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Ain't that a Kick in the Head?


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Axelle shook violently as she stared at Morgan's eyeball skewered out by the deathclaw's horn. She wordlessly looked up at Morgan with a look of horror, as she knew that she could very well be the one in his shoes right now.
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Morgan, trying to make a joke about the whole thing to keep himself calm, as he usualy would, looked up, coughing from damage he got to his chest when he hit the concrete pillar said to the ones looking at him;


"You think...the ladies will dig an eyepatch? hehe"


He coughed some more, seeing Loki come up to his side to try and comfort him as well

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Vlad smirked to his little joke, his eye locked on the missing eye he shook his head. "No..no Morgan I think the eye patch would make you look like a serial killer."

Vlad then looked to the group again and said. "Really..no one..damnit."

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Tomoyo, seeing the man without an eye, pitied him. She goes through her pack, and finds an eye patch she found in an old costume store, and nervously hands it to him. "This will protect the eye socket to a degree, until I can make you a better one.... Mister Morgan." She backs away nervously.


Sandro winced, and said. "I don't envy you, Morgan. That was a pretty badass move, but you are gonna lack depth perception, and your distance sight may be off." He sees Axelle shaking, and walks over and gives her a hug. "There there, kid. Nicodemus is here to help you." He grimaces at his own name. "To hell with Nicodemus. I'm still Sandro. but easy kiddo. It ain't easy seeing something dismembered."

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Morgan, still trying to joke about it spat out some blood and said with a weak, pale smile; "well, atleast i still got my aiming eye" and pointed to his right eye.



"Maybe *he grimaced in a sting of pain* maybe we should turn back to Megaton and see a doc"



he accepted the eyepatch and looked at it then laughed slightly "I should get a matching bandana" He then passed out again, tired from all that just happened.


Morgan actually wasn't that very calm even though he made a few jokes, he was actually terrified inside, not knowing if this was the end of his journey or not

Edited by MikeRyan
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Sandro squeezes the kid tighter, and runs a hand gently on her face. "Kid, that could have been any of us. Morgan did what he had to do, and I will admit that it was badass. However, that is not the concern right now. Now, Vlad and me could probably carry him, however if I help, you will have to go with me. I am bound by contract to stay with you. Remember, old man Sandro is here for you if you need a person to talk to. Ha, you remind me right now of my daughter when a squirrel got ran over. Ever heard of a squirrel, kid?"
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"Of course I've heard of squirrels! They're food, though... Why would someone care if they killed one?" Axelle scratched at her head and crossed her arms. "I was really looking forward to fighting again. Maybe the blue hair's going to my head or something, I dunno."


She lifted her lip in disgust at the deathclaw, not finding it very scary in death. She reached in her pocket and stuck her hand through the hole in the bottom to pull out the crowbar she kept strapped to her leg. Without a word, she wrapped her hands around the curved end of the crowbar and drove the the straight end directly into the deathclaw's left eye, staring at the dead thing with a cold expression. She pulled the crowbar out of the beast's skull with a sickening squelch. "An eye for an eye, you giant lizard freak."


She looked over to the group with a bored expression, "Can you eat these things?"

Edited by tokyobleach
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Vlad looked as if he was concerned, though it was pure determination he looked to Sandro and said. "We can't take him to megaton, we have to get him to the Mart,medical supplies are bound to be there and I think with all our heads put together we can patch him up..we gone to far to go back by the time we get back to megaton he would be so far in shock." He looked down to Morgan and said.


"Don't worry, all of us are going to patch you up all we need to do is get to the mart, but right now lets bandage that up." Vlad spoke with an odd tone, it was clear and full of determination. He couldn't go back to Megaton, he cant. He looked to the rest of the group, some standing some sitting. He looked to each of them, he saw Axelle scared, Sandro comforting, Luisa staring. He took a deep breath awaiting their consideration.

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