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Ain't that a Kick in the Head?


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Luisa looked down at the now entrapped Assassin, she felt bad for not telling the others what she was.. and for not answering Morgan's question earlier... she walked close to Morgan, and whispered in his ear, as quietly as she could "What i am... is what the one you just hogtied is... I kill for money." She said, and then stepped away from him, then looked as Sandro returned.
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Morgan nodded slowly at what Luisa just told him then whispered back; "As long as you don't try to stab me, I'm alright with that dearie" He then turned his attention to Sandro to ask him a question: "Chems? You sure it was legion? those guys dont carry chems normaly you see, Caesar put in his veto ("I forbid) on them."


He then turned towards Axelle with his final question for now "Tell me kiddo, have you ever eaten mole rat cooked just right?"

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Sandro looked down at the bitten hand. "I can afford to spare one of these. Useless to me anyway, I have to add to Stimpaks to make them work on me, Don't kick up a fuss, kid. Even if it was disinfected, it still could get dirt in it or something. Hold still." Sandro grabs one of the many salvaged stimpaks from the legion group, he had salvaged about 30 between the 4, and jabs it into Axelle's hand, pressing down the plunger. "Get some sleep kid."
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Axelle looked up at Sandro, "You keep healing my every wound. I bet if I got a papercut, you'd shove a stimpak into my arm. It was just a bite mark, and I was proud of it. I wanted that to scar, so that one day I could tell people that I pinned down a Legionnaire with my bare hands and held him there, alive. I... don't like it. I want to have proof that I can fight for myself. And no. I won't sleep. I refuse to. Being a teenager doesn't get me special treatment from Raiders and other bad guys, so why should it get me special treatment with anybody else?" She looked at the ghoul sternly, her gaze unwavering and steady.
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Luisa listened to what Axelle said... and understood where the girl was coming from, she let out a sigh and said "You don't need a scar to prove you fight, i have no scars, i fight... and you do need more protecting than us eh? You are more vulnerable... and what those raiders see when they look at you, you think they gonna kill straight away?"
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Morgan looked down at the hogtied assassin and asked his companions: "So, what are we going to do with this guy? We can't have him running of on us that is certain"
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Cathy could here a good deal of commotion from her position at the Super-Duper Mart, smiling at everyone else having fun. She looked at her love-at-first-sight-bullcrapee partner and motioned.


"C'Mon. Let's go back there. Sounds like that Axelle girl's awake, too. I wanna meet her and apologize if we kept her up. And I could hear that guy they captured mumble something.. About a tower. I have a bad feeling..."


Cathy pecked her friend on the cheek and hauled off toward the camp, waving happily toward Morgan and Sandro.


"Hey, you two! Did we miss all the fun? Who's the hogtied jerk?"

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Morgan looked up at Cathy just as she showed up "That jerk is an assassin, like those who attacked us earlier"


He then took out another cigar but not to smoke it, no he just liked having something to toy with when thinking

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Cathy looked down at the passed out Legionairre, prodding him with her foot.


"Stupid.. Don't Legionairre's slit their throat's before capture? And did I hear him, vaguely, say something about a tower from the Mart?"

Edited by DemonLady
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Sandro sighs, "Kid, you remind me of my daughter, Esparanza, which means hope if you don't know spanish. She was headstrong and hard willed too. She tells me 'Papa, I don't want to stay here! I want to fight!' She left on her own one night. Never saw her again. She was barely a year older than you, she lied about her age to serve. I found out a few weeks later that she had died in combat, trying to take on more than she could, trying to prove she wasn't weak. Just like you. Hell, you brought up a few other things too. My name, for example. I could never remember my full name. It is Nicodemus Sandro Jesus Martinez. Not surprised I only remembered Sandro. Hated my first name anyways. Also, I ain't gonna be turning water into wine anytime soon neither, so Jesus wasn't me. *He sits down against his rock again, and looks at Axelle* Kid, just stop being as headstrong and fighting those that try to keep you safe. It's in your best interest." Hearing Cathy come back, he says. "Good to see you are mostly in one piece."


Tomoyo walks back to camp, and as she does so, she sees a raider that must have been hiding running off, presumably to get reinforcements. Damn. Guess there would be a fight for the rest of them too.

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