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Ain't that a Kick in the Head?


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Versing cheered for Morgan when he started pounding the living hell out of Junius. Versing couldn't blame him. That man was a monster, and probably a childkiller. And unlike Versing, he was probably proud of the fact.


"Go on, man! Give him my squad's regards!" He thrust his shotgun into the air while he spoke, before returning to the battle at hand.


The Legion had almost been defeated by now. The robots had thinned down their numbers enough at the beginning that they were forced to focus on the robots instead of instantaneously tearing the group to pieces. The slaves and sniper support played a big role, and without any of those three mechanics, the battle would have been lost long before now. Versing was grateful. The more legionairres on the field, and the longer the battle took, the more likely it was that his friends would die. Still high off of jet, Versing went into a killing frenzy, taking out as many legionairres as he possibly could, actively chasing them down and shooting them as opposed to killing those that went for him first. He sprinted constantly, catching them by surprise as they went for a slave, or one of the group, screaming fanatically all the way. The legion had done enough to him and his friends. Now he was going to return the favor.

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Morgan did not hear Versings encouragement due to his rage basicaly limiting his vision and hearing to the target he is currently attacking.


The rage that Morgan was feeling was fueled by the memories of his childhood and the pain that Junius had caused him, the leg that he broke causing him to limp, the slaves he tortured, the scars he gave Morgan over his body and the one over his eye that nearly blinded him and of course, how he killed his parents.


All of the emotions that Morgan had supressed from those years suddenly came rushing up which fueled his rage, making him only have one goal in mind:Kill Junius.


This madness, this rage, this blind fury fueled every blow he slammed into Junius, and allowed him to keep going far longer than any regular man. The vicious punches and kicks delivered dented armor and crushed bones, and even the might Centurion could not stand against the power behind them. The well-placed blows he landed on Morgan were absorbed, the pain serving to fuel Morgan's rage

Despite dodging and parrying several blows, even Junius didn't possess the endurance to withstand such bone-breaking blows. A series of several hits finished him off, and the broken, dying Centurion was brought to his knees.


Junius hrrked, and then spat out blood and several teeth. "Your parents screamed for their lives." Even in his current state, Junius was a monster. Morgan let out a scream, something out of a nightmare, and went for the killing blow


Morgan slammed his hand into Junius throat and tore it out. He then proceded to plant his foot into Junius face so hard his neck snapped, killing him instantly. Morgan grabbed his knife, cut a few quick cuts so he could rip off Junius head and spine and held it high in the air, letting out a victorious roar.

Edited by MikeRyan
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Even Versing was thunderstruck by Morgan's animalistic brutality, but he knew what he had to do.


"Sandro! Now's the time! I need some covering fire!" He yelled, and fished Morgan's medicine out of his backpack. It looked like muscle relaxants, in a needle.


Despite being enraged and thrilled with his victory at the same time, that adrenaline rush would be wearing off soon, same with Versing and his jet high, but far more severe. Morgan looked severely wounded, and would definitely be sore tomorrow. Versing dashed up to him, before uncapping the needle.


"I need you to stay still for this, man. Don't panic, it's just your meds." He patted Morgan on the shoulder, before tilting his head slightly to the side and poking the needle into his neck and injecting the medicine. "I got your back, go take a breather. You've earned it." That said, he capped the needle and put it in his pocket, and pulled his shotgun into his hands.

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Morgan felt the mixture circulating in his body, and fell to his knees before he sat down letting it do his magic.


He sat there for 5 minutes, allowing the pain and adrenaline to wear out with the help of the meds that Versing gave him. He then slowly got back on his feet and yelled out to the legion soldiers.




He then grabbed his head and wobbled slightly so he leaned against a tree so he wouldn't lose his balance.

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Some Legion soldiers retreated, but most returned to the fighting. The ones that went for Versing or especially for Morgan got a shotgun blast. At one point, when two charged at once while Versing was reloading, he had to resort to using his gladius, brutally cutting one's torso wide open, and then tackling the other one and stabbing him. The process left him smeared in even more blood than he had been covered in before, if that was possible. When Morgan stood, he wobbled against a tree. Versing could tell already he was in no state to fight. He reloaded the shotgun and let go of it, feeling the sling catch it. His training kicked in. Morgan was injured, and he had just suffered a severe mental breakdown. He was in no state that was fit to fight, Versing had to get him back to friendly lines....or in this case, somewhere safe. He wrapped his arm around Morgan's upper torso, and just under the armpit.


"I need to get you out of here. Transfer your weight to me, I can support it." Morgan complied. Versing directed him towards the small town just south of the tower, where he had killed Taurus, and been captured. "We need to go there. Don't focus on anything but walking."


Morgan was heavy, at least twice Versing's weight (which was around a hundred pounds, give or take ten. He was skinny.) and most of that weight consisted of muscles. Nevertheless, Versing held up the weight and walked both of them to a small building on the edge of the town. They barely made it before he collapsed from exhaustion, his jet rush having worn off about a minute after he started walking them there, and his eyes blurred once again. He almost slipped into unconciousness, but he had to stay strong for Morgan. He laid down his backpack, and then had Morgan lie down on it, using the pack as a pillow. Versing himself collapsed against the wall when he was done this, his limbs growing weaker. Whatever was wrong with him, crucifixion hadn't helped.


"Lay there, do nothing else. Your body needs to rest." Versing gasped to Morgan, befoore he stumbled and fell into a wall. "Ahh, I'm still weak. Jet wore off at the worst time. I'm starting to pass out again." Versing may have been weakening physically, but his will was anything but flagging. He managed to keep his eyes open. Morgan needed him, he couldn't drop out now.

Edited by Flipout6
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Sandro followed the pair into the building, eager to get away from the battlefield. He had felt a rush that he hadn't felt since he had been in the war, and remembered why he avoided fighting, he LIKED it too much. He parked himself against a wall, and lit his pipe, blowing a cloud of smoke over the two tired humans.


Tomoyo finished the few soldiers that were still willing to try attacking her and left the battlefield, following Sandro towards an old building. She found a spot to sit, and pulled out a red silk cloth, using it to clean off her sword. Her grandfather always told her, you should only touch a Katana with Silk, or it's sharpening stone. Anything else would dull the edge.

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Morgan coughed a little and then thought for a while, before he let out a sound that was like a mix betwen a laughter and crying, he then got up and walked over to Versing and just lost it and let all his bottled up sadness come flowing out.


"I did it man, I finaly got my revenge. I killed the man who killed my parents, after all these years! You have no idea how great it feels!"


Morgan just stood there for several minutes, just letting it all come out.

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Versing looked at Morgan, concerned for him. Then he managed to push himself off the wall and pat his friend on the shoulder.


"That's right, man. You got him. You tore his throat out, you ripped off his head, all of nobody's strength but your own. And unless I'm wrong-and I hope I am- your did it to rescue a friend. Your parents would be proud of you." He reassured.


He managed to do that before he stumbled behind Morgan, and then fell over and crashed into a pile of boxes, crushing them.


"Ah!" A pained expression crossed his face. "My body's going into shutdown mode, I'm passing out again. Don't worry about me." He said. The same resolve to stay awake rushed through him, and he laid there, struggling to keep concious. He was going to see if any doctor could identify what he had. If he went out during battle, or on top of a skyscraper, he'd join the child from Bitter Springs. The memory of it almost made him punch through the wall, despite his condition.


"Dammit, looks like we're both going through memories now. But now is your time."

Edited by Flipout6
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King awoke to the growling sound coming from Lady, when he opened his eyes he glanced around. He was naked in a bed inside a rundown shack. the stove and fridge were running and a pot boiling. The radio blaring and laying down in front of it was Lady, her fur was clean and brushed like she had a bath and she was chewing on a still fleshy brahmin bone. King looked over to find his gear and clothes atop a dresser nearby, he leapt up and cringed in pain. His bandages still bloody, he felt every nerve strain with the shooting pains from his wound. Outside came a loud crash and he heard light footsteps. King leapt across the room, ignoring his wound and grabbing his sawed-off and aimed it at the door. When it opened he fired with both triggers at a woman walked through. A look of shock on her face as the gun made two clicking noise, she made a sigh of relief when he checked the barrels to find them empty.


"Who are you, why did you bring me here?" He asked with a heavy tone.


She looked at him with piercing green eyes. Not saying anything as she vanished behind the door for a minute and reappeared with food and some fresh water inside a plastic crate. She sets the crate on the table next to the stove and then turns to face him.


"I found you, near dead about half a mile away. Brought you back here and mended you." She answered as she turned and drew a kitchen knife and began chopping some carrots.


King watched her movements, she seemed to be accustomed to having a gun in her face. Her hands moved with a practiced grace as she used the blade. He knew this woman was more then she seemed.


"You're name?" He asked again, lowering his weapon.


She glanced over her shoulder and paused, as if she was thinking if she should tell him or not. After a second or two she relented and spoke.


"I am Knight Katherine Sorvino." She said calmly and continued with her cooking.


King sat down and smiled as he slowly donned his gear, checking his weapons were loaded and sat his sawed off by the bedside table.


"My name is King, I was contracted by Lucas Simms, the sheriff of Megaton to find a caravan." He explained as he worked.


She smiled shyly and kept about her work, her dress well kept even though it had patches and tears here and there. Her hair a stunning red and her skin as white as snow.


"May I ask why you aren't in D.C.? He asked, remembering a former adventure in D.C. where he helped a wayward squad of knights through a mission in their first year here. Back then they hadn't split yet and they used locals as guides and scouts.


She went about her work, ignoring his question. "Dinner's almost done." She said as she dished him out and set it on his lap. For the rest of the night, they didn't speak much.

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Despite all of his resolve to stay awake, Versing eventually passed out for a few minutes. When he woke, Morgan was still crying, but not quite as much as before. Versing wondered just how much emotions he had bottled up before he began to let it all out like this. Everybody had bad times in their life at some point or another, but Morgan had lost so much and kept it buried all those years. Versing felt similar, Bitter Springs had been weighing on his heart ever since it happened, and yet he hadn't been able to talk to anybody about it. Most of his squad was dead, and the rest of them were back in California, Major Dhatri was stationed at Camp McCarran, while Versing was posted at the Dam before he left, and the one person that he may have eventaully been able to talk it over with, Craig Boone from 1st Recon, (They had talked a few times.) had retired from the military just as Versing had. The NCR didn't keep many people around the dealt with post-traumatic stress disorder or other psychological trauma, so he couldn't even talk to a doctor. Out here in the Capital Wasteland with the group, nobody would even so much as look at him if he told them the story, except perhaps Morgan. Even Sandro didn't mesh with Versing the way Morgan could.


"Hey, Morgan, I really need to get this off my chest. Hope you don't mind." He began, a little timidly. "We both know I served with the NCR military for years. Fought in a couple big battles, plenty of skirmishes. Hoover Dam was easily the biggest, thousands of soldiers from the Bear and the Bull pouring over the Dam to get to each other's throats. Lost most of my squad there, courtesy of our friend who's head you just ripped off. But one thing haunted all of us for the battle. The 'Bitter Springs Massacre.' That's what they call it. We surrounded a Khan encampment that we thought was a military headquarters, when it was where the fighting men kept their families. Main force rushed in, scared them out, and command told us to shoot till we were outta ammo. Well, we found out the hard way that we weren't shooting at soldiers. The one thing I remember......so vividly..... is when we were firing into the crowd...." He closed his eyes tightly at the memory. "And the one moment I realised we were shooting at the wrong people was when I hit a teenage boy, no more than fifteen years old. He knew I hit him, too. He looked right at me, into my eyes, this look of fear on his face.....and then fell into the dirt. Of course I ordered my boys to stop shooting, but we'd done enough damage, to them and to ourselves. Sometimes I wonder......I wonder if when they died, if they even cared whether they did or didn't. Whether Junius commited an act of mercy or murder. And sometimes I wonder if I should have met a fitting end myself, whether at the Dam or up on that cross, it's all I deserve. It doesn't matter how many Legionairres I kill, they won't be worth the life of even that single child, and any others I might have shot: mothes, fathers, other children. And even with the group, I've got people sticking their necks out for a filthy child-killer. Axelle risked her life to help me take out assassins the day we captured Ferox. What good am I doing her? Hell, what good am I doing any of you? I left you all so that I could at least take my own troubles off your backs. And then you came here, whether to rescue me or to eliminate the legion, I don't know. But dying during that battle, whether it be at the hands of the legion, or even a bullet to the head by one of you, would have been what I deserved, and it would have been a fitting way to go out. I don't know what to do from here. I left planning to die, and possibly take some Legionairres with me. Bitter Springs has so overwhelmed my thoughts that whenever I sleep I have nightmares about it." Versing tensely awaited Morgan's reaction. "If you think executing me right here and now is the only way to make up for everything I've done, I won't stop you." He added with a sigh.

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