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Ain't that a Kick in the Head?


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Sandro followed into the fight, his sawed-off shotgun in hand. He shot and killed 3 legionairs before running out of ammo. He cursed that he forgot to pick up ammo whilst in Megaton. He holstered the gun and pulled his machete gladius. Taking a deep breath, he shouted,


"Hoy nos deleitamos con el diablo!" (Tonight we dine with the devil). and charged in, killing all who got into his path.


Tomoyo heard the Spanish ghoul's battle cry, and screamed,


"Kami wa anata no tamashī ni jihi o motte iru kamo shire" (may the gods have mercy on your souls) and attacked with renewed vigor, taking courage from the old ghoul's presence.

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Versing dropped another Legionairre. The amount of bullets, spears and the occasional laser flying around, coupled with the havoc and the noise, reminded Versing startlingly of the First Battle of Hoover Dam. He even had Junius here killing his allies. Only thing missing was Junius single-handedly wiping out most of his friends, but that depended on if he killed Morgan and Tomoyo or not, possibly his only two equals in hand-to-hand and melee combat, respectively. Sandro and Versing could shoot at him from a distance, but once he closed in it was unlikely either of them had a chance. Judging from what he had seen of her, Axelle wouldn't stand much of a chance against him, should she be unlucky enough to encounter him. Versing wasn't too sure about Cathy. She could certainly shoot, and members of the Brotherhood were trained in many forms of combat, but she didn't strike Versing as being a consummate melee combatant. Of course, he could be wrong. He reloaded the combat shotgun, swapping the drum for another, and fired at another Legionairre when Sandro charged onto the scene, the gladius Versing had fetched him when they first met turned into a deadly tool of death. Tomoyo seemed to draw inspiration from the old ghoul. Versing only winced as he weighed the chances of a centuries-old ghoul versus those of the young, healthy and incredibly strong soldiers of the legion when it came to close combat. Not coming up with favourable results, Versing rallied to Sandro, coming up beside him.

"You won't last a minute against one of the more competent legion soldiers. I got your back." Versing told him. He fired at a Prime Legionairy that moved to intercept him, and killed him with the first shot. "If you need ammo, ask."

Edited by Flipout6
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After a good 15 minutes of punching eachother, Morgan lunged at Junius, trying to get him off his feet or grab him in a chokehold, whichever came first and was easier. But Junius was fast enouogh to grab Morgan befroe he could get the chance and gave him a quick punch in the face.


"You know, there is still a chance for you to become a legionarie, make your parents proud" Junius laughed as an expression of rage filled Morgans face, who suddenly headbutted Junius, utilizing the metal plate he got installed to his head a long time ago.


"My parents, are dead! You should know that Junius! SINCE YOU KILLED THEM!"


Junius got an expression of shock for a second, before he grinned like a wolf closing in on an easy prey.


"Oh yeah I remember you now, the scars, the hair, your eye. Tell me boy, how's your leg?" He then let out a laugh that only someone who knew how to cause psyche his opponents could do, similar to that of a psychopath, but he couldnt laugh for long before Morgan flew into a rage and started beating him up again, dragging them both back into action.

Edited by MikeRyan
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A furious shout from Morgan boomed across the battlefield.

"-SINCE YOU KILLED THEM!" Versing almost tripped over his shotgun.

"Tandi's panties! How many of us has Junius crossed before?!?!" He shot a charging Legionairre twice to bring him down, but was attacked by one charging in from the front. Versing was met with a machete, pointy-end first, and he just barely managed to dodge it. The Legionairre, a Veteran, by the looks of it, slammed into him, and sent him spinning sideways and into the dirt. The veteran whirled around and charged at him, raising his machete for the killing blow. Versing only barely managed to raise his shotgun in time, and when it fired, it blew the Veteran's head to shreds and stopped him in his tracks. Versing struggled to his feet and charged after Sandro.

"That was too close. I need to get to Morgan if he kills Junius. Once that adrenaline rush dissipates, he'll fall unconcious. Let's loop back that way." He explained to Sandro, between huffs.

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Sandro didn't hear what Versing said, he was distracted by a legion man attempting to cleave his arm off. He dodged to the side, and cut the man's hand off, before stabbing him in the gut. Leaving him he stuck the gladius back in his belt and made his way to the legion soldiers who were watching the fight. He scrounged some ammo for his shotgun off a fallen man, and tapped a legion soldier watching the fight on the shoulder. He turned, and Sandro handed him his assault rifle.


"Hold that for a second, will ya?" He said, as he loaded the shotgun, released the safety, and then shot the man in the face, catching the rifle before it hit the ground.


"Thanks, smoothskin." He turned his gun against the two next to him before they could react.


"Remember? Fight is still going on, kids!"

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Versing didn't stray more than a few meters from the scene of Morgan and Junius' fight, for when the fight ended, Morgan would need fed medicine or Junius would need to be fed a bullet. Despite heavy casualties, the Legionairres were still strong enough to seriously threaten the group and all of the slaves. (all of the robots were as of now destroyed.) There were still more than enough to be scattered about the battlefield, perhaps over the corpse of a dead slave, or the wreckage of a robot. The ones remaining were the tough ones, who could take a laser bolt or three, plus broken bones, whether they be Veterans or simple recruits, they had proven themselves to be the most formidable, and the same went for slaves and the group, the latter of which Versing was terrified would have suffered casualties, they were all here to rescue him, as far as he knew. Versing fired at the Legionairres still fighting, some as they attacked him, others as they moved to attack somebody else. One Prime Legionairre Versing felled had bested 4 armed slaves simultaneously, and was brought down with two shotgun blasts to the back from a short-to-medium distance. Most of the Legionairres that decided to close in on man with a shotgun met messy deaths, although some of them got close enough to force Versing to engage in melee combat.


"This fight's still going, I can't keep this up much longer. I'm still weak." Versing reported to Sandro.


He had suffered several minor injuries, which in his weakened state were much more significant than they usually would have been. Perhaps if he were ale to rest for a good ten minutes, his strength wouldn't flag to this extent, but he'd been on his feet and going since he woke up. He needed something to help him out. Jet was too addictive and lasted a miniscule amount of time, that was no option.


"Do you have something for exhaustion?" He asked Sandro.

Edited by Flipout6
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Versing sighed. As grateful as he was, jet was the last option he could accept. He rummaged around Sandro's pack, making sure that nothing spilled out. He kept as low to the ground as he could, and may have even looked dead. After finding nothing better, he snagged an ultrajet inhaler and administered it. His body felt rejuvenated, and thankfully he didn't think he was addicted. He was lucky. He stood back up, closed Sandro's pack and continued fighting, trying to make the ultrajet last. Versing found himself glad he had bought a shotgun instead of using his service rifle. The shotgun didn't need to fire ten times to take out a legionairre, like his service rifle would, he only needed one of two. As a result, he still had loads of ammo on him, around 80 shells at least.
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By now, the two combatants had stopped to catch their breath, each sitting on a rock to rest a little.


"Well Morgan, for a simple wastelander you are quite the worthy opponent. Nobody has been able to last for as long as you have. But don't expect that luck to last long, none of my opponents have" Junius then let out a blood chilling laugh, but Morgan didn't seem too bothered.


"Don't you remember last time? I won even though you broke my arm, what makes you think that you are going to win again?"


Junius laughed coldly. "You certainly protect yourself better than your parents ever did. Oh, how I laughed at their pleas, their feeble attempts to spare their own lives. And when it was all done and over with? I so relished drawing my blade across their throats, hearing the sound of the metal cutting flesh....."


Junius motioned a knife being drawn across his neck as he said this. "And watchin you being dragged off, screaming for them as they bled"


" And then, the night you escaped, the night you reduced yourself to a degenerate. The way you killed my guard? Clever. But being clever won't be enough, boy. I'm about to give you a few more scars. After THAT, you'll be joining your parents. Send senior my regards and tell him I enjoyed his screams."


This was enough to send Morgan into a furious rage, making him fly at Junius throwing punch after punch into his face. "DO...NOT...TALK...ABOUT.....MY...FATHER....LIKE...THAT!!!!!" each word was followed by a punch each increasing in strength

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