well, and he started before he woke up.

"Oh. Great. Fantastic. Someone with technical expertise who's on our side for once. Only people less technologically sophisticated than us are raiders and Caesar's Legion. Really. The Brotherhood pressed a few buttons, and shuts down an entire power plant. Then we try and reactivate it, and it takes months. Or years. I'm going to take first watch now. I have that gut feeling you get once in a while that everything is about to go wrong; or at least something will." He grabbed his rifle and his pack and circled the group once again. He could swear that he was half-psychic, the way he got gut feelings like that and then got shot at.





Junius Cornelius was bent over a table, examining a map. He was weighing two things around in his head. First, which town the Legion would sack first. A camp wasn't a permanent settlement. Second, what he would do about Versing. That profligate posed a serious threat to Legion interests in the area, and even if he didn't directly fight them he could easily spread word about them. Most non-Legion settlers didn't approve of the Legion's actions, and acted accordingly. He hoped that Caesar's assassins succeeded in taking down Versing. They would be at Versing's last known position within the hour, ideally. Thinking about the assassins Versing had already taken out, Junius sat down in front of a ham radio, and contacted the nearest Legion settlement with any communications, at least two states away. Reception was poor, at best.

"Forward this message to Caesar, or tell a settlement with the capabilities to do so, TO do so. This is Decanus Junius Cornelius. Only two of Caesar's assassins remain, the rest have been wiped out. The profligate Versing is still at large, and travelling in a group. Pursuing him would be a violation of direct orders from Caesar himself, so he will need to send more assassins if he truly wishes Versing dead. Decanus Cornelius out." He took his mouth away from the speaker and stood up, content knowing that Caesar would take his word for it, and send more assassins. Versing would not rest until he was dead.

Edited by Flipout6
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Cathy lit another smoke after handing the book off to the Ghoul, offering one to both Sandro and Versing, setting the pack and lighter near them in casse they did.


"that reminds me. why're you in the Capital Wasteland, honey? You're a looooong way from California and the Mojave. Trying to expand the NCR out here? Or are the rumors about Legion activity this far East that I've been hearing from Sarah true?"


She blew smoke from her cigarette into little rings in the air, finally unstrapping her upper-body holster gear, which was ultimately binding her breasts, causing them to be shown as much bigger than anyone could've thought.


"Or did you just wonder out here drunk to see what you could find?"

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Versing snapped his head towards Cathy, and refused the smoke.

"No. My actions don't represent what the NCR wants to do, despite my armour. I'll tell you the story, stop me if you're bored. The NCR won the First Battle of Hoover Dam against the Legion, and I eft the military soon after that when I had the choice. I didn't even return home. I just looped around north and managed to get around past the Easternmost part of Caesar's land. The Legion was trying to expand that way, so I fought against them. Caesar didn't like it, so he sent 12 assassins after me. 3 reported back to let him know that I was travelling in lands beyond his control, while the other 9 kept chasing me all the way through an entire state. I've killed arounds 4, and Vlad took one out, too. There are 4 left, now. They're deadly and well-armed. They chase me to this minute, and they've obviously deteriorated my health a little."

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Sandro takes a smoke, lights it, and blows a smoke ring. "Thanks smoothskin. Don't take offense to that, I call almost all of you smoothskin. Except the kid of course. I call her Kid." He blows another smoke ring.


Tomoyo wakes up startled, and blushes deeply that she fell asleep on Cathy's shoulder. "Sorry.." She mutters.

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