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Ain't that a Kick in the Head?


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Doc Church waited till Morgan had settled in then approached him.


"Mr. Morgan I need to talk to you about your friend here, look i'm not one to pry into others affairs by any means but who or what the hell is she?

just what kind trouble have you brought here?"


he stood in front of Morgan and not bothering to wait for an answer continued what was now becoming a paniced rant.


"how many hearts do you have.... 1 just like the rest of us, she has 1 and a half all decentralized"

"her "broken bones" are already healed, and i was able to find no trace of internal injuries other then the blood i drained from her abdomen."

"her surgical incisions are already fully healed, and to top it off she has no belly button birthmarks etc and she has webbed toes."

"if shes some kind of FEV mutant you better hope she isnt contagious. I'm going to definately have to contact Sheriff Simms about this sir!"

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"One of our patrols have gone missing." A Legionairre reported to Junius as soon as he walked through the gates.


"Well," Junius said. "Why hasn't something been done about it?"


"We've organized a group of ten to investigate, sir. They're about to depart."


"Make that twelve, decanus, Taurus and I are joining them." The decanus nodded. Junius ordered the troops to follow him, and investigated the small town to the south. They combed the ruins and found the remains of the patrol Versing alone had massacred. Junius ordered the troops to be quiet so as not to alert anything, and observed a figure walking up the hill to meet another, wiping out what looked to be another patrol alongside his ally, and begin to walk back down. Junius ordered the troops to hide behind a building, so as not to be seen.




Versing began walking back down the hill towards the little town. He heard nothing and saw nothing, which was good. Didn't take long before he turned a corner and came face to face with twelve legionairres. He swore loudly. Junius, spear in hand, grinned wickedly.

"Should have guessed it'd be you, profligate. Men, this is Versing. He's not to die. I have something worse planned for him." Versing, reacting quickly, had his molotov cocktail out and in the air before Junius could yell for them to attack. At least three Legionairres caught fire before he followed that up with a shotgun blast, downing a Prime Legionairy. He ran into the alley he previously came through before Taurus could hit him with a throwing spear. He got lucky with the molotov. The legionairres he hit weren't likely to survive, as there were no large sources of water close enough to jump in. Taurus was the first to charge in after him, throwing spear at the ready. Versing banked left before the Frumentarius could kill him. He found himself out in the open, and ran clear of the alley. Taurus was hot on his heels, and skidded out after him. He dropped the throwing spear and went for his machete, but it was for naught. Versing aimed his shotgun and pulled the trigger. In his desperation to kill him quickly, Versing's shot flew slightly wide, making some of the pellets miss, but the shot still did the job. The upper left half of Taurus' body was bombarded with pellets from the shotgun. He jerked and spun around, slightly airborne, before landing lifeless onto the pavement. Versing turned around to find Junius practically on top of him.

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Sandro turned, already pulling out his gun, but a crashing blow from behind sends him sprawling. Blackness closes in, and Sandro knows no more.


Leeroy turned to savage the man who knocked out Sandro, and was shot with several tranquilizer darts. He passed out shortly after.


Tomoyo snaked an arm around Cathy as they walked towards Megaton.

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Morgan placed his hand on the doctors shoulders to calm him down, instead of slapping him which was his first thought and looked him right in the eyes.


"Calm yourself Church. From what I have gathered through obersvations of her, she is a super soldier of sorts so its not impossible that there have been some modifications to her genes. Perhaps even made in a tube of sorts in a lab who knows?"


Morgan thought for a second, thinking about what kind of person she really was.


"Let's just wait until she wakes up"

Edited by MikeRyan
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"No Morgan you need to see this, I've never seen anything like it." Doc Church said after calming himself down a bit.


"just look at the incisions here on her abdomeh AKK....."

Doc church never finished the sentence for as his hand touched the sheets covering Sarina she snapped her right knee up and dead on target for his jaw knocking him out sending the sheets flying into the air. she continued her momentum by rolling over backwards off the table and executing a 180 degree twist that landed her facing morgan across the small room. she was crouched on the balls of her feet naked as a jay bird, but obviously very much ready for a fight.

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Morgan, being the gentleman that he is, looked away and pulled his hat down over his eye


"Good morning ma'am, good to know you are up and awake"


He picked up her gear and walked to her offering it, all while looking away, out of respect.


"I picked up whatever of your gear was left back at the site where we fought Junius and Taurus earlier so everything should be there, your clothes, weapons and all that stuff"

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the killers response to her nudity was quite puzzling to sarina, he turned his head then covered his eye? was he insane? she could kill him in seconds and he would never see it coming... then he did something she really didnt expect he gave her her uniform armour and combat blades back...... she assumed her firearms where lost or destroyed or that at least he wasnt totally insane enough to give her a loaded gun.


"who are you?" she asked as she carefully took the bag with her gear trying her best not to get within his reach.

"where am I, and how did i get here? she said as she quickly slipped on her black skinsuit and started buckling on some of the stealth suits armour plates. most of the suit was still in very good shape she found the emergency powercell and used it to boot up the the suits systems and set it to run diagnostics while she continued dressing.

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Morgan, having heard the snap of the buckles of her armor, turned his head towards the soldier to introduce himself via eyecontact


"The name is John Morgan Fitzgerald Hollister the second, or junior doesn't matter to me, and right now you are in the megaton clinic. You got knocked out during the battle so we took you here so your wounds could be attended to by a real doctor, I know some basic medicine but surgery is something I leave for the pros."


He wiped some sweat from his forehead before he spoke again


"In case you wonder why I looked away earlier, well respect is high on my list so staring at a lady while she is naked aint exactly nicest thing you can do. Tell me, what's your name?"

Edited by MikeRyan
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the suit finished its diagnostic and blurped its findings to her via her earpiece. not enough power for stealth and the reactive surfaces on the armour where badly damaged anyway from slamming through a concrete wall the night vision and thermal systems in the helmet where all functioning as where the suits bio functions for recycling water. one of her emergency stims was missing but she didnt remember using it. once she had her full suit on minus the helmet she turned to the killer whos name she now knew.


"well Morgan" she said in a surprisingly delicate and feminin voice. "i guess i have no choice but to answer you, my name is Specialist Sarina Cogh. im guessing by now youve figured out im NCR so the question now is what are you?" she absently rubbed at some of the worse scratches and scrapes on her armour, seeming to become more and more agitated as she tried to rub them off.

"oh and incase you get any stupid ideas about using the stimpack you took from my suit, it's desinged for my rather unique physiology and will definately be lethal for you or whoever you try to sell it too."

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A few minutes after his departure from Moriarty's he arrived in Craterside, there a pretty yet plain woman swept the floors while a gruff looking wastelander leaned against the wall with his arms folded. King drifted his hand to his holster and quickly un-latched the guard strap to free up his revolver. The woman looked up and ran a hand through her red hair and smiled. "Welcome! I hope you brought caps because I have a great deal on fine...uh...junk I suppose..." She said oddly as she put away her broom and stood behind the makeshift counter. King smiled as he thought of her strange yet cute sense of charm. "Hello ma'am, Im in need of supplies for a three day venture into the wastes, food, water and ammo. Plus i need four stimpaks and two shots of Med-X." He looked at her shelves and she handed him all but the medical supplies. "Im sorry but I dont really sell the medical stuff, but Doc Church down the ramp does. He's abit...rough but if your hurt he'll heal you..." She commented as she counted out the prices and he paid in full. King nodded to her and stepped out of the little shop and said farewell to the odd shopowner. He placed his supplies in the rooksack at his hip and fished out a pack of cigarettes from his jacket pocket and struck a match from the bottom of his boot and lit it, breathing in the smoke deeply and savoring the taste. He looked down from the rail at the bomb from which Megaton got its name. Standing next to it was a man with his hands in the air as he preeched some religious babel and his misguided flock of followers surrounded him, muttering words of silent prayer. "Zealots, they come in all thirty one flavors nowadays..." He thought as he strolled down the ramp towards Doc Church's clinic, from outside he listened In as two men, one presumably the Doc as he was using a lot of medical terms argue about a injured woman, the second mans replies were faint, too faint to hear but he decided to wait until they were finished before he entered. So he loaded his ammo bandoliers with their respective bullets and shells and sat back smoking his cigarette and enjoying the cool breeze.


After a while the voices dimmed and he figured the conversation over so he strode inside. The other man and the woman were in the back but he didn't really care, as he walked in he thought he caught a sound of power armor but the only ones with that gear were the Brotherhood, and he knew from past experience to avoid Brotherhood affairs, The Doc sat at his desk looking at some medical book, a large sore lip on his face as if he was knocked in the face by a brahmin and when he finally looked up King smiled and tossed a bag full of caps on the desk. "I need four stimpaks and two shots of Med-X, and some tourniqets and Rad-X just to be safe." He added as the Doc glanced to him and the strangers in the back, he gathered his materials from a storage locker behind him and handed him the medical supplies, as he did a man and a woman wearing what looked like power armor but was thinner, looked like pre-war tech and carrying two blades. King smirked and gave her a wink, not meaning anything with it but he knew if things got bad he wouldn't survive the encounter. The Doc scooped up the bag of caps and without a word glared at the woman as she and the stranger left.


He left the clinic not long after, the pair had left. For some reason his mind kept drifting to the woman wearing the armor, she was mysterious and he was attracted to that but he knew she probably had no want for a broken down gunslinger like him. He shrugged and started walking. As he walked his mind kept snapping back to those two and the wounded Doc. He knew that if he hadn't waited he would have been in the middle of a sticky situation. "Ahwell." he thought as he pushed his way up the hill to the gate, there stood Simms with his arms folded and his rifle strung over his shoulder. At his side stood a boy not much older then ten or so. The same dark-skinned complexion as Simms so he guessed it was his boy. King nodded to Simms as the gate moaned and creaked as it opened and he strode through, only to be met by the piercing light of the sun and the familar tang scent of the wasted earth. To him, it was the only home he knew.

Edited by Macman253
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