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Ain't that a Kick in the Head?


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Versing shrugged.

"You've been out a couple of hours. Nothing extreme like 38 years or anything. Now, my assault rifle has been reduced to a piece of scrap. I'll be shopping at Moira's. I'm thinking I want a 12 gauge." He left the clinic, and walked up the ramp towards Craterside Supply, all the while his mind spinning about this spot and that, but mostly about how the Legionairres were after him. One of his worst fears had come to be. Because the Legion was after him, they attacked both him and his friends. He walked through the door to the shop.


"Welcome to Craterside Supply! What can I get you?" Moira regarded him with her eccentric, but friendly eyes.


"I'm here for a shotgun, 12 gauge. Can I see what you have for those?"


"Sure thing!" She disappeared into the back, and came out holding an armload of shotguns. Versing pulled his old Service Rifle out of his rucksack, and placed it on the counter, along with the remainder of his .556 ammo, about 200 rounds.


"Here. The rifle is reliable and sturdy, is accurate, and has a good rate of fire. It fires .556 rounds, there's 200 right there. If used by a skilled person, it can penetrate even some of the heavier armor. I've upgraded it with a Forged Receiver, which runs for around 700 caps, and it makes this one of the most reliable weapons out there. It's also simple to repair and maintain if someone does break it. In exchange, I'll take that Combat Shotgun and as many slug rounds as my offer will buy." His offer probably ran to around 1200 caps.


"O-kay, here you go. Shotgun, and a hundred and twenty slug rounds." Moira said.


"Thanks a ton, Moira." Versing said, and left the shop. He stood around on the balcony, deep in thought.

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Sandro walked on towards where he had last seen his friends camping out. He came across a small group of raiders. One of them heard his approach and indicated to the others. They raised their weapons and the leader called out,


"Hey you! Yeah you! Who are you, why should we not shoot you, and what kinda drugs do you have?" Sandro lit his pipe, the flame from his match throwing his ghoul features into sharp relief as he lit his pipe. Shaking out the match he drew his assault rifle, and said,


"My name.. is Nicodemus Sandro Jesus Martinez. You won't shoot me, because I'll shoot you first. As for the drugs, The drugs I have would probably be too much for you to handle. Die now." He calmly sprayed his rifle at them, and took them down. He checked their bodies for any caps or other items, finding some jet, 100 caps between them, and a gold necklace. He pocketed the necklace, deciding to offer it to Tomoyo or Cathy, and continued on. Before long he caught a glimpse of his friends, but apparently Tomoyo got a glimpse first, as she grabbed her plasma rifle, clicked the microfusion cell into place, and pointed it at him.


"Who goes there/ I warn you, if you're a raider, I'll aim for the groin first!" Sandro stepped closer, calmly and said,


"I am no raider. My name you know, Miss Tomoyo. Nicodemus Sandro Jesus Martinez, usually just go by Sandro," Tomoyo lowered her weapon, hearing the slightly Spanish-sounding Ghoul and waved him close. Sandro walked back to the camp and leaned against a random ruined wall, prepared to head out again, eyes scanning around to see any threats.

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"You need to learn to slow down, Tomo-- Oh, hi Sandro. Been havin' fun in the dank, dark underground?"


(OOC, since everyone else seems to be doing it; My apologies for a short post, but I only came to catch up briefly before heading back to bed. I have a bug of some sort. Feel like I'm gonna puke up my guts and crap out my friggin' tail bone... Not even kidding.)

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Versing leaned up against the railing beside Craterside Supply. His new Combat Shotgun sat behind his shoulder in a sling he took from his Service Rifle. He was deep in thought, and furious with himself. Jay and Skyler, or rather, Junius and Taurus, had attacked, injured, and almost killed not only Versing, but Morgan and Loki as well. Out of everyone in the group, Morgan was probably Versing's favourite, not because he disliked the others, but because him and Morgan had a lot of things in common. And he had almost gotten him and his beloved companion butchered, or re-enslaved, by a ruthless Legion officer. Morgan getting re-enslaved would be like a second nuclear armageddon for him. Completely crushing, defeating, and would kill him. And Versing had almost managed to make that happen. Who had revealed that Morgan used to be a slave? Versing. Who has brought the wrath of the Legion down on everybody's heads? Versing. He hadn't been with the group very long, and already he'd gotten Legion assassins, Frumentarii, and even a Centurion to attack them, His friends. What kind of friend did that? They'd put their trust in him, accepting him into the group, (Despite his warnings and better judgement.) and he had repaid them with this? Nice job, Josepher.


He was apoplectic with rage, with both the Legion and himself. They were a merciless evil, hiding under a banner of unity and strength. In that respect, they were hardly different from the Master and his mutant army, a whole century ago, if he remembered correctly. The NCR wasn't perfect by any means, but there they had no sex slaves, to rape at any given time. They didn't tie or nail people to crosses, leaving them to die a slow, painful death. The Legion did all that and more. The best thing that could possibly be said about them was the fact that they cleared out raiders. But Legionairres were worse. Versing had led some of the most evil, vicious troops in the world to his friends, to maim them and enslave them and crucify them as they pleased. They'd done a lot for him, even just by offering him a chance to join them. Nobody deserved that, but especially not them. Axelle, Tomoyo, Cathy, and that one dancer, they would get the worst of it, followed by the ghouls. Versing's protective squad-leader instincts were guiding his thoughts now. He was just like an insane, suicidal trooper. A danger to the rest of them, to be removed ASAP. Versing was a danger to all of them. He had to go. With these thoughts in mind and a sorrowful look on his face, he walked back down to the clinic to speak with Morgan.


It was time to take up guerilla warfighting again.

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Morgan stepped outside for some fresh air, even though the doctor complained about not having the time to fix up his arm due to the NCR Spec Ops taking priority with her injuries.


"You know Loki, fighting Junius like that was actualy quite soothing for my inner demons, after all I made a stand against those who have caused me so much pain in the past."


He briefly thought about lighting a cigar but he decided not to, slightly suprising himself


He kneeled down next to Loki and petted his head "what do you say about going back to the mojave once we are done here? I mean I kind off like it there"


He saw Versing approach in the distance but kept petting Loki

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Hmm, Morgan was out of bed already. That was unexpected, but welcome. Not only was he good enough to walk, but Versing wouldn't have to pull off a bit of drama in the clinic. He was petting Loki as Versing managed to catch up to him. He took off his helmet and cradled it under his arm, letting his almost neck-length hair fall out. He sincerely wished he could find a barber somewhere.

"Good to see you're feeling better, Morgan. And you too, Loki!" He stroked the wolf. "Now, I don't have any idea how I'm going to break this to you. So I'm going to cut right to the chase. I'm leaving the group. Until the Legion stops going after any of you, I'm gone."

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Morgan slowly looked at Vers, looking slightly shocked.


"Leaving? You don't need to do that. We are in this together man! If they attack us again we take care of them, you saw how well we handled Junius and Taurus. Besides you are the only one I feel understand my inner pain man."


Loki, being the clever wolf that he is walked up to Versing, leaned against his leg and looked at him with a sad look on his face while whining softly

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"I'm not going to argue this, but believe me when I say I really don't wan to. Yes, we are in this together, but the sole reason they attacked was because I was there. You were just an added bonus. What do you think they were going to do to you? Kill you? Only if you're lucky. I'm the one that let your past slip. They would've crucified you, or-" He lowered his voice, so as not to repeat his mistake. "-re-enslave you. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if they did that, to anyone that didn't deserve it. And besides. It's not forever, and I'm not leaving the Capital Wasteland. I used to be a guerilla warfighter against the Legion, that's why they hate me so much. It's time for me to become one again. And if that means my death, so be it. I'll be protecting both my friends, and innocents. If there's any way I want to die, this is how." He looked down at Loki. "It's not forever, boy, unless I die. Don't worry about me." He looked back up at Morgan. "You seemed to be the best person to tell first. Anyone asks, explain it to them, okay? Besides, given what I'm going to be doing, you'll be hearing about my actions a lot, usually in the form of a bounty. Goodbye for now, Morgan. And you too, Loki." He stroked the dog one more time, before he walked past them and out of the front gate.
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Morgan silently looked after Versing before picking up a rock and chucking it at a near by sign, scaring a local




was all he said, before he went back into the doctors office, grabbed the gear he had there and went to the site where he fought Junius to try and gather his thoughts a bit

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Several hundred meters away, (with his helmet now on.) Versing heard Morgan yell in frustration. He hadn't wanted to do this at all, but it was necessary. He headed south-west, towards the Tenpenny Tower area. He wasn't stupid enough to attack the tower, by a long shot. Instead, he would kill any Legionairre that dared step outside those walls. He hoped he didn't run into Junius and Taurus along the way, as they inevitably would be moving towards the tower as well. Even from Megaton, he could see it far off in the distance. It took him a few hours to walk there, enough that it was mid-afternoon by the time he got close enough to it to see details. He dropped to the ground, lying prone. A few figures patrolled the courtyard, some wearing red, some wearing the yellow rags that the slaves always seemed to wear. Versing spooted a patrol as he was thinking about where he would sleep tonight. That little group of houses directly south of the tower might make a good place to sleep for the night, or the RobCo center a kilometer back. He decided to go to the RobCo center. Even if there was a deep subway system in the little town, he was right at the skirts' doorstep. But until then, there were Legionairres to kill. The patrol went south, and Versing could tell they were going to loop around the far side of town before heading his way. Perfect. He began moving around to the small town.


When he got there, he was about a minute ahead of the patrol. He hid inside a building, and pulled his machete gladius out from his belt. As the patrol party passed, Versing sprung out from beside a window, grabbed the last man, and silently slit his throat. Before he could fall, Versing carefully pulled him through the window and set him down. This wouldn't go completely undetected, but if he had just shot him, the others would whirl around and instantly fill Versing with .357 caliber holes. It took a mere two seconds before they noticed the abscence of a comrade. Versing heard voices, and they came to investigate. He tucked the gladius back into his belt, and pulled his new Combat Shotgun out from behind his shoulder. As a Legionairre looked in the window, Versing aimed and pulled the trigger. The Legionairre's face received the brunt of the shot, and the force was enough to throw his entire body backward. He flew back, head-first, splattering blood everywhere, and smacked the remains of his head on the concrete. The other two, now alert for danger, drew their weapons and flanked the window. Versing dove to one side of it, blasting a Legionairre as he went to shoot him. The other one pointed his gun inward, expecting to find a target, only to have Versing wrench it from his grasp and throw it behind him. Before he drew his machete, Versing blew some of his insides all over the concrete. He jerked before collapsing like a sack of meat. Good thing he had experience with ambushes. For the next little while, Versing would sit and wait, for any patrols passing through, or someone coming to investigate. When night fell, he would head for the RobCo facility to get some sleep.

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