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Ain't that a Kick in the Head?


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Morgan nodded at Sarina in his usual greeting fashion


"It's a pleasure to meet you Sarina, and don't worry I'm with the bear not the bull. The legion has caused me pain ever since I was 4 so there is no way I would ever join them. Now about those stims you were talking about, your suit used them on you, you got pretty badly beaten up after that explosion so they must have kicked in by themself. I would never use strange drugs that a Spec Ops is carrying. I'm weak to chems enough as it is so I wouldn't dare to try yours."

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Sarina stopped dead as she heard the squeak of rotted wood from outside, she immediately drew both her blades and dropped into a combat stance facing morgan and the door.


"you expecting friends morgan?"

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Morgan nodded and walked over to the good doctor and woke him up


"Remember, doctors don' say anything about their patients to others" and then nodded towards Sarina


"Let's go"

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"i dont suppose you have either of my guns do you?"

she asked morgan as she glared at the doctor as if to tell him he was only alive because morgan kept him that way. she continued rubbing at the scratches on her armour slightly more persistantly now. she followed morgan out the door passing a male entering the clinic as they where leaving. tall well armed carrying at least 1 concealed sidearm that she could see probably more weapons hidden on him. she followed morgan out of the clinic into, megaton? was what he had called the town it looked more like a garbage dump and smelled pretty much the same way. she pulled the face mask of her skin suit over her mouth and nose.

"morgan what is that smell? this place reeks like a sewer."

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Morgan smiled a little and looked around, taking in the sunlight


"It might be brahmin dung, you got one right next to you my friend"


He started to take on his coat and made sure that he had all of his equipment with him before he spoke again


"Maybe we should go to the others, down by the mart, and regarding your guns, they got destroyed in the explosion that lethaly injured you earlier."

Edited by MikeRyan
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"any chance of finding a replacement weapon around here? i'm not expecting a miracle, but someone has to have a gun that isnt falling apart around here."


"i dont have any caps but i have a few things i can barter with."

sarina wondered if the NCR money she had would be worth anything out here yet or if she would need to use the few small items in her kit specifically meant for this type of problem, if not she could always kill someone and take their weapons.

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"Well I did pick up this assault rifle from a raider not long ago, guess you could have it you want"


Morgan noted to himself that when she was not trying to kill anyone Sarina actualy was pretty cute, nothing he would say to her, you never know how she would react.


"But craterside supply should have some guns and ammo too"

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He barely had time to react. He pulled the trigger on the shotgun, but without any aim and using slug rounds, Junius was barely injured. He used his spear to sweep the shotgun out of Versing's hands. Versing went for his gladius. The remaining five or six Legionairres were right behind Junius.

"This one's for Wilhelm-" He slashed at Junius, who parried it. "-Jadaco-" He attempted to stab Junius, who stepped out of the way. "-Macintyre-" Another unsuccessful strike. "-And Slater!" his overhead blow was stopped completely by Junius when he held the spear like a rod, allowing the gladius to hit the center.

"Stay back, this one's mine." He barked, and thrust the spear at Versing's stomach.

Versing managed to bat the spear away with the broad side of the gladius, giving him and oppurtunity for an attack. He took and and spun aroundm going to behead Junius in a single swift stroke. It didn't work. Junius leapt out of the way, before he grabbed Versing's arm and snapped it. Versing felt at least a bone or two break. Fast as lightning, Junius went to his shoulder, and dislocated it as fast as he could. No wonder he'd given Morgan a run for his money in unarmed combat. Versing gasped in pain, but still rolled out of the way and tried to attack Junius, desperate to finish this before he was killed or captured. Junius was faster, level-minded, and far, far more experienced. Versing's attempt to attach was met with the pointed end of Junius' spear, which flew right through Versing's armor and into his chest. Hot pain filled the wound area. He couldn't tell if it was fatal, because when Junius swept him off his feet with a move similar to a Ranger Takedown, he passed out when he hit the concrete.



"A valiant attempt to put up a fight, but only delaying the inevitable. Drag him back. Death in battle is too good for him." Two Legionairres grabbed the unconcious Versing by each arm and dragged him back by the feet. Junius cringed a little when he remembered that Taurus was dead, but wasn't particularily heartbroken. Taurus had been a worthy Frumentarius, but he was no equal. It wasn't long before the unconcious Versing had been dragged into Tenpenny Tower's courtyard. Junius halted his troops, and pointed at the battered trooper lying before him.

"Tie him up to a cross and mount him up front, right next to the walls. He's too injured to serve us as a slave, nor does he deserve the honor."


Pain. Agony. Numbness in the hands and feet.

These were the things Versing felt as he woke up. He thought he was having a nightmare at first. Junius capturing him, Junius being the one that killed is whole squad. Then he opened his eyes and found that he was suspended in the air. Wait..... not suspended. He was hanging down from something.

Something wooden.

Something that felt like is was shaped like a cross.

Versing completely panicked for a minute, thrashing around to try and get out. But he couldn't move his left arm at all, and he was met with blinding stabs of pain from his ribs and upper right chest every time he moved.

"GAH!" He screamed in pain. He looked around. He must be the first one the Legion had crucified around here for at least three days. No other crucified person lived. "No, no no no........ This is not how it can end....." Then he calmed down a little when he realised that this was what he had been expecting, or at least counting as a possibility. He was here instead of one of his friends. No. He was here instead of all of them. There at least was something he could take comfort later, when eventually he would die up there. He'd seen it before, performed mercy killings. He didn't expect one. Not even Morgan would come this close to the walls.

Edited by Flipout6
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