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Ain't that a Kick in the Head?


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Morgan nodded at Versing and smiled slyly


"Yeah, they call me Carnifex now, or Executioner. Rather fitting considering I decapitated Junius"


Morgan stroke his beard while nodding at the thought of his new nickname

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Sandro sighed and wandered off through the tower, grumbling about hot-heads. He found a few slaves still alive, and freed them. Of the Legion, there was no further trace. He found several bedrooms that were clean, and found an old high-backed chair. He sat down in it, and refilled his pipe. His foot hit something, and he reached under the chair and pulled out a jar of pipe tobacco. He opened it and discovered it was still sealed! Wonderful!


Tomoyo wandered through the tower, and found a bedroom with a beautiful porcelain bath. Leaving her plasma rifle nearby with the safety off (with the microfusion cell clicked into place) she filled the bath with hot water, and some scented oils and soaps that she kept in her pack. She had salvaged them from an old ruined store a year or two ago, and used them any time she could. When the bath was filled enough with bubbles and oils she stopped the water, stripped and lowered herself into the tub, and allowed herself to simply relax.

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"24 confirmed dead with 5 others wounded" she said matter of factly.


she looked at the one named versing blankly staring at his offered hand. "its most likely in your best intrest you don't know what unit im from trooper"

"did i hear correctly that you where at bitter springs? we studied that incident at the academy. nothing more then a small communications error, resulting in some collateral damage but all in all a successful opperation, as it accomplished its intended goal and drove the Khan raiders from the area and broke their strength."

she spoke with no emotion at all.

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Axelle pulled her goggles down around her neck as she realized the battle was over, revealing a goggles-shaped patch of clean skin on her gore-spattered face. Her mouth tasted stale as she opened it for the first time since the battle started, finding that her jaw had been clamped shut the entire time.


She began to unzip her coveralls, finding them to be completely ruined, smelling of iron and dripping with blood. The zipper actually popped off, and she looked down with a slight start. She wasn't sure how much of the blood was her own, but she did know she had a nasty slash across her belly which probably would have been worse if not for her well-toned abdominal muscles. She shed her coveralls and stood feeling slightly exposed in her ripped tank top and overly short shorts. She had many minor cuts and a few bullet wounds, but the wound on her belly was the worst.


Ferox had killed his fair share of men, but it was done with such efficiency that he had barely any wounds on himself, other than from a few bullet holes in his leg, which felt crippling by this point. A look of horror spread across his features as he saw Axelle stumbling toward the tower's front doors, her crowbar in one hand and a looted machete in the other. Her pigtails had come loose and her cobalt hair hung a little past her shoulders. Her shirt was almost in tatters, slashed open at the belly, revealing a serious wound.


He ran to her side, dropping his weapons in his haste. He scooped her up in his arms and called out, "Where is everyone?! I need a medic, now!"


"You jerk," Axelle slurred, her face pale underneath a layer of filth, "I know that..." She smiled, revealing teeth that seemed overly pointed beneath her gleaming lip rings, adding to her strangely shocking image right now.

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"I'm not saying the operation was a failure, that depends on perspective. Every soldier carries scars, whether it be in their head or on their skin. Because somebody screwed up, the Bitter Springs Massacre unnecessarily created hundreds of scars that crippled many a soldier. Incompetence made that battle the massacre it was, as opposed to an all-round strong victory."


He heard a familiar, and detested voice. "I need a medic!" Ferox! Versing cringed.


"A medic for the ex-legion scumbag? Did I hit you too har- Oh, damn." Axelle was the one injured, not the ex-Legion scumbag. (When Vers thought that he meant that Ferox wasn't an ex-scumbag Legionairre, he meant that Ferox was an Ex-Legionairre and a scumbag.) He took off his tunic, and stood there in a short-sleeved T-shirt that may once upon a time have been white. He did so because the tunic was splattered in Junius' blood, couldn't have that leaking into Axelle. He ran up to Ferox. "Give her to me, I don't trust you." He held his arms out. "And I know where the medical unit is, just passed through there." Versing hoped for some alone time with Axelle, so he could apologize for their previous argument and explain things.

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"Good mongrel. Now go die in a corner somewhere." He walked as briskly as he could into the medical room and lay Axelle as gently as he could onto the medical table. He rummaged through his own backpack and found a few stims, which he injected into some of Axelle's more major injuries, excluding gunshots. For those, the bullets would have to be pulled out first, and he was scared he would screw it up. Sure, he was an expert with first-aid, but first-aid was about as far as it went. Thankfully the Legion hadn't used much in the way of medical supplies, it didn't look like they even disposed of the chems they didn't like, such as Med-X, which Versing grabbed a shot of. He washed his hands quickly, (Couldn't have Junius' blood slipping into her wounds.) and went to the door.


"If anybody has any doctoring skills, they'll be needed here." He was very uneasy. He gently injected a shot of Med-X into her arm, and did his best to at least disinfect her wounds with items he found around the clinic. He muttered to her edgily "Dammit, I gotta say this. I'm sorry about earlier, about calling you a brat and all that. What you said about threatening you, or something along those lines, it....set me off. I think I have something doctors in the NCR call Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Sandro calls it shell-shocked. Mentioning the harm or threatening of children in my prescence makes me angry at best." He sighed. "Look, a good while ago the NCR was sent to surround what we thought was an enemy military base. But it wasn't, they kept the families there, and we didn't see who we were shooting at until half of them were dead. First ones out were the children, and all of us shot at them, cut them down like animals. Even me. A boy I shot, I saw him as he died. He looked right at me, terrified, and then he just....fell. Tumbled into the dirt. He was only a year younger than you. I think my hatred of Ferox might be borne from a desire-no, a need, to protect you, because you're the only one with him so much. There, I've said my piece. If you gun me down for it, so be it."

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Axelle reached up and patted Versing's cheek, slightly out of it from blood loss, "Life beats us up a lot, Versing, and sometimes you just gotta roll with the punches. That stuff all happened a long time ago, and I forgive you. Hey, keep your head up. Keep going..."


Ferox rubbed his calves and plopped down in the dirt. He had a bullet lodged in one calf muscle, and one more barely embedded under his knee, in the back. That one hurt the most, since every time he bent his knee, the bullet felt like it lodged itself deeper inside his muscle. Taking off his shirt and biting down on it, he began working on pulling out the bullets by hand... A painful task.

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Sandro walked out of the tower onto the battlefield, and saw Versing bending over Axelle. She was laying on the ground, and looked really badly hurt. Cursing in Spanish, he ran over to her side, skidding to a halt on his knees at her side.


"Son of a.. Kid! This doesn't look good... I'm sorry I failed you, kid. It was my job by contract to keep you safe, and here you are. I come out of the battle fine, and you get hurt."

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