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Ain't that a Kick in the Head?


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Sandro shuffled through some old desks and found a key. When he heard Maya calling him he walked over and tested the key. Success! It seemed to at least open this door, if not all the doors in this facility. He walked towards a computer terminal behind a desk and sat down in an old chair, booting up the pc.


"Power still goes on, and it seems to be accessing a mainframe within this building. Hmm.. this shouldn't take too long." Finding a few hidden junk decryption keys he found the right password and accessed the master command files. He started a ping, and discovered about 20 robots were still intact, mostly protectrons, but he discovered 5 were Robobrains.


"Wonder why they got Robobrains.." He muttered as he set up the command files to attack Tenpenny Tower. He input the uniform styles of the Legion, and hit enter. A low hum went through the building.


"Looks like we got 20 robots still working, 15 protectrons,5 robobrains. Not a bad haul."

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"I could say the same of you, Junius. But you were raised from birth to fight and die for your cause. I developed the will to do so for mine without outside interference." Versing sniped.


"Are you calling me a coward, Josepher Versing? If you irk me, I may be inclined to spread bird seed over the cross. The vultures will eat anything, especially if it can't fight back......"


"No, Junius. You are obviously not a coward. You are perhaps more brave than me. But it was beaten into you, you were raised specifically to be brave. My parents wanted me to be a doctor. I joined the military."


"And you believe this makes you superior to me?" Junius questioned.


"In that respect, yes. My childhood wasn't made hell just so I would join the military. I developed the courage I have today, I matured. It's better to be born a coward, but face your fears and eliminate them, than it is to have no fear at all."


"You clearly have a somewhat sophisticated view on these things. It sickens me. Now, I must see to the burning of the dead, Taurus included. Consider your crimes as you lay there, profligate, slowly dying as your wounds are infected or you grow dehydrated." Junius strode off. Versing looked around with weary, pained eyes. No other cross was occupied by the living, that much he knew already. His eyes fell westward, towards Megaton. Someone walked into the RobCo plant, and they were holding something transparent and square-shaped. Other than that, Versing saw nothing. He slumped, letting his body hang down from the cross he was tied to. Even beneath his tunic and undershirt, a bone jutting out, pressing against the skin of his shoulder was clearly visible.

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Sandro finished the command sequence, and the robots walked or wheeled their way out of the Robco Facility, heading towards Tenpenny Tower. He walked after them, intending on finding Versing. He hoped the idiot was alive.


Tomoyo rushed after Morgan, hair flying out behind her, heading towards Tenpenny Tower. She looked to the side and saw an old building not too far from the tower had Robots coming out of it, and they seemed to be heading towards the tower.


"Mister Morgan! Look over there! Do you think the Legion would use Robots?" She pointed towards the Robots, and then noticed the ghoul behind them. She laughed and said,


"Nevermind! It's Mister Sandro! How did he get those Robots?"

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Versing heard a commotion, and some yelling, way off to the West, and looked in that direction. (Not after a fit of pained coughing.) He couldn't see much, but out towards the RobCo facility, more figures had joined the one on the hill, including one in a cowboy-lookin' hat. Versing groaned. Morgan, that fool, was going to get himself killed. Versing started ranting to the air.

"NO no no no no........" He suffered a coughing fit. "Tried to prevent this.........." Junius, on the other hand, drew his cowboy repeater and ran back to the gates.


"Rally the soldiers! We're about to be attacked!"

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Maya whistled as she watched the robots march off towards the tower.


"That's not something you see everyday. Not that I'd get near them, anyway."


She unholstered her Five-sevN pistol and doubled checked its magazine to make sure it had its signature armor piercing rounds in it. Maya followed Sandro and the column of robots, shield and gun in hand. Now, with almost an equal parity in strength, it was time to save Versing and liberate her old home from those legion bastards.

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Versing sighed from the back of the cross, and counted Morgan and friends for dead. The Legion had ninety soldiers, and while it was a long shot from the thousand that were expected, it was still 3 or 4 times the number of attackers, robot or not. Junius went for cover behind a rock, aimed his cowboy repeater, and fired repeatedly. A protectron stumbled a bit after being hit a few times, but Junius wasn't a good shot at all. He feverishly reloaded the repeater and ducked his head under the rock amid a few laser bolts that it fired back. The gates opened and a good amount of Legionairres poured out, weapons in hand, with the lower ranks leading as cannon fodder. A couple, Versing saw, stayed in the windows to fire or throw their spears from there, around thirty. Perhaps the slaves were being forced to fight. Junius finished reloading the repeater and fired again at the same protectron, and managed to bring it down, and even had one bullet left in his rifle after he did. Nevertheless, he began to reload again. A shot from a robobrain hit a Legionairre in the head and reduced him to a flailing pile of ashes that blew away in the wind. One Legionairre threw a throwing spear that inbedded itself in a protectron's chassis, somewhat damaging the robot but not destroying it. Everywhere he looked, Versing saw gunfire or laser bolts, the odd spear or even a throwing hatchet. Junius aimed at the closest robots he could see, no matter the model, and shot at them. Versing guessed he was waiting for them to get close enough to hit with his roman gladius, or a spear. Weapons that probably wouldn't do much damage, Versing thought, but Junius was probably trained to use blunt weapons as well, such as a war club, or super sledge. As Versing watched, the odd robot was destroyed, alongside about a dozen Legionairres. A few charged right up to the robots with machetes, and sometimes they succedded. Still, even if every Legionairre in the field was destroyed, there were still some in the windows that the robots would have a very hard time targeting. A laser shot barely missed Versing, and it hit the bottom of the cross, weakening the wood. That must have been a Protectron, their aim was horrendous. It was shooting at a Legionairre quite close to Versing. Once again, it missed by a mile, and this time the laser bolt hit Versing in the lower left back. He arched his back and yelled with pain, but when the Legionairre was actually hit by something, he crashed into the significantly weakened cross, and snapped it off its hinges. Versing hit his head on the wood when it crashed into the ground and was knocked unconcious. Edited by Flipout6
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"Hi there welcome too craterside supply, my name is moi....ra can i help? you? mam."

the woman behind the makeshift counter stammered briefly when she looked up at her new customer. Sarina had gone to the building morgan had pointed out to her to try to re-supply. the assault rifle he had given her was barely working and certainly in need of parts.


the stores lone guard, a merc from his unprofessional appearance and attitude stood just behind her leaning against the wall.

"do you barter?" sarina asked

"yes we do" answered the woman.

sarina laid a small package on the counter and opened it. it contained 2 bars of platinum 1 gold bar and a small quantity of silver wire.

"I have these metals and this rifle to trade for a fully functional firearm and ammo."

"Oh my, the guns are all over there and ill show you ammo when you pick what you like, oh my."


sarina approached the back of the store to get a closer look at what was available. there where several assault rifles in varying states of disrepair knives makeshift machetes a multitude of 9mm and 10 mm weapons also all in bad condition, but then in behind a box of hunting rifles and parts she saw a small glimmer of hope. a nearly pristine pair of SPAS 12gauge semi auto combat shotguns. she picked up both and walked back to the counter and began to field strip them both to asses their condition.

"hey you cant break them before you buy them lady" the one named moira said as she did her bodyguard stepped towards sarinas back muttering a threat that sarina silenced with a back kick to the jaw sending him to the floor unconsious. she grabbed moria by the hair and pulled her up onto the counter.

"where are the real guns? the ones you sell to your special customers"

"in a locker under the cot in the back room, please dont kill me mam" moira said

"I i have no intention of killing you i came to trade, you and your guard attacked me i defended myself when you wake up your items will be in your locker." she said matter of factly as she struck moira in the temple with the palm of her hand.


sarina went back to field stripping the shotguns finally satisfied with the one gun she was able to salvage from the pair, the ammo cache was easy to find and out of the large supply of 12ga. ammo she was able to find 200 rounds that looked like it was in excellent condition.

she moved to the back room and found the hidden crate moira had told her about. the weapons in it where in far better condition compared to the ones she was selling everyone else, but it was what she found hiding in the bottom of the crate that excited her the most. in a large black case was a mint condition pre-war .460 Weatherby Magnum rifle with a 25x scope and what seemed to be the matching gun for a set as the woodworking and metals where identical was a Holland & Holland .700 nitro express. both rifles had a modest ammo supply. the best part was the rifle set included a cast set for both guns she would just need lead and need to police her brass carefully. in the crate she also found a Glock18 pistol with several magazines and a holster which she loaded from the stores ammo supplies taking 400 rounds of 9mm ammo an placing it into the backpack she had liberated from one of the racks in the shop. she loaded the .460 and the 700NX and left the store re-locking the door behind her as she left.


she exited the store just in time to see morgan and another person leave town in a big hurry. it seemed like there was always some sort of crisis or catastophe that he was involved in. she sprinted down the ramp and followed him out of town.

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Sandro winced as one of the robots went down and a bunch of Legion came out of the tower. Although the numbers were less than expected, they were numerous. He pulled out his assault rifle and started shooting who he could, aiming to cripple where possible, not kill. For all he knew, these could be slaves. He saw Versing on a cross not far from the wall, near a guy shooting a cowboy repeater. He thought of how to get the man off the cross without the Legion killing them both.


Tomoyo saw the legion pouring out of Tenpenny tower and paled slightly. She drew her plasma rifle and shot into the crowd, reducing 3 to puddles of goo. Just then the weapon jammed and rather than fix it she stashed it in her holster and drew Courage, charging in to take the legion head on. Slashing and dodging and spinning she became a beautiful whirling menace, cutting whomever got close wearing red.


Sandro used Tomoyo's screaming attack as a diversion and snuck around to Versing. He pulled out some Med-X and injected it into Versing.


"Hang in there, smoothskin. I'll get you down soon as I'm able."

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The battle began rather quickly. Maya followed behind one of the rarer securitrons as it fired its Gatling laser, mowing down several legionnaires wielding the odd spear or rifle. Giving the securitron and a nearby protectron a wide berth, she charged at another legionnaire wielding a throwing spear and bashed his face in with the bulletproof shield.

Hearing another enemy charging with a gladius in her direction, she spun around and gave a roundhouse kick to his ribs before firing her pistol at point-blank range. Maya was very glad she had fashioned the bulletproof shield. Just as she finished off the gladius wielding legionnaire, several spears from above glanced off the glass shield, leaving scratches on both sides. She looked up and fired several rounds at enemies in the window about a hundred meters away. A couple of them fell out of the window, nearly crushing Sandro and Versing. Pressing her back against the concrete walls, she poked her head around the gate to see Sandro and Versing tied to the cross. An idea quickly popped into her head. She quickly holstered her Five-seveN and pulled out her boxcutter from the side of her holster.


"Take this and cut him down!" Maya threw the boxcutter at Sandro, before retreating behind her shield as a soldier armed with a submachine gun pinned her down with gunfire.

Edited by Lutine
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Versing, unconcious, was at least stabilized by the Med-X Sanro administered him. The lack of pain would delay the onslaught of shock, which may save him in the long run. All the fighting, shouting, explosions and screams, combined with being heavily injured and hit on the head, caused Versing's mind to spiral down into the dark depths of his memories, and replay Bitter Springs in his head.

"I just.........shot........child......." He muttered, engulfed in a nightmare.


Junius was busy firing at robots, his men dying left and right. He shouted an order at the top of his lungs.

"GET IN FORMATION, LEGIONAIRRES! YOU KNOW THE DRILL!" He had one hell of a drill voice, and his voice boomed across the field. Legionairres began organizing themselves by rank, with the lower ranks in front and the higher, more skilled ones in back, not in ranks, but simply general positioning. Junius shouted another order.

"ADVANCE! LOWER RANKS CHARGE WITH HIGHER RANKS FIRING FROM A DISTANCE! DESTROY THE POWERFUL FOES FIRST!" The lower ranking Legionairres pulled out machetes, and the odd gladius, and rushed the robots, going for the Robobrains. Several were killed, but several robobrains were also destroyed. The higher ranks in the back focused on destroying the weaker Protectrons, to spare some casualties. More protectrons than Robobrains fell, but it was a good enough tactical choice to change the course of the battle, so that the Legion was on the onslaught, instead of vice-versa.

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