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Ain't that a Kick in the Head?


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looking down at the ground beside her sarina saw what she needed the killers friend had dropped his rifle. mind you it was a pile of garbage and she figured it would more then likely blow up in her face and kill her then shoot strait, but it was a hell of a sight better then throwing rocks at dogs. she reached out and grabbed it quickly checked the magazine, it was full, checked the breach no dirt or debris there then checked the barrel for obstructions with a blade of grass she was almost shocked to find that despite its looking like scrap it was in surprisingly good shape. slapping the mag back in she chambered a round and stood up to shoot.


thats when she heard them, the others where too busy fighting to notice the small group of ghouls that had been drawn to the fighting, probably stragglers from the fight at the abandoned supermarket. normally she would have let the ghouls kill everyone as to leave no witnesses, but the drugs coursing through her system didnt exactly promote rational thought. raising the rifle she began firing in semi auto mode 1 round at a time as she lacked the ability to use her arm yet she had to brace the rifle on the rock which made the shots less then her normal perfect kills but she still managed to kill 8 of the 12 ghouls before they knew what the hell hit them. the remaining 4 ghouls died before they could get close but now the damn rifle was almost empty, only 3 rounds left and 5 targets........


she fired the last three rounds at the closest pair the ncr trooper and his opponent missing the ncr but one of the rounds hit the legionary square in the ass.....

"pile of scrap gun" she exclaimed as she sprinted towards the pair. she would use the damn thing as a club it was the only thing it was good for now.

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"By the way... it's Taurus, not Skyler." The frumentarius grunted as Versing intercepted his tackle. Both of them flew into the dirt.

Versing noted with alarm that a pack of ghouls was swarming towards them, probably leftovers from Greebo's horde. The NCR Commando was awake and had nearly hit Junius' dog was a large stone, before stealing his rifle and dropping all of them. To his surprise, she turned the rifle on him and tries to shoot him. One round hit Taurus on the cheek of his behind, and he grunted in pain. The Commando wielded the rifle as a club, and charged at them. Both of them were smart enough to roll out of the way before she could hit them.

"HEY! I'm NCR, I'm on YOUR SIDE!" He decided against trying to knock her out, he didn't want to kill her, unless he was forced.

Taurus raised his machete and went for Versing's head, which he managed to block. Versing looked past him and saw that Junius and Morgan were locked in melee combat, just as much as he was. Taurus went for another attack, a low, fast, powerful horizontal strike that could disembowel him right through his armor. He managed to jump backwards and out of the way, and raised his gladius for a blow when it happened.

A spiraling fighter jet whined through the air, heading straight into the ground near Megaton. There was a massive explosion when it crashed a half a kilometre away, followed by more as whatever ordnance the plane was carrying went pop in the extreme heat.

"TANDI'S PANTIES!" Versing involuntarily exclaimed an NCR military alternative to swearing out loud.

Debris flew everywhere, even over to the scene of the struggle, but probably not enough to seriously hurt anybody. The shockwave coming from the explosion was just barely enough to knock and unbalanced person off their feet, lightly. Both Versing and Taurus weren't balanced, and both of them were knocked over. A stray piece of debris cut Versing just under the eye, and on his cheek. That might scar. As for the others, he didn't see. Morgan and Junius were probably left unharmed, given the distance of the crash, the weakness of the shock wave, and the lack of any large debris or shrapnel, but he couldn't be sure. The Commando, who was either barely concious from just waking up a minute ago, or high, would be vulnerabl to any physical harm due to her frail state. She was probably worse off than the rest, but once again, he couldn't be sure. He took the opportunity to jump on Taurus. Holding his gladius sideways, he punched the legionairy twice in the face, bloodying his nose and splitting his lip open. Taurus threw him off before he could deliver a killing blow, and they stood to engage each other again.

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Mark spent a few hours sweating some spare piping that was left in the maintenance closet and cutting a whole in the bottom of the largest of the foot lockers. With a rusty tape measure, Mark measured the dimensions of the footlocker and calculated the volume it could hold. He attached the pipe in the bottom and ran it into a large barrel that was probably some ancient, damaged trash can. He had repaired the trash can well enough and it was water tight. Mark placed his new rain catcher up on the roof and stretched several pieces of cloth and fabric over it to filter out any dirt and detritus from the rain water. To handle the very slight radiation problem that came with rain he sweated some smaller piping and attached some surgical tubing to a unit of rad away and linked that up with part of the pipes. He adjusted the flow of it and put a valve on the little device that he could adjust. In this way he could slowly lace his entire water supply with rad-away to counteract any radiation he would receive from the rain. Mark was quite proud of his new device and it now made acquiring water, easily the hardest thing to come by, easy and unnecessary now. Food was fairly easy, just find some unfortunate soul who had gotten lost or loot a ruined building and you'd find plenty of food. There wasn't much game in the city so it was all pretty much scavenged but the occasional mole rat colony was always a pleasant find.


Mark sat up on his roof and enjoyed his new additions for awhile. His home was near perfect, he just needed a renewable food source and to complete more of the walls of his abode so he could use his electricity and camp fire more reliably in the night. He was quite happy now. As the sun set he noticed a fire in the distance by what he knew to be a metro tunnel entrance. He made a mental note of it and decided he would investigate tomorrow if whoever lit the fire was still there.

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Morgan managed to get in a few hits on Junius that made the straps of his chest plate break, thus making the armor fall off.


Junius was as stunned for a small moment giving Morgan enough time to punch him right in the face Junius was shocked over the sudden punch and decided to throw a few punches himself, which Morgan either tried to dodge or blocked, but a few got through and hit Morgan with an enormous force. But it quickly turned out they where about equal in strength so it was a quite even fight betwen them.


So the pair fought using their bare fists for a good while

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Taurus rubbed his lip a little before he moved to block Versing's sideways blow. Versing used the momentum from his previous strike to pull back his gladius and thrust it forwards, towards Taurus' chest. The Legionairy batted it out of the way and brought his machete from below in a diagonal-upward strike to cripple Versing's arm. Versing realised a split second early what he was up to, ran into Taurus, and broadsided him with a shoulder bash. It was enough to stop him from severing Versing's arm, so the fact that Taurus took advantage of an opening and threw him back into the dirt didn't bother him as much as it usually would. He rolled to his left and hopped up before Taurus could behead him. Finding himself a good couple feet away, Versing switched his gladius to his left hand, and pulled out his 9mm pistol. He pulled the trigger repeatedly. Bullets flew at Taurus and mostly hit the armoured spots on his body, but at least one his his upper left arm (unfortunately not his dominant arm, but in the arm nonetheless.) and another grazed his shoulder, doing little actual damage, but causing some serious pain. Versing aimed the pistol downward as Taurus charged, and shot him in the shin, twice.

"Ah!" Taurus grunted between clenched teeth. His momentum carried him forward, and into Versing, who felt Taurus' machete split the skin on his left arm, just missing a nerve. Versing ground his teeth together as his arm was split open. His gun stayed in his hand, and he fired several more times. Unfortunately, all of the bullets hit the main armor around Taurus' chest and stomach, and would leave nothing more than bruises later. Despite this, Taurus gasped as the wind was knocked out of him, and Versing threw him off. He emptied the rest of the clip into the pained Frumentarius, hitting around his armor four times, once in the wrist, once again into the left arm, once in the right leg, (He'd be limping for a while, now.) and one bullet even slipped past his armor and hit him in the ribs. Versing reloaded the pistol and put it in his holster. To his complete and utter shock, Taurus simply pulled a small bag of healing powder out of his pocket, inhaled it, and then pulled a bitter drink out of his belt and slogged that back. He hobbled after Versing, some of his more minor wounds (scrapes, burns from the hot shrapnel.) Were sealing themselves up slowly but surely. Versing even saw the cut where the bullet grazed him seal up far earlier than it naturally would have, as the blood clotted and sealed the wound in a good half a minute. Taurus shook his head. The healing powder had fogged his mind, made him feel very tired. Versing looked to Morgan, who actually managed to tear Junius' armor right off his chest. Then he looked back at Taurus, and hoped that the NCR Commando had been incapacitated. He didn't want to get hit in the head with his own assault rifle.

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She raised the rifle for another swing when the explosion distracted her, sarina looked up just in time to see something large and on fire slam into the ground and explode repeatedly. debris was flying everywhere, then a small white object hit the rifle in her hand sending it flying into the side of her head. she fell to the ground unconscious covered in 200 year old Insta-Mash brand potatos...
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A small, white piece of metal flew past Versing, and when he looked up the Commando had collapsed, and was covered in....mashed potatoes? That would be a story to tell the kids, if he ever had any.

"Pop goes the Commando." he mumbled.

Meanwhile, Taurus lurched towards him, half of his wounds healing themselves far faster than they should. A bullet wound in his arm sealed itself, stopping the bleeding. And from the way Taurus was shaking his head, the Healing Powder probably had some minor painkilling properties as well. Taurus was disoriented, but still dangerous. Taking advantage of the oppurtunity, Versing ran behind him as fast as he could, and slashed Taurus across the back with his gladius in a vicious blow. The gladius penetrated the armor, but the Versing was too far away for the blow to go deep enough to kill him. Nevertheless, Taurus gasped and fell to his knees. But his medicine was still working its magic, and the blood clotted and sealed the wound within seconds. Any deeper and the wound would have been beyond the medicine's ability to heal. As the wound healed itself, Taurus managed to fend off Versing's several killing blows. Their machetes clashed several times as Taurus climbed to his feet.

"You're smart, using the healing powder's mind-clouding effects to your advantage. Now I see how you have survived so long. But today you die, degenerate."

"I don't plan on going out today. But if i do, there are worse ways I could die."

"What, a filthy, desperate degenerate fighting for his life? A cornered rat? I can think of few worse ways to perish."

"At least you can see the face of your enemy. I only get to see a masked thug. Why don't you take off the mask? Junius is honest enough to do so." Taurus ripped off the mask covering the upper half of his face, revealing black hair, brown eyes, and a lightly freckled, heavily suntanned face that held the expression of a furious man maintaining his composure. He wasted no time, bringing his machete up to Versing's stomach, who just barely managed to pull his stomach back and out of the way. It still ripped out the material on his breastplate where it passed, leaving a hole shaped like a large claw-mark. Versing's head was left vulnerable in the wake of the attack, and Taurus managed to get him into a tight headlock. Versing barely managed to slash him hard enough over the ribs hard enough to make him let go. The attack was desperate and clumbsy, and only served to wind the Frumentarius, but Versing got out of the headlock before Taurus could snap his neck.

"Morgan!" Versing shouted. "Are you doing okay?" Loki and Fenrir growled and barked viciously in a tangle of fur and teeth. Versing couldn't tell if either of them were wounded.

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A little bit away from where Versing was, Morgan was still busy fighting, infact he and his opponent was too busy to notice the plane exploding or Versing yelling something to Morgan.


Morgan and Junius stopped for a while and stood there catching their breath


Junius started to chuckle a bit, carefully of course, while looking morgan in the eye "You are pretty strong, for a degenerate but your strength is not going to prevent your death!"



Morgan bared his teeth and wiped some blood off from under his nose and spat at the ground "you have already taken 10 years of my life Junius, 10 YEARS! AND I SURE AS HELL WON'T LET YOU TAKE THE REST!"


Morgan took a jump towards Junius and punched him with a force that made him fall to the ground, but Junius was quickly back up on his feet and re-engaged combat with Morgan.


The two fought fiercly, and eventualy they found themself on the edge of a gorge when Junius suddenly got the upper hand and dislocated Morgans arm with one massive punch. Morgan screamed in pain and lost focus long enough for Junius to get morgan to his knees.


"like I said mongrel, you are dead meat and I am your executioner" just as he was going to land the final blow, Morgan got a sudden burst of adrenaline and anger, boosting his strength enough to make him kick Junius's rear, break his leg badly and hold him in a chokehold over the gorge, still using one arm due to the sudden boost in strength, "I told you, I'm not going to let you get the rest, now it's time for you to bite the dust!" Morgan started to charge up a throw and then looked Junius in the eyes one last time


"Hasta la vista, baby" was his last words to Junius before he threw him off the edge, watching as he smacked into the walls on his way to the bottom where he landed with a thud.


Morgan looked down to see if he really was dead, before sitting down on the ground where he lit a cigar and started to patch his wounds.

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It was the greatest disaster of the century. But it wasn't the worst thing that could happen. There was a centuries old quote; it was probably twisted and wrong by now, but it seemed appropriate. Live and let be. There was no use mulling over a small disaster that didn't set anything back in the first place. Really, it was still an advantage that the warplane malfunctioned and blew up almost in her face. Though there were some cons, notably the fact that all the raiders in the area would be descending upon her in minutes, Maya would still be walking out on top.


Nonetheless, Maya was still frustrated at the failure. Letting off steam, she punched the ground with her fist, before shaking her head. She looked at the intact parts of the wreckage and saw the left wing and the forward section of the glass canopy were the only parts still intact. Sighing annoyedly, she picked up the surprisingly lightweight glass canopy. With a decent handle, it might have merit as a riot shield of sorts. The wing was a lost cause. It was crumpled against the ground, still wedged in where it was caught. It looked like there was still an air-to-air missile on a hardpoint underneath the wing, but Maya didn't dare touch it in its current state. It looked it would only take a pebble thrown against it to explode and ignite whatever jet fuel was in that crippled wing.


With nothing else to do at this point, Maya trudged towards Megaton. By the time would get there, she reckoned whatever bandit attack that was going on there would likely be repelled. It was by far a better option than Tenpenny Towers at this point in time; a leaky roof was easier to deal with than the legion. Maya didn't have any personal quarrel with the legion, but their ideology and methods didn't mix to well with her. She preferred not losing her cool and being punched in by a company of Legionnaires.

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Junius was dead. Or maybe unconcious, Versing couldn't tell. All he knew was that an injured Fenrir had yelped and whined and jumped over to the other wall, before he slid down. He was smarter than he looked. He nudged Junius' hand and face. Taurus broke off from combat with Versing, and also went after the downed Centurion, managing the twnety- foot drop by sliding down the slightly sloped wall, and then jumping when it got too steep and sticking the landing. He almost fell on his face when all his remaining injuries screamed at him simultaneously, but he dropped to his knees and felt Junius' neck, around the jugular vein. There was still a pulse, hitting all the walls on the way down had broken his fall, but also injured him and rendered him unconcious. The entrance to the gorge was miles away, and ended with a dead end. (Junius and the rest had passed it on the way there, which was how Taurus knew this.) It would take a while to get out of the range of Versing's assault rifle, or worse, Morgan's sniper rifle. Junius was indispensable, the only Centurion in the Capital Wasteland. If the Legion frowned on rescuing somebody, Caesar and Lanius wouldn't have Praetorian guards. Sure, if a low-ranking Legionairie was near-dead, leave them, perhaps take some gear from them and leave them for dead. But the higher ranks were occasionally aided in their time of need by those of lower ranks. There didn't seem to be any rules against it, unless the commanders didn't like being saved. Junius might kill Taurus later, but Taurus would have done the Legion a good deed. For him, a stout servant of Caesar, that was practically what he existed for. He grabbed Junius by the scruff of the neck and dragged him as fast as he could, through muck and rocks.

Up on the hill, Versing went for his assault rifle, and pried it out of the hands of the Commando. The foregrip had been burnt and severely bent, pointing the barrel sideways by about 40 degrees. He rushed to the edge of the cliff, went prone, and tried shooting at Taurus nevertheless, but the rifle wouldn't fire. Swearing, he opted for a second molotov, but decided that he wouldn't be able to throw it that far. He examined the rifle. Whatever had knocked out the Commando had also damaged the rifle. By then, They were all too far away for his pistol to hit anything, so Versing didn't bother. He slumped to the ground, grasping his arm, and coughed a little.

"That damn Frumentarius almost broke my neck. A second later, my spine'd look like someone stepped on a twig." He coughed again. "The commando might be insane. But for now, she's unconcious. And covered in mashed potatoes. My assault rifle is broken." He coughed once more. "At least I have an excuse to get a shotgun, now. I love those things. What about you, are you hurt?"

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