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Ain't that a Kick in the Head?


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Cathy ran over the the fallen Raiders, merely scrounging 17 Caps between them, and a bit of 10mm Ammo off another.


"You sound like Sydney! Wait up, I'm bigger than you!," she shouted, running after the Asian, into the Raider-infested Super-Duper Fortress.

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Tomoyo grabs Cathy and drags her down to the floor beside her, and presses a finger to her lips. "Stay down, stay quiet." She pokes her head out around the corner to see what the situation, and whimpers slightly to see the lead raider was one of the ones who killed her parents, and did... bad things to her. "I'll take this half, you take the other. Leave the bulk of the supplies for the camp. We won't need that much ourselves. I got that one myself, I owe him a debt of pain." She presses her lips onto Cathy's. "Don't die on me."
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Cathy, unexpecting of being dragged, yelped quietly, and had a slightly angry expression on her face. Then she realized why.


"Alright, I can do that.. You be careful t--"


She was interrupted by the sudden kiss, but returned it nonetheless with a bit of a blush.


"You don't either. Or I swear to God I'll kick your ass when I die."

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"All right, babe! Lets do this!" Sheathing Courage and drawing Wisdom to compensate for close quarters, she shouts "Kyō wa shinu ni wa yoi hidesu!", which meant Today is a good day to die in Japanese, she runs in, and cuts the right hand off a Raider before he can even react.
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Cathy softly shook her head with a smile, charging out from behind her hiding spot like a woman possessed.


"C'mere you pieces of crap!"


She bolted towards a group of Raiders, Pistol in one hand, bowie in the other. She fired off numerous shots into the group, knowing she hit a few by the grunts and groans. She used the knife as a back-up, stabbing and slashing at the enmies in front of her, all of the weak, rugged up Raiders dying quickly, possibly not feeling a thing due to their high of Med-X and Jet.


She waded through them like a sea of scum, until she unexpectedly got a Baseball Bat to the face. This caused her to fall back, dazed and confused.


"What the Heck..," Cathy said in a daze.


"Been a long time you little snot."

Edited by DemonLady
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Tomoyo slashed her way through the crowd of Raiders, most of them too drugged up to care. Dodging behind a shelf to take a breath, she sees someone hit Cathy in the face, and sees Cathy fall down. She sees the raider from her past trying to run, but she charges him and pins him to the wall by stabbing Wisdom through his groin. Leaving him screaming in pain, she pulls out her Plasma rifle, sneaks up behind the woman with the bat and points it at her. "Drop the bat, get away from her!" Tomoyo says, her voice low and deadly.
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Cathy forced herself up, nose bloodied and most likely broken. She attempted to pull out her M1911, only to be met with the one thing she dreaded...


"Hah... you've got guts, you little twerp. Alright. I'll put it down...," Said the black Raider woman. She dropped the bat, only to pull out a more deadly version, with nails slammed into it that from once side can be seen to spell out its name: Prime.


She swung the bat around at Cathy first, knocking her M1911 to the other side of the room, causing it to fly through a near-by wall. In the process, numerous nails were jabbed through her hand, causing her to wrench it back in pain, seemingly tearing her hand off the bat.


"Ahhh! Son of a...!," Cathy exclaimed.


Next, the Raider took a swing at the Asian, aiming for her Plasma Rifle, just as she did with Cathy's handgun.

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Tomoyo sees the weapon hurt Cathy, and gets angry. When the weapon swings at her, she does a backflip and fires her rifle at the bat and the woman twice before landing, holstering her rifle and drawing Courage, her Katana. The shelves had fallen outwards in this particular location, so she had more than enough room to swing it. holding it briefly one handed, she does a "come get some" gesture, and holds her Katana with both hands.
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The Raider moved her hand quickly, evading the on-coming Plasma, seeing as Plasma Weapons were among the slowest of all Energy Weapons. She ran forward, having her own skills with acrobatics, leaping off the fallen shelf in front of her to land behind the Asian, swinging this time for the back of her head.


Cathy, meanwhile, was hiding behind one of the shleves, trying to stop the bleeding, as she heard the commotion from the fight near-by her. She snuck over to grab her pistol, keeping it on hand and having it ready to fire if need-be, still mending her now-swollen hand with stimpaks and Med-X.

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