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Ain't that a Kick in the Head?


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(OOC sorry for not posting lately, no explanations needed)


Sandro woke briefly in the night to check his old watch. He had maintained that thing for years. Realizing he had been sleeping for a few hours. Where were those dratted people? He thought to himself, settling back against the wall.


Tomoyo did a bit of spot maintenance on her plasma rifle, grabbed as many Microfusion Cells from the bag Cathy had left on the ground, and shoved most of them in her pack, inserting one into the MF cell cradle of her weapon, but not clicking it into place, the weapon's safety catch. She holstered the weapon on her back, grabbed her pack, and stepped beside Cathy, remarking,


"Um, if you're going to meet Mister Sandro, I'm going too. N-not getting rid of me that easily." She smiled shyly.

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The sound of the dog growling was the first thing that he noticed before he came to a few seconds later. He raised his head and shook it.

"...You guyzh look like you have shome nish shtuff..... -FLOWERS EVERYWHERE!!- Now juzht gimme it, I like giving MUTIEZH foot massagezh-FLOWERS- eating a toilet- SHTUFF with SHARP objects....." Junius smacked Taurus' hand off of him, rolled over, and got shakily to his feet.


"Fenrir, kill." He gestured towards the man. The jet-crazed man didn't even put up a fight as the dog went for his throat, only cackled and screamed something about daisies. "Good dog."


"You were indispensable, sir. Only Centurion in the wasteland, so I pulled you out before Versing could shoot you."


"Relax, Legionairre. You did your duty, and you did it for practicality, nothing more. If you did the same for dispensable personelle, however, I would have executed you." Taurus nodded. "Such ferocity, such skill. It is good to finally meet an opponent who equals or exceeds my own martial skills. That slave has definitely earned by respect, but not my fear. I believe we each injured each other equally....Almost."


"I believe you to be on equal terms, sir. If he had not thrown you over the cliff, you would merely have been knocked down. You injured him as much as he injured you."


"Where are we, Frumentarius?" Junius inquired.


"The canyon you were thrown into is miles long, with exits a long way away in either direction. If we were to fight back from down there in our injured states, we would be quickly beaten, especially given Versing's skill with explosives. While retreat isn't an option either of us enjoy, it was the only sensible option."


"Then let's get out of here. It appears that we are both...quite evenly matched." Junius said. He couldn't wait to face Morgan again. If these thoughts came from someone outside the Legion, it would likely be due to the head trauma.

Edited by Flipout6
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Maya and Versing finally managed to arduously bring back the two unconscious individuals back to Megaton. As she had guessed, the guard outside(The Mr. Gutsy robot didn't do anything) rushed out to help them.

Half an hour later, they were in the Megaton Clinic. Thankfully, they had an ample supply of regular stimpaks.


Maya leaned against the wall looking at the unconscious girl and Morgan as Doc Church treated the two with stimpaks. Maya and Versing were the last on line since their injuries were not as severe as the people laying on the beds before them.


"Hey Doc. Are they gonna live?"

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Versing, leaning against a wall, almost laughed, before he reassured Maya. (At least regarding Morgan.)

"You don't need to worry about Morgan too much. He's hurt, sure, but the worst he has is a severe concussion. He's one tough SOB. That woman, though, her injuries are bad enough for me to write her off as 'probably not going to make it.' As for the two of us, we're still concious, nothing to worry about there." He grasped his bleeding arm. "I wonder what's up with the woman. She comes from the same group I do, but she tried killing me with my own rifle. I don't want to have to put her down if she's as insane as a hungry nightkin, but I'm also apprehensive about what she'll be like if she wakes."

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Morgan slowly started to move while groaning and moaning in pain before he slowly sat up and looked at versing with a faint smile


"You know what I need right now? A good drink and a vaccation. Possibly a good meal."


He sleepily rubbed his face before he started to look around the room


"Hey, where's Loki? Is he ok? Please tell me he is ok!"

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"Speak of the devil. He's awake." Versing said. Morgan muttered something about a vacation. And a drink. And then he panicked a little, asking about Loki. "Whoa, relax. Loki's right outside. A few cuts and scrapes from the fight, but nothing major. Doc didn't want him in here. But, I think a visit never hurt anyone." He opened the door to the clinic. Loki looked up at him with worried, inquisitive eyes. "Hey, Loki! Guess who's awake? Go on, say hi!" He stood out of the way, and gestured wildly in Morgan's general direction. Loki barked like an excited puppy and ran inside. Versing laughed. Edited by Flipout6
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Morgan laughed as Loki jumped up in his bed and started to pet and hug him


"oh thank Atom you are ok, don't know what I would do without buddy"


He then looked at Versing, still smiling, "Hey Vers, you don't happen to have my gear do you?"

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Sandro rose from his spot on the ground and brushed himself off. He packed up his things, and started back towards where he had last seen everyone. He wondered if they had been attacked, and was starting to get worried. Whistling at Leeroy, he walked his way back towards where he had last seen his friends.


Tomoyo tapped her foot impatiently. She had been sitting around this one place for ages, and nobody seemed to be inclined to move anywhere. She pulled out one of her swords and a whetstone, and started honing the edge of the blade while she waited. Her pet hawk Sakura sat sleeping on her shoulder.

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"Erm..No. We were kind of busy dragging you here. Oh, and I didn't know you dropped anything." He shrugged. "If you like, next time I can leave you there and grab the gear first." He said sarcastically, and smiled. "As for any proper clothing, I think the doc put it on the table beside you there." Edited by Flipout6
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"Well my coat is still out there and so is my backpack, kinda hard to fist fight with a coat flailing around yer legs, either way I wanna go back there and grab Junius armor, can't think of a better trophy than his helmet am I right?"


he chuckled a bit before he gave Loki a hug again.


"So, how long was I out?"

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