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Ain't that a Kick in the Head?


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The battle was quickly turning against them as the legionnaires reformed their ranks and began a new onslaught on Sandro's robotic army. The robots were falling left and right instead of legionnaires now.


The soldier that had her pinned down advanced close enough that she was able to quickly bolt and club him unconscious with the side of the shield. Sticking close to the the Tenpenny Tower's walls, she edged across to flank the legionnaires' back lines, where the higher ranking soldiers were. Crouching behind a small concrete slab, she checked her magazine. There was still nineteen bullets out of thirty-one in the magazine; she had more in the bag along with the Browning HP. She could still hold out for some time.


Quickly jumping up, she emptied her clip into the back lines, felling several soldiers before crouching back down, out of sight to reload.

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The sound of gunfire in the distance caught her attention immediately, morgan was running in the same direction and she could see several figures and what appeared to be a small horde of robots fighting a large group of legion foot soldiers and a centurion. she swung the Wheatherby off her back and popped the protective caps off the scope and took a closer look.


at first the appearance of the robots completely threw the legion off guard, but the centurion quickly made his presence felt and the legion quickly began to not only hold their own but turn the tide in their favour. she was too far to waste ammo shooting yet shed have to get closer. sarina re-slung the rifle and took off full sprint towards the battle passing morgan on the way.


"DO TRY AND KEEP UP OLD MAN!" she taunted him as she ran by.


as she got closer to the battle it became clear that the legion snipers in the tower needed to be dealt with in a hurry. jumping over a broken down section of wall sarina found a window she could shoot from without easily giving away her position.

~start with the legionaries armed with rifles they are doing the most damage to the robots~ she thought to herself as she chose her first target. stupid one standing right in the open no cover not even bracing his rifle correctly. BOOM... the report of the rifle shook dust and plaster off the ruined walls but the effect was everything shed expected from this beautiful weapon. the round struck him in the chest center mass right where it was intended. the 500grain slug slammed into the trooper taking his right almost clean off. there was no need to check for kill confirmation. sarina continued on through the rifles 5 round internal magazine before stopping to reload it. five legion lie dead and one dying (from injuries sustained when one of his dead companions fell from 6 floors up onto his head).


she would need to move soon though the rifle was incredibly loud and they would find her location soon.

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Sandro heard someone else assisting in the fight with a sniper rifle, and looked at the boxcutter he'd been tossed. Looking at the ropes, he realized it would be no good against them, so he stashed it in his pack, and drew the Machete Gladius from his back, where it crossed against his assault rifle. He sliced through the ropes at Versing's feet first, then his good arm, and finally his other arm. Versing fell forward, and Sandro braced himself so Versing would fall over his shoulder. He ran as fast as he could and got Versing away from the cross and the crossfire, setting him down behind a rock he started a quick medical exam. He noticed a bone jutting out from the man's skin, and realized a stimpak wouldn't help much here. Hoisting the man back up he started running towards Megaton. He saw Morgan and yelled to him as he passed,


"Smoothskin! I got Versing, but others could use your help against the Legion! I'm getting this one to the Doctor! See you round!" He continued running and soon after he stumbled, wheezing, into Megoton's Doctor's office. The Doc came out looking peeved and them when he saw how badly hurt Versing was he immediately rushed over to help. Sandro took a seat in the waiting area to relax while the Doc got to work. He was surprised when the doc tossed him a bottle of Purified water before he went in to dealing with Versing.


Tomoyo found herself close to the man with the Cowboy Repeater and slashed at him. It was likely the battle crush would take her away from him again, but she was at least going to try.

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Loud, deep bangs filled the battlefield, and people began falling out of windows. Legionairres, slaves that were forced to fight, didn't matter. They all died. Whoever was taking them out either didn't care or wasn't the brightest.

"SNIPER! FIND OUT WHERE THEY ARE, AND TAKE THEM OUT!" Junius boomed, just as a girl rushed him with a japanese blade. Junius ducked underneath an overhead blow and put away the cowboy repeater, drawing his spear in the process. When the girl swung at him with a few more blows, he parried them and attempted to retaliate, bringing the spear in towards her stomach. He prepared to parry another incoming blow when she leapt to the side, but their battle was interrupted by a falling body that forced both the girl and Junius to leap in opposite directions, where the heat of battle forced them to disengage. Junius threw the standard Legion formation to hell and attacked a robobrain that was keeping a few Prime Legionairres occupied. He switched from the spear to his gladius, as it packed more of an armor-piercing wallop. He skirted behind the combat machine and brought the gladius down onto the glass dome containing the brain. It shattered and the gladius cleaved the brain in half, causing the robot to go haywire and start shooting randomly. To prevent it from killing someone, as he needed every man he could get, Junius lopped off its head, the gladius cutting through the wires and supports holding it up. The Robobrain slowly shut down, and was rendered inoperable. Junius kicked it over, just to be sure. After destroying the Protectron with a spear in its chassis, he charged towards the rear lines, hoping to find the sniper, or at the very least remove the support that the undamaged robots were giving. Junius managed to down another Protectron, his speed and agility proving more than a match for its slow, sluggish walk and targeting systems. He leaped onto it and brought the gladius down into its head, again and again, until it stopped moving. He looked up, and grinned eagerly. His opponent, his equal and rival, was approaching.


Edited by Flipout6
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Morgan popped a stim to fix up his bad arm when he heard Junius calling for him.




Morgan threw his coat to the ground, so it wouldn't get it in the way when he was fighting.



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Maya's left shoulder was hit by the random spray from the disabled Robobrain, just as she sprung up from the concrete slab. It wasn't a life threatening hit, but the laser shot stung like hell. This was why she hated robots.

She jabbed a stimpak to help the wound and gingerly grabbed her shield as she moved from her position. It looked like the ranks were breaking up again, and it appeared that more help had arrived, alongside sniper fire that was flushing out enemies from the upper windows.


A small group of about five legionnaires suddenly rushed out of the gate. They were well armed and immediately noticed Maya. The lead man of the charged her with a spear, but she was able to sidestep and pistol whip the man. The few shots she fired at him missed. The man quickly recovered and pulled out a gladius, which Maya barely blocked with her shield. As she did, the other legionnaires circled around her with their weapons.


Crap, crap crap!


The veteran legionary thrust again with his sword, impacting hard against her shield. There was no opening to get a shot at the man with her pistol, and to top it off, it was getting increasingly difficult to block due to the pain in her shoulder. This time blocking a swipe, she saw at the corner of her eye two more legionnaires readying their spears. She sideswiped a blow from the man before quickly glancing at the two other men and emptied ten rounds in their general direction. It sounded like they were hit, or at least they weren't about to attack her. Maya couldn't tell; the man she was in combat with was giving a helluva of a fight.


This looked bad.

Edited by Lutine
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Sarina emptied the gun a third time, this left 2 spear throwers on the roof of the lower courtyard tower they where in range for the H&H 700 so she slung the Wheatherby on her back cracked the breach of the H&H to check it was loaded. taking two 6 round ammo bandoliers out of the backpack she strapped them too her forearms. inserting a 22 round mag into the Glock she cliped its holster to the pistol hardpoint on her chestplate. four more mags for it fit into the bandolier on her thigh.


Looking out of the doorway of the ruined building she could see morgan had finally arrived and was about to do his thing all over the centurion, fine that was one less worry. for now she had a small problem to take care of. it seemed the little one from town that had been with morgan had gotten herself surrounded by bad guys and from what she could see it wasnt gonna go well for her. good thing Sarina didnt feel like playing fair today, bad for the legion though.


Kicking open the broken door she raised the H&H 700 and stepped out of the doorway the blast from the first shot sent shockwaves down her spine almost knocking the wind out of her, as 1500grains of screaming death tore into one of the last two legion spear throwers its impact sweeping away all trace of life. her ears still ringing and her shoulder numb from the first shot sarina took aim and fired at the last spear thrower turning him into a lingering red mist, she cracked the breach and took the empty cases and placed them into a bag she had tide around her neck. Unholstering the Glock18 she thumbed the fire selector to 3 round burst mode and started to sprint towards the legion surrounding the girl.


"GET DOWN NOW!!" she shouted too her hopping she would drop like she was told. Sarina opened fire on the two men the girl had wounded first firing 12 rounds into them before they knew what was happening, she fired another nine rounds at the men attacking the girl trying to scatter them and give her some sort of advantage. one round left in the chamber clip empty drop the clip swap fresh. no need to chamber round one already there just like the trainers had taught her.

several small arms rounds struck her right arm and chest plate then some idiot threw a hatchet at her, she stepped out of the way and shot him square in the face.


she swung her attention to the small arms fire she was taking, it was a group of 3 slaves led by a legionary with a dog. the slaves where armed with clubs and crude knives, the Skirt had a shotgun an old single shot 12 gauge. Sarina put 6 rounds into the dogs head and torso dropping it. she kicked the gun into semi-auto mode and fired 4 rounds into the legionaies knees, he screamed dropping the shotgun in pain. Opening the facemask of her helmet she screamed at the slaves " This is your chance to be free the choice is yours you die free, or die a slave" she kept the gun pointed at the slaves for only as long as it took them to make their choice, they set on the soldier like a pack of rabid dogs. every torment, every insult, every moment of suffering was avenged right at that moment.


Returning her attention to the girl pinned down sarina began to make her way back towards her firing a shot now and then as targets presented themselves. the battle was starting to quickly swing back against the legion as their numbers came up against more highly skilled opponents. this small group working as a team and having a just cause in opposing the legion where sure to win, (at least thats what her NCR brainwashing was telling her) she continuded to try to push the soldiers away from the girl with covering fire as she approached them.

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King walked the wastes, solemly heading for Andale. A small town not far from Tenpenny tower. In the distance he saw gunfire, the report of the guns in the air, the smell of gunpowder and blood. "Small humbers, one or two people injured..." King thought as he fished in his rooksack for a pair of binoculars and scanned the horizon. A man wearing cobbled armor and what looks like a small force of robots duking it out near Tenpenny Tower. King shrugged and tucked away the binoculars, Andale was just over the hill. The "town" of Andale consisted of four homes. Nothing really all that bad, most of it was in ruins but he had heard that Andale was close enough to Tenpenny that raiders ignored it and it managed to survive on its own, with the occassional caravan going through or near it. For some reason the highwayman back at Megaton had it marked with a skull. He figured it would be a future target.


Lady appeared from behind a bush, a squirrel hanging from her mouth. Her dinner for the night, King glanced at the sky. "Early afternoon, blood on the air but..." He thought, feeling the breeze come from Andale, not the battle in the distance. This scent of blood was a mix of old and new. "Strange..." He knew the citizens of Andale were odd, stories spoke of folk disappearing on the trail to Andale or near it but that happens a lot in the Wastes. He decided to wait until nightfall and then recon the town after dark. His gut feeling was saying that this town wasn't as it appeared. Hours passed...Night had fallen early and dark. Lady waited at the campsite, watching his bedroll and their food. King moved through the brush quietly and quickly, with expert grace like he'd done countless times as a Regulator and as a Mercenary. Sneaking close to the fence behind the largest two story house, he could smell the blood coming from the shed at the back. He took a glance around, the night air was stale, no breeze. Means if there were any watch dogs they wouldn't smell him. He listened like the Deathclaw, waiting for the moment to move for the shed. No sound, just the faint sound of birds. He moved further along the fence after he was sure it was clear, he came to the shed door to find it was pad-locked but he knew an old trick to get around locks, pulling out his boot-knife he pried the hinges of the doors up and the door popped out of place with a sharp clank, King ducked into a nearby bush and listened, the seconds creep by as his heart pounded in his chest.


After several moments he was sure that noone had heard, he slipped into the shed, only to find himself bombarded by the scent of death and decay. What he saw he would never forget. Bodies and body parts strewn about the shed, laid about on tables and hanging up like meat. Some fresh others not, some naked and others still clothed. The worst of it was the fact that they appeared to have been butchered for meat like cattle. A woman had her head missing and her arms were flayed, the meat sitting on a cutting board not far away. King nearly wretched at the sight.


"Cannibals..." He said to himself as he glanced around, soon finding a locker filled with the belongings of the dead people. He did find some stimpaks and even a bobby pin that he tucked into his leather wristband he used to cover a tattoo and various clothes as he browsed he thought he found something very useful. It was folded in a piece of cloth but it was heavy, as if it was made of metal. It was long and shaped like a rifle, when he unwrapped the cloth it revealed to be a Henry Repeater, with a polished bronze housing and vernier sights. The stock was made of worn oak. It had the look of wear and use from a long time in the wastes but he knew this was a great find. As he rummaged he found a bandolier with ammo that looked like it matched. With a smile he gladly threw the bandolier over his shoulder and took the rifle. Tucked in the pocket of a pair of jeans, a journal. He glanced through it and noticed it had been written by one of the caravaneers. They had departed from Rivet City and had hit a number of settlements, finally he mentions taking on special cargo from Tenpenny Tower that was meant for a man here at Andale by the name of Jack Smith. He was to swap the meat in the shipment with the "special meat" he had there, the caravaneer went on to think about this to eventually come to no clue. It was then supposed to go to Megaton. This was supposed to be the norm for the forseeable future since they were paid for the next five shipments.


He tucked the book into his jacket, a creek at the top of the stairs turned him around, there he saw a man wearing a red flanel shirt with a angry look on his face. In his hands was a large lead pipe that he used to smash King across the face, King spun spitting blood from his mouth and going face first into the table in the center of the room. He slid down and turned to look at his attacker, seeing the man approach and grab him by the shirt just as he lost conciousness. In his slumber he dreamed of his wife, the beautiful Cassandra, and their son, Nicholas. His peaceful dream soon turned bad as the walls of their home ran red with blood and a bullet hole formed in each of their heads, his wifes eyes gone glazed over and her skin pale. At that point he snapped awake to find himself lashed to a metal bedframe, his arms and feet tied to the posts. The room was empty but he could sense that it was still night. He guessed he hadn't been out for more then an hour. As he got situated and begun considering he heard voices from downstairs, two women, two men. They were talking about him. One was saying they should kill him and eat him, one nixed that with a stern authority. He figured he was the man that struck him in the shed. One of the women said they should find out why King was there, the other then added they could kill him after they talked. The leader of the group said that was on the table but the stranger had seen too much he added and began up the stairs. King looked around for an immediate escape but decided to fake asleep when all options were exhausted. Then strode in two men, one older. His mid forties the second younger but not by much, early thirties he figured. The two talked quietly as they confirmed the plan, still thinking he was asleep. King had his eyes cracked enough he could see without giving it away.


The two men deliberated for a few seconds then the one wearing the red shirt kicked the bed-frame to wake King, he faked like he'd been startled awake. The man knelt down and looked into Kings eyes. "Who are you stranger?" He asked. King knew his name meant nothing here but then again things travel so he came up with a name. "Lucas..." King replied, glancing around to see that the man in front of him as a knife tucked in his belt behind his back, the second man had a pistol. A small .32 in his hand. The older man peered deeper into Kings eyes, looking for a sign of deception. Satisfied he wasn't lying he relaxed alittle and pulled a chair from the side of the room to his spot and sat down. "Well Mr. Lucas we have a problem, you know our secret and by all rights we should kill you for it, but our question is how did you know about the shed, let alone how did you get in so easily and quietly?" The man asked, once again peering into his eyes looking for a hint of deception. King knew that if he said he was a bandit they would kill and eat him out of hand, but of he lead them to think someone was after them they might keep him alive long enough for him to escape. The second man stirred in the back, wrought with anger and fear. As if it was a severe threat of his presence. The older man sat back alittle. "I was sent here to track a caravan that disappeared, we suspect that it had been waylayed. Im looking for the supplies and the men, their destination needs them more so now then ever." King said truthfuly, the older man nodded and relaxed further. "My name is Jack, we understand that but we survive because people don't know of our...secret." He added with a crack to his voice at the last part. "We will be back in a few minutes." He said as he stood and left, the younger man following. King abruptly foguht with his restraints, the metal hand-cuffs tough and the chain rusted but he knew that if he were to break them he would'nt have time to sit up before they burst in, then his mind wondered to the bobby pin in his bracer. King twisted his arm until he could get the tip of the bobby pin out enough his fingers could grasp it, his hand hurt like hell as he moved the pin around in the lock, moving the tumblers.


After a few moments the handcuff came loose and he quickly undid the remaining restraints, by the time he was finished he heard footsteps up the stairs and he laid back on the bedframe, his hands in the place they once were but he didn't relock the cuffs, just clicked in the locking teeth enough they fit loosely around his wrists. The younger man came in with a loud kick to the door and he stomped across the room, the pistol aimed at his head. That's when King stuck, unlatching himself he grabbed the cuff off the restrainted and drove the metal fang into his wrist and placing his hand over the mans mouth as he screamed like a stuck pig into his hand, the sound muffled enough not to raise alarm. With a quick thrust as he wrapped his other hand around the cannibals head he heard the neck snap loudly and the body thumped to the floor. King quickly grabbed the .32 and checked the revolver's load. "Five shots, three people..." He thought as he slid the window frame open and then disappeared into the nearby closet and hid in the dark space. Three more people entered, the man from before and two women, the first wearing a suit with glasses and blonde hair, the second wearing a dress with dark hair. He watched quietly, steadying his breathing. They looked around confused and at the body of their comrade. "Victor is dead, Willy will not be happy." Said the dark haired woman. Her eyes full of tears over the dead cannibal. King leveled his pistol at the man's head. "Hurry, he must have gone out the window." said the man and he with the two women left the room. King waited until the front door closed and then he burst from the closet like a mole rat fleeing a yao guai, he bounded down the stairs and looked around quickly, soon finding his gear in the cabinet in the hallway and darted out the back door and into the night. Without waiting he returned to his campsite, Lady laid there chewing on the remains of her squirrel. He grabbed his pack and rooksack and waved for her to follow. They vanished into the night, bound for the tower in the distance.

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King walked the wastes, solemly heading for Andale. A small town not far from Tenpenny tower. In the distance he saw gunfire, the report of the guns in the air, the smell of gunpowder and blood. "Small humbers, one or two people injured..." King thought as he fished in his rooksack for a pair of binoculars and scanned the horizon. A man wearing cobbled armor and what looks like a small force of robots duking it out near Tenpenny Tower. King shrugged and tucked away the binoculars, Andale was just over the hill. The "town" of Andale consisted of four homes. Nothing really all that bad, most of it was in ruins but he had heard that Andale was close enough to Tenpenny that raiders ignored it and it managed to survive on its own, with the occassional caravan going through or near it. For some reason the highwayman back at Megaton had it marked with a skull. He figured it would be a future target.


Lady appeared from behind a bush, a squirrel hanging from her mouth. Her dinner for the night, King glanced at the sky. "Early afternoon, blood on the air but..." He thought, feeling the breeze come from Andale, not the battle in the distance. This scent of blood was a mix of old and new. "Strange..." He knew the citizens of Andale were odd, stories spoke of folk disappearing on the trail to Andale or near it but that happens a lot in the Wastes. He decided to wait until nightfall and then recon the town after dark. His gut feeling was saying that this town wasn't as it appeared. Hours passed...Night had fallen early and dark. Lady waited at the campsite, watching his bedroll and their food. King moved through the brush quietly and quickly, with expert grace like he'd done countless times as a Regulator and as a Mercenary. Sneaking close to the fence behind the largest two story house, he could smell the blood coming from the shed at the back. He took a glance around, the night air was stale, no breeze. Means if there were any watch dogs they wouldn't smell him. He listened like the Deathclaw, waiting for the moment to move for the shed. No sound, just the faint sound of birds. He moved further along the fence after he was sure it was clear, he came to the shed door to find it was pad-locked but he knew an old trick to get around locks, pulling out his boot-knife he pried the hinges of the doors up and the door popped out of place with a sharp clank, King ducked into a nearby bush and listened, the seconds creep by as his heart pounded in his chest.


After several moments he was sure that noone had heard, he slipped into the shed, only to find himself bombarded by the scent of death and decay. What he saw he would never forget. Bodies and body parts strewn about the shed, laid about on tables and hanging up like meat. Some fresh others not, some naked and others still clothed. The worst of it was the fact that they appeared to have been butchered for meat like cattle. A woman had her head missing and her arms were flayed, the meat sitting on a cutting board not far away. King nearly wretched at the sight.


"Cannibals..." He said to himself as he glanced around, soon finding a locker filled with the belongings of the dead people. He did find some stimpaks and even a bobby pin that he tucked into his leather wristband he used to cover a tattoo and various clothes as he browsed he thought he found something very useful. It was folded in a piece of cloth but it was heavy, as if it was made of metal. It was long and shaped like a rifle, when he unwrapped the cloth it revealed to be a Henry Repeater, with a polished bronze housing and vernier sights. The stock was made of worn oak. It had the look of wear and use from a long time in the wastes but he knew this was a great find. As he rummaged he found a bandolier with ammo that looked like it matched. With a smile he gladly threw the bandolier over his shoulder and took the rifle. Tucked in the pocket of a pair of jeans, a journal. He glanced through it and noticed it had been written by one of the caravaneers. They had departed from Rivet City and had hit a number of settlements, finally he mentions taking on special cargo from Tenpenny Tower that was meant for a man here at Andale by the name of Jack Smith. He was to swap the meat in the shipment with the "special meat" he had there, the caravaneer went on to think about this to eventually come to no clue. It was then supposed to go to Megaton. This was supposed to be the norm for the forseeable future since they were paid for the next five shipments.


He tucked the book into his jacket, a creek at the top of the stairs turned him around, there he saw a man wearing a red flanel shirt with a angry look on his face. In his hands was a large lead pipe that he used to smash King across the face, King spun spitting blood from his mouth and going face first into the table in the center of the room. He slid down and turned to look at his attacker, seeing the man approach and grab him by the shirt just as he lost conciousness. In his slumber he dreamed of his wife, the beautiful Cassandra, and their son, Nicholas. His peaceful dream soon turned bad as the walls of their home ran red with blood and a bullet hole formed in each of their heads, his wifes eyes gone glazed over and her skin pale. At that point he snapped awake to find himself lashed to a metal bedframe, his arms and feet tied to the posts. The room was empty but he could sense that it was still night. He guessed he hadn't been out for more then an hour. As he got situated and begun considering he heard voices from downstairs, two women, two men. They were talking about him. One was saying they should kill him and eat him, one nixed that with a stern authority. He figured he was the man that struck him in the shed. One of the women said they should find out why King was there, the other then added they could kill him after they talked. The leader of the group said that was on the table but the stranger had seen too much he added and began up the stairs. King looked around for an immediate escape but decided to fake asleep when all options were exhausted. Then strode in two men, one older. His mid forties the second younger but not by much, early thirties he figured. The two talked quietly as they confirmed the plan, still thinking he was asleep. King had his eyes cracked enough he could see without giving it away.


The two men deliberated for a few seconds then the one wearing the red shirt kicked the bed-frame to wake King, he faked like he'd been startled awake. The man knelt down and looked into Kings eyes. "Who are you stranger?" He asked. King knew his name meant nothing here but then again things travel so he came up with a name. "Lucas..." King replied, glancing around to see that the man in front of him as a knife tucked in his belt behind his back, the second man had a pistol. A small .32 in his hand. The older man peered deeper into Kings eyes, looking for a sign of deception. Satisfied he wasn't lying he relaxed alittle and pulled a chair from the side of the room to his spot and sat down. "Well Mr. Lucas we have a problem, you know our secret and by all rights we should kill you for it, but our question is how did you know about the shed, let alone how did you get in so easily and quietly?" The man asked, once again peering into his eyes looking for a hint of deception. King knew that if he said he was a bandit they would kill and eat him out of hand, but of he lead them to think someone was after them they might keep him alive long enough for him to escape. The second man stirred in the back, wrought with anger and fear. As if it was a severe threat of his presence. The older man sat back alittle. "I was sent here to track a caravan that disappeared, we suspect that it had been waylayed. Im looking for the supplies and the men, their destination needs them more so now then ever." King said truthfuly, the older man nodded and relaxed further. "My name is Jack, we understand that but we survive because people don't know of our...secret." He added with a crack to his voice at the last part. "We will be back in a few minutes." He said as he stood and left, the younger man following. King abruptly foguht with his restraints, the metal hand-cuffs tough and the chain rusted but he knew that if he were to break them he would'nt have time to sit up before they burst in, then his mind wondered to the bobby pin in his bracer. King twisted his arm until he could get the tip of the bobby pin out enough his fingers could grasp it, his hand hurt like hell as he moved the pin around in the lock, moving the tumblers.


After a few moments the handcuff came loose and he quickly undid the remaining restraints, by the time he was finished he heard footsteps up the stairs and he laid back on the bedframe, his hands in the place they once were but he didn't relock the cuffs, just clicked in the locking teeth enough they fit loosely around his wrists. The younger man came in with a loud kick to the door and he stomped across the room, the pistol aimed at his head. That's when King stuck, unlatching himself he grabbed the cuff off the restrainted and drove the metal fang into his wrist and placing his hand over the mans mouth as he screamed like a stuck pig into his hand, the sound muffled enough not to raise alarm. With a quick thrust as he wrapped his other hand around the cannibals head he heard the neck snap loudly and the body thumped to the floor. King quickly grabbed the .32 and checked the revolver's load. "Five shots, three people..." He thought as he slid the window frame open and then disappeared into the nearby closet and hid in the dark space. Three more people entered, the man from before and two women, the first wearing a suit with glasses and blonde hair, the second wearing a dress with dark hair. He watched quietly, steadying his breathing. They looked around confused and at the body of their comrade. "Victor is dead, Willy will not be happy." Said the dark haired woman. Her eyes full of tears over the dead cannibal. King leveled his pistol at the man's head. "Hurry, he must have gone out the window." said the man and he with the two women left the room. King waited until the front door closed and then he burst from the closet like a mole rat fleeing a yao guai, he bounded down the stairs and looked around quickly, soon finding his gear in the cabinet in the hallway and darted out the back door and into the night. Without waiting he returned to his campsite, Lady laid there chewing on the remains of her squirrel. He grabbed his pack and rooksack and waved for her to follow. They vanished into the night, bound for the tower in the distance.

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Cathy had broken away from tomoyo shortly after arriving, slipping into the heat of things. She noticed the new girl and raised an eyebrow, having not yet met her, but she assumed she came along with Roughface, so she was okay. She smiled as she noticed something charge toward the tower, the quickly growing Mister Cuddlesworth charged toward a couple Legionaires and swiftly cut them off at the legs like any full grown deathclaw would do to their face. But then she realized...


"NO ONE. SHOOT. THE DEATHCLAW. It's everyone's PET, it's the child of the Deathclaw Matriarch that took out Morgan's eye! It--! Agghhmmmhhph!"


Her sentence was interrupted by a a Legion soldier suddenly grabbing her from behind, hand over her mouth and gun to her head, using her as a human shield.

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