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Ain't that a Kick in the Head?


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Tomoyo heard Cathy's shout cut off and turned to see the woman grabbed from behind by a Legionaire. She kicked a spear into her hand and threw it through the man's face when he peeked around his "cover". She walked over, hips swaying slightly and quietly asked,


"Are you alright? Did he hurt you?" She heard something behind her and turned to see the baby deathclaw attacking legion soldiers, and smiled.

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"Wrenched my shoulder, but otherwise, yeah. nothing a shoulder roll won't fix up."


she turned around swiftly, yanking the spear from the eye of her former captor, and, knowing it didn't kill him entirely, she plunged the spear directly into his hard. Her guess of him living was confirmed when he made one last grunt before falling limp entirely. She pulled the spear out again, making sure to twist it for good measure, before chucking it to a near-by soldier, hitting him too square in the heart, killing him. She pulled out her M16 and with pecision and accuracy, fired a round of bullets into a cluster of Legion Soldier, hitting the majority in the brain-box.

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Junius closed the distance between Morgan and himself, and stopped. He took off his armor, as per Morgan's request, along with his weapons. he couldn't be rid of his gun soon enough, for one thing.

"This time, Morgan, we fight to the death. It'll be good to fight with a fellow warrior, for once! And now you die." Junius started the fight with an uppercut. He wasn't going to let this dissolute get the better of him this time.

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King and Lady walked quietly along the road, King singing some old pre-war song to himself as they strode along, his new Henry Repeater resting in a cobbled together rifle harness on his back. Lady following at his heels and wagging her stumpy tail. The gunfire in the distance of Tenpenny had ended so he figured the battle was over. He had another ten miles before he'd be there. Lady begun to growl and stopped, her eyes fixed on the cluster of bushes a few yards in front of them. King instinctivly leveled his rifle at the bush and levered in a round.


Lady moved closer, carefully choosing each step. King watched quietly as he looked for any signs of movement. The still air was pierced by a loud hooting noise and then he realised what trap they just stumbled into. From the bush in front of them burst a ghoul, wielding a large makeshift sword, one more ghoul emerged from the back of a wrecked truck with a crappy bolt action rifle and the third man was actually a female ghoul that sprung from the nearby pool of water with a pair of large combat knives in her hands. King fired the first shot into the ghoul with the swords face, showering the bush he arose from with bits of skull and brain matter. With deft hands and his charecteristic lightning speed and reached up to his shoulder and leveled his sawed off at the female ghoul. He gave her both barrels and the concussive force of the shot sent her flying back into the pool of water with a large bloody splash. The third ghoul got a shot off that stuck King square in the chest and sent him sprawling. The round had gone through his chest armor and dug its way into his abdomen. Blood poured from the wound, The bandit struggled with his gun as he tried to unjam the round, which gave King enough time to crawl behind a nearby boulder and quickly reload his sawed off. He glanced around just as the bandit unjammed his rifle and took a shot, the shot nearly hit him in the face as he peered around the corner of the rock, it ricocheted off and into the distance. King got a glance that his rifle was sitting in the dirt not far away but if he jumped out, the bandit would have a clear shot at him.


"Hey you! throw out your guns and caps and I might let you live." Said the crazy ghoulified bandit as he aimed his rifle at the stranger.


King thought for a moment and realized if he had more ammo the bandit would have rushed him by know, so he only had maybe one or two more shots. King was good at quick decisions but this would take some planning. Another shot hit the rock just a few inches from his ear that gave him a head splitting ringing in his ear. King shrugged it off and drew his .44 Lady laid under the upturned truck not far from where he sat on the side of the road. King realized that if he could get the bandit to fire at him he might be able to instruct Lady to attack, but he had to move if he didn't she would be killed. He did have the element of surprise if he popped out from behind the rock, he had maybe a half a second. So he breathed quietly and focused. Another shot rang out but missed entirely, then the bandit growled as he tried to unjam his rifle again. King leapt up with his sawed off in one hand and the revolver in the other. He fired a shot from his revolver that hit the truck and both from the sawed off, which peppered the ghoul. The ghoul let out a scream just as King dropped his sawed off and fanned the hammer on his .44. The rounds tore through the light metal of the truck and into rotting flesh, causing the ghoul to fall back on the ground behind the truck. King gave a loud whistle to Lady, she growled and ran off behind the truck, there he could hear the bandit scream as the dog finished him off.


King gathered his gear and reloaded his weapons, as he racked in the last shot for his repeater Lady came around the corner, her lips covered in blood and a odd smile on her face. He checked his wound and saw that it had gotten worse, with a curse of contempt and bandaged himself and stood. His body racked with pain from the wound. He used his rifle like a cane, steadying himself with the butt of the gun as he walked. After a mile he looked back to see a large blood trail he left and with that he blacked out. "Lucky I won't feel the pain of hitting the ground..." He thought as he descended. With a loud thwack he hit the road. The last thing he remembered thinking was that the fall hurt like hell, and with that he finally slipped into unconciousness.

Edited by Macman253
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"Aahhhh....." Versing groaned, as he came to.

He sat up, feeling a bit of pain coming from his back, and pretty much everything on his left arm. He rubbed his sleep-filled eyes and looked around. Patients filled beds around him, and wherever he was appeared to be a metal shack. He saw Doc Church walking over to him. He was in the Megaton clinic, then.

"Certainly wasn't sure you'd be waking up. Broken bones, laser wounds and head trauma will do that to you. What do you idiots thing is out in that desolate, dangerous wasteland, anyway?" Versing began to get up. Doc Church didn't seem to particularily mind. Sandro sat in a corner.

"What's going on over there? They're fighting, but who's won? You know what, don't bother. I need to get out there myself."

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Sandro walked over towards Versing, face unreadable, and subtly nodded at the Doc, who started getting a stimpak ready. Without any further warning, Sandro hauled back and punched Versing in the face. Doc Church walked over and injected a couple stimpaks to help heal both the damage inflicted by Sandro and the damage inflicted by the Legion, and walked away. Sandro cracked his knuckles and said


"You bloody IDIOT! Qué diablos estabas pensando? Podrías haber muerto! Morón!" (What the hell were you thinking? You coulda been killed! Moron!) He shouted, lapsing into Spanish for the latter half of the sentence, he was so angry and frustrated.


"What were you thinking? That you'd go out like some kind of hero? That you'd spare us any worry and trauma? Don't work like that! As soon as any member of this group heard what you did, they came STRAIGHT to Tenpenny to stop you from dying like an idiot. Now, Señor Estúpido, (Mister Stupid) what have you to say for yourself?"

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Versing recoiled violently from Sandro's uppercut, and rubbed his jaw as he spoke.

"You know what, Sandro? I deserved that. And you know what I have to say for myself? I say, that I need to get out there. I don't care if Hanlon himself is gonna shoot me if I do, but my attempts to protect them-from myself- didn't work. So now, I'll protect them from someone else." His eyes flared with a fire that appeared only rarely. "I'm going. Stay here if you like. Try and keep me from it, and you'll be sorry. Where's my shotgun?" Versing looked around, didn't find it, and swore. "It's still in that little town near the tower. No matter. I'm going now." He opened the door to leave, and then stopped.

"Doc, I need painkillers and a depressant, made naturally. Like, pills or something. I gurantee Morgan's going for Junius." Once he had the items, he stormed out the door.

Edited by Flipout6
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Morgan felt the full force of the blow and stumbled a bit before he recovered and started to exchange punches with Junius, who fought very defensively this time, maybe to try and last a bit longer or to wear Morgan out.


A group of legionaries ran past them, to give some reinforcements to the fight when one of them stopped to look at who Junius was fighting, which lead to the others joining up. Eventually they started to cheer at Junius, while a few slaves who had dared to walk forward cheered at Morgan.

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Sandro cursed in Spanish and walked after Versing.


"You idiot! You gonna get killed out there! No weapon, not even recovered from being beaten and put on a cross and you wanna go out there to that tower where the fights are still going? This is probably the worst idea yet!" Sandro removes his assault rifle from his back and slams it into Versing's chest as he walked past. He had more than enough ammo to rely on his sawed off for now.


"Take that, keep close. Don't get reckless." He started off, fuming, towards Tenpenny Tower.


Tomoyo finished off the group of enemies around her, and turned to watch Morgan fight Junius. She felt she should contribute to the fight, and considered lending him Wisdom. Her soul rebelled, after all, her grandfather had given them to her, saying they were her family legacy. She searched a few bodies, and when she found they had nothing, piled them up to use as a chair. However, she was attacked again before she could sit, so she leapt back into the fray.

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Versing wondered why it was Sandro would bother giving him an assault rifle when he was going to retrieve his shotgun anyway, but he took it nonetheless. It didn't take long to reach Tenpenny tower when he left Megaton, but when he saw it he veered towards the small town. His molotov cocktail had really done a number on some of the buildings, but he managed to find his gear lying around next to a dead Taurus. It took him a few minutes to get it all on, but eventually he had his shotgun in his hands. When he passed Sandro, he pressed the assault rifle back into his hands.

"It's yours, you take it." Before going off to join the battle.

It looked like the battle had been going for a while, but the fight between Junius and Morgan was just gathering some real steam....and a crowd. Versing decided that he'd give Morgan the medicine if he survived, but attempting to interfere would get them both killed, as Junius' men wouldn't take kindly to dishonourable interference. Instead he joined the fight raging by the tower gates. A small number of robots and a few dozen Legionairres at least were duking it out, along with some of Versing's friends. He raised his shotgun and took aim. He pulled the trigger and felled a Veteran Legionairre with two shots, before turning his shotgun towards a closer enemy and dropping them. He felt feeble after his time on a cross, weak. He wouldn't be much good in melee combat, he'd have to rely on his shotgun and pistol. It didn't take long before some Legion scumbags started to shoot at him every now and again. Versing didn't mind as much as usual, every shot taken at him was one less being fired at his friends, be it Morgan, Sandro, Tomoyo, or Cathy. Versing noted that the slaves had been released, and his heart leaped. At least if they died, they died free. As a Prime Legionairre charged Versing with a machete, he fired his shotgun and stopped the enterprising peon dead in his tracks and watched his feet fly off the ground before he landed, dead, on his back. Versing was once again glad he had purchased slug rounds, as they gave his weapon the ability to work effectively even at medium ranges. He shot a Legionairre and watched in admiration as Tomoyo dived back into the think of battle, her katana felling anything in its path, before turning his attention back to the nearest legionairre, whom he killed. The next one he shot seemed to be charging right at Tomoyo, from the front, (very bad move.) but was blasted full of 12 gauge before he got close, and then shot again when Versing noted that he was still alive. (he was a good distance away.)

Edited by Flipout6
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