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Ain't that a Kick in the Head?


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Axelle shot up like a rocket from her sleeping position, shrieking profanities terrible enough to come from the mouth of a Raider. "First, the new girls keep me up with their freaking love at first sight bullcrap, now those Legion jerks are back?! Hell no, not today. These bags under my eyes ain't there for decoration, boys! I get woken up very easily, and I am not a pleasant girl when I don't get a full night of sleep, oh no! Let's see how good I look spattered with your blood. I'll match your pretty red tunics perfectly." A sadistic grin spread across her face, and she yanked the Chinese officer's sword out of the ground and rushed headfirst toward the group of Legion, Spark and Chips at her heels with snarls on their lips.


She stopped. Most of the fun part had already been taken care of... A shame. It wouldn't stop her, though. She had to kill something today. An idea struck her then. She ducked behind a rock and paused as a body with its throat torn out greeted her. Childishly, she tilted her head to the side and poked a finger inside the bullet wound. The man twitched and gurgled, and Axelle smiled warmly at him as she shoved the sword through his open mouth and sliced through his windpipe. She crawled as fast as she could, her dogs serving as a welcome distraction from the Legion. They couldn't seem to shoot the canines at all. They were both just too big and fast.


Finally, she got to where she needed to be. The silly Legion were so focused on Versing that they had completely forgotten about her. She snatched one particularly short Legionnaire from where he stood and yanked him behind a rock, kicking his gun far away and forcing him onto his belly, using her height to her advantage and pinning him in place. He hadn't made a sound, to Axelle's surprise. Nonetheless, she held a hand over the man's mouth despite how hard he bit down on her palm. A warm trickle of blood ran down her wrist. She cast a look over to Versing, who was the only one who could see her from this position. She had one who would live, one whom they could question, if so he wanted.

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Versing, after killing the first two Legionairies, brought his head and his rifle out from behind cover, and found no Legionairie. He crouch-walked across the wall, and turned the corner. The Legionairie was lying in ambush for him, but strangely one was missing. He managed to get a shot off before the Legionairie tackled him and brought him to the ground, but it hit his chest, and the armor mitigated the impact of the bullet. Versing landed on hard on his back, and just barely missed getting hit in the neck by a machete. He let go of his rifle, and it stayed slung over his shoulder, and pulled out the machete gladius he had looted from the other assassins. He rolled over and threw the assassin off, bringing the gladius up to a ready position. He charged the assassin and tried to split his head in half with an overhead blow. He was easily parried, and the assassin shoved him away and thrust his machete towards Versing's ribs, but missed and fell off balance. Taking the opportunity, Versing swung the machete into a reverse grip and brought it down into the assassin's back as he fell forwards a little bit. The gladius went through his armor and just missed his spine. Versing stabbed him again. The back of the assassin's armor stained red with blood, and he fell over, coughing. Versing disarmed him, and left him there to die.


It didn't take him long to find the other one. Axelle had him pinned face-first in the dirt. Versing was surprised he hadn't tried to slit his throat yetm at the threat of being captured.

"Normally he'd have tried to slit his own throat by now, instead of being captured. What were you thinking? I told everyone not to help me. Now the Legion will try to enslave you." He said.

"Ergh..... The tower will fall....." The assassin grinned and muttered, before passing out.

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"Must have missed that part. I was woken up by the gunshots. Anyway, I was thinking..." Axelle paused for a moment, then grinned childishly, "That they don't look so tough." She pulled her hand off the Legionnaire's mouth and wrinkled her nose at the deep bite marks his crooked teeth had left in her palm. Oh well. Looking up, she added, "Besides, from Morgan's tale, I think they would try to kill and enslave us anyway, just for traveling with you in the first place." By the end of her sentence, she was looking up at Versing. "I think we should tie him up and get answers from him... Find out what the hell is going on around here. Really would shame him, after all, especially after being sneaked up on and pinned down by a gir---"


"Ergh.... The tower will fall....." The assassin grinned and muttered, before passing out.


"What... what did he mean?"


Chips whined and licked at Axelle's hand.

Edited by tokyobleach
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Morgan got up on his feet and walked towards the commotion with his rifle drawn, scope removed incase something would jump at him. When he got there he saw Versing and Axelle standing by some more Legion scum.


"Well, this looks bad. Anyone of you hurt?"

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Axelle held up her hand and shrugged, "That's all I got and it ain't so bad... It'll heal up alright as long as I keep dirt out of it. I say save the stimpaks for somebody who really needs 'em. Oh, and we might wanna hogtie this guy... You know, tie his hands and feet all in a bundle, just in case."
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Morgan nodded and took out some rope from his backpack, and then hogtied the assassin with such expertise he could have done it several times before and then turned and faced Axelle


"Well its not something to waste a stim on, but I still think you should let me bandage it up a bit, to keep dirt out of it."


He then looked at the hogtied assassin and kicked him once, a hard kick non the less, and then crouched down and looked at him "Thats for trying to kill my friends, scum"


He then got up and grabbed Axelle's arm and turned her hand around to have a look at the wound in the palm


"Hmm, looks like theres no need to stitch it, doesnt look too deep. Some disinfectant and some bandage should do the trick, but first I will have to clean it out"


He then got down to business and started cleaning out the wound with some water and alcohol before bandaging it up neatly.


"There, now there shouldn't be anything getting in there"

Edited by MikeRyan
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Axelle winced as the wound was disinfected. Her grandpa used to pour whiskey over her scrapes and cuts when she was younger, but she never got used to the stinging of alcohol. Flexing her fingers, Axelle found Morgan had bound the bandage just right. She could move, but there was no way this thing was going to come loose. She smiled. "You know, I still have to teach you a thing or two about guns later, huh? Let's say tonight?"
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Morgan smiled and nodded "Tonight sounds just great, maybe i could teach you a thing or two about something too eh?"


Morgan then suddenly realised that he has smiled a lot more and felt a lot more happier ever since he started traveling with this group. Maybe these are just the kind of people that will be able to help him forget his past and be able to sleep again, just maybe

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Sandro came back from shooting the Legionares. He had found a small backup group hiding nearby and dispatched them, so he had a bit of fun. Walking back to camp he says "Right, so I found another group of legion boys over there. *He jerks his thumb* Killed them myself. So, how did things go on your end? The group I found had a bunch of meds and chems on them. Must have been an elite group or something, Caesar doesn't let his groups get things like that, preferring to make them use healing powders." He sees Axelle with her hand bandaged, and walks forward. "What happened to you, kid? Someone hurt you? Just point the way, they'll learn not to pick on you pretty quick."
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Nodding at Morgan's suggestion, Axelle then motioned toward the hogtied man. "Note he's passed out. I do believe I have showed I can handle myself at least sometimes. I didn't get this far in life by being a daffodil. I don't even know what a daffodil looks like." She patted Sandro on the shoulder with her injured hand. "It's just a bite mark, relax."
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