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Ain't that a Kick in the Head?


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Cathy smiled as the kiss was pulled away, almost in la-la land, seemingly. She acknowledged Sandro's nod with one of her own, picking her pack up.


"You and me both.. Here, Roughface."


Cathy pulled out a small coin purse, holding about 2000 Caps in it, with a smile.


"Split it between all of you. you, Veersing, Axelle and whomever else may be with you guys, whom I haven't met yet. Or put it in a Cap pool, however you all diverse your money. A small token of appreciation, consider it."


Cathy slung her breast-binding holster back over her shoulder, buckling it up, feeling clothed again now that shiny new M16 was on her back again.


"Alright, Tomoyo. Ready to go kill some Raiders?"

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Morgan, having gotten drunk and fallen asleep after his chat with Versing woke up with Loki sniffing around in his backpack so he shooed him off


"You know better than that buddy, if you are hungry you could proboably sniff up a rodent." He then got up and started to look for his ghoul friend,or anyone rather, looking for someone to have a civil conversation with

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Luisa sat in the camp, wide awake, going through her hair with a brush, she looked at these newcomers, Cathy and Tomoyo... they had known eachother for so little time and were already making out... it confused her slightly, yet she wasn't going to voice her opinion, she could barely talk english properly, and it would most certainly come out in the wrong way. Instead she gave them both a very small wave, then started on sharpening her Knife.


Luisa then remembered Cathy had some smokes on her, and called "Eh! Cathy? Você ganhou um fumo? I mean.. smoke! Cigarette? you got one i can have?"

Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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The Legion detachment in the Capital Wasteland was on the move. From Raven Rock, they travelled directly south, almost to the southern edge of the Capital Wasteland. Decanus Cornelius consulted with the Frumentarius,

"I need to everything you know about this building." He commanded.

The Frumentarius was quick to answer. "It is a residential tower, run by an arrogant old man who consistently shoots anything getting near his tower that he doesn't like with a sniper rifle. He has a decent security force, donned in combat armor and wielding assault rifles as their standard-issue gear. The rifles will penetrate our armor enough to injure us, but it will be quite difficult to bring us down in a single shot, as the armor will absorb much of the impact. This will, however, bring up the issue of bullets getting stuck in the bodies of our fellow Legionairies."

"That's what healing powder and pliers are for." Answered the Decanus, coldly.

"In addition, the gate is surrounded by think concrete walls. We can climb over them, but we will be sitting ducks if we are spotted." The Frumentarius added. "In addition, the noise from a full assault on the tower will definitely attract attention. The citizens of Megaton will ignore it, due to a previous incident involving an agent of the tower and an atomic weapon. The Brotherhood of Steel, however, is the dominant group in the area, and we are within a few miles of the Outcast outpost known ad Fort Independence. They are perhaps more dangerous than the official Brotherhood, as they devote all their time to collecting technology, as their mission indicates. If they perceive us as a threat, and eventually they will, they will send a group to investigate."

"One thing at a time, Frumentarius. I have a plan for tonight's assault." The Decanus grinned triumphantly.

"I'm listening, Decanus."




Versing continued to guard the camp, oblivious to everything else. He circled the camp, his rifle in his hands. He did so for several more minutes. It was when he stopped to watch the buildings for any sign of raiders that he looked left towards the plains. His eyes widened, his breath hitched.


Four crimson shapes, low to the ground and well-organized, were slowly making their way towards the camp. At the moment they were quite far off, but he raised his rifle anyway and jumped behind a rock.

"Hey, everybody? Does anyone have a pair of binoculars?" The edge in his voice was barely contained, but still noticeable. He stared intently down the sights of his rifle.

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Sandro moves over to where the man was. "I have some.' He says, handing them to Versing.


Tomoyo starts walking towards the Superduper Mart. She had someone to watch her back, who was hopefully not focused on her ass, and would make sure there wasn't a repeat of what happened the first time.

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"Thanks, Sandro." Versing took the binoculars and looked through them. It was a little hard to see through the dusk, but he could manage. Squiniting through the binoculars, he could see the red shapes, clear as day. They were the final four Legionary Assassins, and they were a lot better armed than the previous group, although it looked like they had been resupllied, as opposed to still having their original, ultra-powerful weapons. They were using the standard issue equipment of perhaps a Decanus of Caesar's Legion. All four had Cowboy Repeaters, although they had different melee weapons. One had a throwing spear that had been modified to be used as a regular spear. One had one of the regular Legion machetes, basically a piece of metal with leather around the grip. The other two had, surprisingly enough, yet more machete gladiuses. They were being lead by a Vexillarius in a wolf helmet, with the flag of the Legion held up on his back. One looked like a Centurion. The other two were Praetorians. Versing readied his rifle.

"Okay. I'm going to alert the group, and then run for the buildings to draw them in. I'm not letting anybody else into their line of fire if I can help it. You get me? Don't shoot at them unless you don't care about angering the Legion. I don't want assassins after you, too. Please, keep everybody low to the ground so they don't get shot. I don't want anybody hurt on my account."


After he spoke his piece, Versing crouched low to the ground and moved towards the buildings. The assassins saw him and sped up, trying to catch up. He heard a bullet hit the ground ahead of him. He crouched lower and sped up, heading towards a buiding that he could use as cover. He aimed his rifle roughly at the Legionairies, and then fired once, twice, three times. He fired once every now and again as he made his way towards the building. He really hoped they followed him, and not where he came from.......

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Morgan heard how Luisa called at Cathy asking for a smoke and fished a pack out of his pocket which he casualy tossed to her before he sat down a a small distance infront of her


"Here, I rarely smoke cigarettes so you can have them" he then pulled out his own knife and inspected it to make sure it was still sharp.


Morgan had always loved his knife since the only nice legion member he met gave it to him. And that man also made it himself after his liking, to be a perfect survival knife. The blade is similar in design to that of a bowie knife, incase things would get messy, but it has serrations like a standard issue survival knife to be used in survival situations. The blade was also reinforced and sharped expertly so it would be both durable and cut through skin and armor alike. The handle has been made out of a high quality horn, filed down to have a comfortable grip in your hand and a slight rubber coating so it wont slip around, it also have some weight in it to increase penentration and allow for a more dangerous cut and to be used to bludgeon someone who got a bit close to stun them for a second or more. The end is also reinforced so it can be used as a hammer incase you would need one. The only real modifications Morgan has done is some tallymarks showing how many people met the stabby end of the knife.


After polishing it some and sharpening it slightly, he pulled out a cigar and started smoking on it while he looked at Luisa.


"So, how is it to be out in the field as opposed to being in a bar?"

Edited by MikeRyan
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Cathy heard a yell from behind her, something about smokes, but saw the other male in the group he'd had yet to meet give the other woman a pack, so she merely brushed it off.


"I hope 48 rounds for this M16 can last me.. unless you've got some 5.56's you've looted and haven't sold yet, Tomo? And, yes, like Sandro being Roughface, Tomo's your new nickname. I think it's cute. Unless you don't like it?"


She unholstered the large rifle from her back, while clipping a grenade to the holster gear, and her knife in one of the pockets. She had stimpaks at the ready, and chems in case of desperation.

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"Works for me I guess." Tomoyo says. She sees a raider down the road, and says "Right, time to show off!" She starts running as fast as she could, and she could run fast, draws her sword, makes a couple cuts in the air before sliding to a stop behind the raider, pause, and the man's head falls off, as well as another limb or two. Keeping Courage out, her 7 foot Katana, she walks back towards Cathy. "How's that?"


Back at camp, Sandro says "Smoothskin, we are all in this together, I think. I met a legionaire once, and they threatened to have me killed. They could be after me as well. I will draw their fire, you cover me." Sandro runs out at the legionaires, pulling out his rifle and starts shooting.

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Cathy was, once again, at a loss for words. She merely blinked a couple times before snapping back to reality, shocked.


"Holy crap. If you were trying to impress me, mission accomplished."


Cathy then looked down the sight of her rifle, pulling the trigger. A burst of 5 rounds fired out at a Raider near a pole, leaving 4 holes in his chest, one directly in the area of the heart, and another in the temple. The Raider collapsed in a heap near the chopped up Raider.


"there we go. C'Mon, let's loot them before some other Raiders come and spoil the party."

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