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Ain't that a Kick in the Head?


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As the blade moved to gut him, someone pinned Versing to the wall and nearly broke his arm. The gladius stayed in his hand, and he tried to twist out of the arm lock, and aimed a kick at the unknown opponent's groin/stomach area when that failed. Whether it hit or not was beyond him, all he knew was that when a voice hit him from behind, it was Sandro's.


"DROP IT!" More pressure.


"Sandro, you blithering idiot! You attack me from behind when I'm in a tower full of the unknown! Did you want me to kill you in self-defense, only to see after who it was?!?!" He dropped the gladius, and got out of the grip when it was released. He whirled around and looked Sandro dead in the eyes. "Don't you ever do that again. I might injure you in what I perceive to be self-defense, or even kill you. It won't be because I go insane, but because you surprise me with it!" He aimed a vicious kick at the Legionairre. "GET OUT OF HERE WHILE YOU HAVE THE CHANCE!" He shouted.

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Sandro merely shrugged off the blow to his gut, and when Versing started shouting at him, he merely looked passive until Versing stopped.


"I did what I had to do. Will you declare yourself Judge, Jury and Executioner? The man made a smart remark. Big Deal. That does Not give you the right to declare him worthy of death. I will not hesitate to stop you, or even put you down if you turn into a threat. Do I make myself clear? I mean, look over there. See what you've done?" He pointed to where Tomoyo had followed, wondering what Versing was going to do, and was looking absolutely terrified. Sandro looked back at Versing, and glared.


"Now, I expect this behavior to stop. Just because you're Shell Shocked, doesn't give you the right to scare people out of their wits. Remember, I was in the Great War. Reached the rank of Colonel before.. well, this." He gestured at his ghoul skin.


"Now, you apologize, and then you get yourself cleaned up. Knock off this idiocy. As I said, ONE chance." Sandro pointed.


"Now get out of my sight. DISMISSED."

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Versing felt uneasy when he looked at the obviously-scared Tomoyo, the fact that he was scaring her did not sit well with him. His expression grew uneasy as he looked at hers. The Legionairre hopped up and ran away, and Versing barely resisted chasing him down and gutting him anyway. He unconciously raised reached for his shotgun, only to drop it when he realised he was doing so. He turned back to Sandro, and narrowed his eyes angrily.


"Was that truly necessary? What saving is there in a man who was born and raised to serve the Bull, captured or not? What's to stop him from attacking someone outside, or trying to rape one of the women? Sure, he'd be dead. But what if he succeeded? One of us would be, too. There's a reason Tomoyo is uncomfortable around men, in case you forgot. Or are you too busy trying to dominate that you can't actually think for a second? Cathy is especially vulnerable to it, considering her ripped armor. Nobody in the group is defenseless, but neither is he, thanks to you. Get away from me. Only thing I'm apologizing for is for scaring Tomoyo, and it is NOT for your sake." He pushed Sandro away from him with a snarl, picked up his gladius and tucked it into his belt, and stormed out of the building, trying somehow to reassure Tomoyo as he passed her.

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Tomoyo listened to Versing as he yelled at Sandro, and then stormed off, muttering apologies to her when he passed. Nobody was more surprised than her when she lashed out and grabbed Versing and slapped him as hard as she could across the face. Breathing heavily, she looked furiously into his eyes, relying on her anger to allow the words she felt Versing needed to hear to continue.


"I think Sandro's right. You need to get your head on straight. Just because he's a legionaire doesn't mean he deserves to be gutted. Also, don't you DARE use me as a reason to do ANYTHING! I am not some Damsel in Distress to be defended, nor am I to be used as an excuse to murder someone! Armor can be replaced. I can defend myself, as well as others. One legionaire isn't going to take us all out, and I notice you don't go trying to gut Ferox, even though he's a legionaire! Now, get out of my sight, I've said my piece." She let him go, and stepped away, closer to Sandro.


Sandro walked closer, and said a few final words as well.


"I am not trying to Dominate, boy. Merely an old Colonel trying to keep a young hot-head from gettin in too deep. Maybe you oughta remember that. Now do what the lady says."

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The slap rang hollow, Versing was too angry to feel much, but if he wasn't, that would've hurt a lot. But it got the message across. He looked into her eyes, and let her say her piece. He had a few things to say back, although he said it in a far softer voice. He was pissed with Sandro, with Tomoyo he was not, slap or no.


"I never said you were a damsel in distress, nor do I see you as such. Nobody in the group is defenseless, as I've said, and I meant it. Even Axelle is able to bring down one or several skilled combatants on her own, to say nothing of the rest of you. A single legionairre is no match for us all combined, but it just takes a well-timed ambush and he has someone dead or being assaulted far enough away that it'll be too late for them." He said, roughly, yet in comparison to his tone with Sandro, gently. "And as for you," He indicated Sandro. "Stay out of my way, or this escalates into a fight. I'm not threatening you- it's a fact. We both need to cool down a little." Versing stormed out the door.

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Days Later...



King stepped out of the shack, Lady trailing behind him. His walk was slow and he walked with a limp but he had to keep moving. After saying farewell to Katerine and taking some food he made his way for Tenpenny Tower. "When I get there I hope for some answers..." He thought as he painfully began his walk.

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Morgan walked over to an injured legionaire that was lying against the wall, who showed obvious signs of fear when the man who viciously murdered his centurion and a few of his buddies walked over.


The man slowly started to panic and muttered something about Carnifex and mercy, but Morgan simply sat down next to the man and offered a cigar before he started smoking one himself


"Simmer down sally, I ain't kill you, still too weak from...you know. Tell me, what was that you called me earlier? Carni something"


The legionaire swalloed nervously and mustered up the courage to speak "I called you Carnifex, it means executioner, tell me why aren't you going to kill me?"


Morgan smiled and nodded "Executioner huh? That sounds good. And I'm not going to kill you since, well I'm still tired from my fight with Junius so don't you worry"

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sarina wandered the battlefield cleaning her new guns and putting the dying out of their misery.

there was some sort of argument, or something happening with the others honestly she'd never seen anyone act so emotional in all her life. the entire group had seemed to fall to pieces after combat. even turning on each other when they should be preparing to chase down and finish off any survivors lest they return.


with the legion threat dealt with here she was free to choose her own targets now, the brotherhood should be her next goal she thought. the NCR will need to know troop numbers and strength, as well as intel on groups sympathetic to the brotherhoods cause. these things would need to wait for now as it seemed from the sounds of the arguing she was going to need to stop them from killing each other soon.


she walked up to see morgan smoking a cigar with a badly wounded legionaire.

sarina removed her helmet after hearing morgan say he wasnt going to kill him.... then she walked up to the pair and shot the legionaire right in the forehead point blank, no expression no emotion at all.


"A bullet always tells the truth"....


was all she said as she reholstered her Glock.

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Morgan calmly kept puffing on his cigar


"Well, thats one way to end a conversation I guess"


He slowly got up from the ground and looked at Sarina


"Tell me dear, whats your kill count of the day? Just curious"

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The gunshot echoed through the empty remains of the tower, and made Versing jump, and he had his hand on his shotgun as he investigated the source. As he rounded a corner, he found Morgan and that commando, beside the dead Legionairre. He sighed, exasperated.


"So much for a single chance of redemption. Well, whoever shot him did the smart thing. I'm not exactly eager to let every frightened-looking Legionairre run around doing as he pleases." He tried wiping a bit of Junius' blood off of his face, but failed miserable and smeared it. "Good to finally meet someone else who was with the NCR, although you don't seem like you were simply a trooper. I'm Versing, and I'd shake your hand, but my hands....." He raised them, and they were smeared with blood, and what looked like a piece of an organ. He turned to Morgan. "They have a nickname for you, too, huh? They gave me Pariah Filiorum, pariah of the children, or so our late friend says. Fitting."

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