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Ain't that a Kick in the Head?


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Sandro walked back into the room and heard Morgan's question.


"From what I know of medicine smoothskin, the kid should be just fine. She's been given blood, and meds and stitched up as best I can. All she needs now is time to recover." Sandro took off his new Stetson and sat down on the couch, pulling out his rifle, and keeping an eye on the door. He had failed to protect the kid once, he wouldn't fail again.


Tomoyo pulled out a hairbrush and started brushing the knots out of her hair, retying it with a strip of white leather after into a pony tail. She took out her plasma rifle, and idly carved the Japanese kanji Chikara, meaning Power, or Energy into the weapon butt. She then pulled out Courage, and polished the blade at the Tang, where the kanji Dokyō, meaning Courage or Valor, was etched. She sheathed it after she finished cleaning and maintaining the blade with all the care and tenderness as one would care for a child, and proceeded to draw Wisdom, and cleaned the Wakazashi, starting with the Tang, where the Kanji Eichi was etched, meaning Wisdom or intelligence. She maintained the blade just as carefully, and sheathed it as well.

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Versing sighed, but only slightly out of relief. Sandro himself said that he was no medical expert.


"Morgan, I can honestly say I don't know. We've treated her injuries and given her some blood and Med-X, but all we can do now is wait. Gah, I'm not even sure if 200 year old blood will work, right type or not." Versing was frustrated, he hated this helpless feeling he had because he couldn't help Axelle any better.


"Damn well better pull through this, you hear me?" He muttered sternly to Axelle.

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Luisa stealthily made her way into the tower, looking at the bodies once again on the battlefield, then turning to walk inside. She had not been present for the battle- hell, she had left the group before anything bad happened... as an Assassin, she was prone to changing sides... and this time, her cross-hair was going to be at the head of one of her former group members. She crept up the stairs, and headed to where Versing, Axelle, and Morgan were all situated, Axelle injured, and clearly out of it, Versing looking sombre, and Morgan having arrived mere moments before her. Once through the door, she gave a small smile, but then suddenly, a revolver was in her hand, and she raised up her hand, levelling the gun with Versing's head, her finger met the trigger and she pulled back, the barrel swivelling to fire...


Bang!.... Bang! Bang! Bang!... Thump.


Luisa slumped to the floor, two bullets in her spine, one in her heart, and the other through her neck. Dead, that was for certain.


In the corner of the room, the arms, and the smoking barrel of Miss De Vere's gun could be seen, then the smoke from the barrel,and the fumes of an exhaled cigarette met, swirling forwards, and then vanishing in the air. "And i was told she was a good assassin... clearly not." The woman said, stepping forward from the shadows, the brim of her hat covering her eyes, one hand holding her scoped Mauser pistol, the other bringing the Cigarette to her mouth for another drag.

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Finally done pulling the bullets out of his leg, Ferox stood up, slightly wincing at how badly it stung to put weight on his leg. He limped into the tower and began searching in every room for medical supplies. After a painful trip up the stairs, he found a room that looked like it must have belonged to a doctor, as there were medical supplies lying around here and there.


Rifling through a drawer, he found a stimpak. They made him use healing powder in the Legion, and it had been a while since he had actually used one of these. He sat down in a chair and rolled up his pant leg, then slid the needle into his skin and watched it knit together as the medicine entered his veins. The bullet wounds didn't completely heal, but his cuts, scrapes, and bruises vanished.


He tested his footing, and found it much easier to walk, though he still limped a little. Going back outside and sitting at the front entrance by the fountain, looking out the open gates at the wasteland, he picked up the rifle he'd looted and began to clean it. He figured the others wouldn't take kindly to him being around while they worked on Axelle anyway. He figured Axelle was the closest thing he had to a friend, and worried about her well-bein----


Bang!... Bang! Bang! Bang!


Ferox jumped up and grabbed the nearest weapons, a pair of rusty machetes, cursing himself for taking apart his gun, leaving that in a heap on the ground. Rushing inside as fast as his injured leg would allow him, he saw a woman in a black suit, surrounded by a cloud of cigarette smoke. She had shot someone else, someone trying to kill the others... He still pointed his machetes at the woman, just in case she tried anything.


Axelle laughed as she watched Luisa fall to the ground. Her body had given a spasm as it fell, and that amused Axelle thoroughly in her delirious state.

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Morgan, in full panic, started yelling something about "By all the monkey kissing cow herding powder gangers of New Vegas!" and pulled his colt and held it aimed at the woman who just shot Luisa. "Just take it easy now ma'am and keep that gun holstered, we've got wounded in the room after all, and I don't want no fire fight in here!"



Morgan kept the gun aimed at her the whole time, panting heavily after the small panic attack he got. He also felt slightly dumb for what he blurted out when he pulled his gun.


He saw Ferox show up and felt a little bit more secure, even though Ferox was ex-legion and all.

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King walked calmly through the wake of corpses, many of then dressed oddly, Lady began to growl as they approached the gate. he saw a man there cleaning a rifle. Slowing his steps and unlatching his .44 revolvers strap he approached.


Lady growled a warning for him not to move and King looked at him warily as long as he held the rifle.


"What happened here?" He asked the stranger.

Edited by Macman253
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Versing dove for cover beside the door on the first bang, grabbing his shotgun with a single hand as he did so, and instinctively pulled the trigger. The shotgun barked, and Versing felt the powerful kickback nearly wrench his wrist. Every pellet hit the already-dead Luisa, splattering parts of her everywhere and sending the body back almost a foot. He carefully dragged Axelle away from any possible line of fire (good thing she wasn't hooked up to any machines any more.) and charged out the door with it raised.


The sight of a strange woman and an angry-looking Ferox, both armed, confused him.


"Why am I not surprised to find you involved here?" He snarled at Ferox. He pulled out his 9mm sidearm, and put it in his left hand, pointing the shotgun at Ferox....just in case.


"Both of you explain yourselves!" he said, fully aware that if they attacked him simultaneously he would stand little chance of even surviving.

Edited by Flipout6
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Miss De Vere got the clutch from her bag, opened it, and dropped her gun inside, clicking it back shut, she slid it back in her bag, and took a few more puffs of her cigarette. She smiled slightly at Versing's reaction... luckily nothing of Luisa's bodily matter got onto her clothes "Explanation? well, i just saved your ass Versing... I think i owed you a favour.. well, consider it re-paid.." De Vere said with little emotion, pushing up the brim of her hat to show her face, and taking another drag of her cigarette. Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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Morgan relaxed a little now that the lady was unarmed, but decided to keep his gun ready just in case.


"Just who the hell are you lady? Stomping in and capping people isn't the best way to make friends. And Vers, stop aiming that gun at Ferox will ya? You are making me nervous."


Morgan slowly took out a cigar and lit it, all while keeping his eye at the woman infront of him.

Edited by MikeRyan
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Ferox dropped his weapons as the dog growled at him and Versing pointed a gun at him seemingly simultaneously, "Caesar's panties, why do I even bother?" He sighed, "You know, everyone tries to kill me. I'm not sure why I don't just kill myself."


Axelle pointed at Ferox, her thumb and index finger outstretched, mocking a gun, and giggled as she yelled out, "BANG!" Laughing harder, she then jumped and put her hands over her belly, wincing at the sharp pain. "Oops."

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