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Ain't that a Kick in the Head?


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Instead of shaking Cathy's hand he simply nodded, its not that he didn't like the folks he just thought them to be a bit on the odd side. They were very different people then Vlad was use to but he could not complain. Vlad looked to the Super-Duper mart with a little concern then his gaze went to Morgan.


"You with me on this one? Clear the mart and then set up shop for an hour or two so we can get some info from this guy?"

Vlad spoke with a rather hush hush tone, he felt like rushing on ahead for some reason, he was craving live action and was tired from waiting on the side lines. His expression showed Morgan of his anticipation for battle, he bit his lip and sighed. Looking to Morgan, awaiting the answer if they should go fight the raiders by themselves or await the group.

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Axelle gulped and stood up, striding over to Cathy with urgent quickness. She put a hand on Cathy's shoulder and looked at her, hollow-eyed. "There's only one problem. Tenpenny doesn't let anyone in that tower. And he damn sure wouldn't trust a new guy in his tower with a firearm..."
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Tomoyo flinches and backs away. "I-I am sorry sir, but I have not had many good experiences with Men. If you go into the Mart you will see someone sliced in half that.. Did bad things to me in the past. Very very bad things. And killed my family. Sorry, but it will take me awhile to trust you, or any other male here. Ghouls are fine, Raiders hate ghouls. And they are incapable of doing the horrible things. I do not have to draw you a picture I trust?"



Morgan put on his hat again and nodded "That is alright miss, I would do the same if I where in your shoes."


He then looked over at Vlad and picked up the assassin again; "I think you and I can handle them pal"

Edited by MikeRyan
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Cathy looked down at the child, nodding at her lightly.


"I hear ya, kid. You're Axelle, right? Sorry if Tomo and I kept you up last night. As for your Tenpenny Theory, that's what worries me. A Legionairre could've disguised himself as a Merc or something. Simple as that. Tenpenny would let someone in if they could do odd jobs. How else would I have gotten in? So I say we grill this Legionairre, and if he mentions anything about Tenpenny Tower, we head there.

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Vlad looks to Cathy with a sad expression, hearing the two speak of leaving sounded odd. So he looked to Cath and Axelle and said.


"Sorry lass's, I can't come along if anything is happening over there. Got my business to take care of but if you decide to leave it was hell of a lot fun traveling with you Axelle." He smiles, turning back to Morgan hefting his rifle to his chest and says. "Shall we?" he gestured towards the direction of the Mart.

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Morgan put in a fresh clip in his pistol and ventured forward, keeping an watchful eye out incase anything would pop out to nibble his earlobes "I'm all ready"
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"don't act as if it's good-bye forever. We'd meet up again, I'm certain. As long as we knew where you were headed, we'd find you. And we don't even know if any of us are going yet. Don't know if Tenpenny's in trouble or not."


Cathy continued walking behind everyone else, then got a startled expression.


"Uh-uhm... Guys..? Mart. Look. D-Dea... D..."


She was at a lost for words, due to what she saw up ahead.



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Vlad was panicked, he had truly hated with great passion when a deathclaw would appear and those things were a terrible beast to take down, Vlad took aim, his breath less then steady and took three loud shots with his Rifle, adjusting his stance he quickly knelt down. Keeping his aim at the deathclaws chest and mid section.

His ears rung with every shot, his heart pounded with a sensation only known as battle. With every shot he fired his shoulder pounded with the recoil of his aggressive weapon. He only had the thoughts of "Oh damn." scattered about in his mind as the deathclaw sprinted full speed ahead towards us.

And with every shot blood sputtered from the deathclaws upper mid section, and the damn thing took it like a prize.

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Morgan had no real idea what to do, then he remembered something an hunter out north had told him once and decided to go for it


"VERS! I'm gonna do something, can you get a few more rounds in his leg perhaps?"

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