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Ain't that a Kick in the Head?


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"I don't know about this, Sandro. I don't recognize whoever it was I practically disintegrated, but they were armed, and trying not to be noticed near the door when we are scattered and injured. Top that off with the fact that I gurantee the Legion has a bounty on my head, probably Morgan's too. The assassins haven't been able to kill me, maybe they wanted somebody to get closer in. I could be dead wrong, no denying that, but think about it." Versing said. "Maybe she did save one of us after all. Perhaps even Axelle."


Versing began to slowly lower his shotgun, figuring that if Ferox was going to attack, he had missed the prime oppurtunity. He didn't let go of it, though, he was still ready to fight.

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The adrenalin started to leave Sandro, and the barrel of his assault rifle started to sway slightly as his arms trembled from the aftershock. He stashed his assault rifle in the holster on his back, and pulled out his sawed off shotgun instead, sitting down with the barrel steadied by the crook of his arm.


"I recognized the woman. We met her near Moriarty's in Megaton. She was some dancer or something. She wanted to travel with us. Name was Louise or something. She wanted to get out of the city and explore, and disappeared for awhile. For all we know, the lady over there could be lying about the dancer being an Assassin, to cover her own identity as an Assassin. I have seen ones who use others as scapegoats. All I'm sayin, is until she proves trustworthy, I ain't gonna trust her. Therefore, I will tighten back to my original contract. I will stick by the kid day and night, keep her safe. My statement still stands, lady. One chance. That's all you get. Don't blow it." Sandro pulled out his sonic multitool, and started doing repairs on his gun, making sure the spring wouldn't catch and other minor things, the whole time keeping watch for any threats.


Tomoyo grumbled and sighed, realizing that Sandro would be stubborn no matter what. Well, she supposed, it was kind of endearing how much care he took to keep Axelle safe. She drew her plasma rifle, with it's newly inscribed Kanja "Chikara" or Power, and started polishing and cleaning it.

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The stranger caught Sarina totally off guard, she dropped the cleaning rag and drew her Glock. dropping into a weaver stance she aimed at him and opened fire hitting the ground at his feet with several rounds.


"Don't even move friend.... don't even breath hard."


"now nice and slow drop your weapons, one at a time then step back and kneel down legs crossed hands behind your head."

"play nice and you might just live through this."


"MORGAN... VERSING.... GET OUT HERE WE GOT COMPANY!!" she shouted towards the tower.

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"YEAH, WE DO!" Versing shouted. "SOMEONE'S IN HERE, TOO!" Cursing, he left Miss De Vere to the others, for the moment, and ran outside, shotgun raised.


"Who is it? Is it the Legion? Raiders?" He looked and saw a stranger and his dog. "Now, stranger, under different circumstances I'd not be so hostile, but we just killed an assassin out to get one of us, and now there's two armed strangers appearing immediately afterward. I'll give you a chance to explain things, but we're on our guard." Versing said slowly. "And call the dog off, I don't want to have to shoot it, self-defense or no."

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Sandro refused to leave Axelle, and remained by her side.


Tomoyo ran outside, clicking the Microfusion cell into place, the end of her plasma rifle glowing. She saw a man and his dog, and pointed her gun at the man. She heard the woman she believed was called Sarina shout and be quite rude to the man, and felt that she should intervene on behalf of the stranger with the dog. Even if he was a man, she reasoned with herself, he probably heard the shooting and came to investigate. No need to be rude.


"Sarina, right?" She addressed the woman.


"There's no need to be impolite. He may be a *she shivers slightly* strange man, but you must save face. I suggest you apologize for your rudeness."



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Miss De Vere shifted her weight from one foot to the other, and took a few more drags of her cigarette. These people being wary of her was only natural, after-all, one of there previous companions tried to stick a bullet through Versing's head... which of course would be something to get your head around. Still, the Ghoul's accusations and threats disgruntled her slightly, and offended her that he thought she would harm a child. "I assume your name is Sandro? well that's what the woman just called you... Mr. Sandro, i can assure you i have no intention of hurting a young girl, i've done some things in my time, but sticking caps in the head of a defenceless child is far, far bellow that which i would ever drop to." She said those words honestly, and added emphasis on the last part, to make sure her point was clear. "The assassin's name was Luisa Cruz, i promise you she was one hell of an assassin, she used dancing, charm, eroticism to get close to her targets, get them to take her home, then put either a blade, or a bullet through there heads. As for me, do i seriously look like i need the money from a legion bounty? Even if i did, i'd rather swallow a packet of razor blades, than accept anything the legion have to offer." She paused, taking a drag of her cigarette, and exhaling the smoke. "But i'm not going to criticize, trying to protect someone is a rare sight these days, a welcome one, and proof you aren't scum." Miss De Vere popped open her large handbag, and slid her hat neatly inside.
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Sandro relented, slightly mollified, although not holstering his weapon and continuing his repairs. He nodded at the lady when she asked about his name, and replied,


"My full name is Nicodemus Sandro Jesus Martinez. However, I go by Sandro 'cause it's simple and short. Besides, if you were named "Nicodemus" I think you'd avoid the name too." He grins and puts away his gun, and his hand, reaching down beside the chair, bumped against something else. He pulled it up, and his eyes bugged out slightly.


"I don't believe it! I heard that kid from vault 101 had got this for some old lady in the wasteland, how did it end up here?" For in his hands, he held the Soil Stradivarius, the last remaining Stradivarius Violin in the world. He reverentially pulled out the instrument, and remembered his lessons as a youth. He began practicing for the first time in several hundred years.

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Morgan holstered his gun and walked past De Vere on his way out to see what Sarina was yelling about


"I'll be watching you miss, I don't trust strangers that well, even less now after junius snuck into our group earlier. If you try anything funny against the girl, you are going to have a hard time."


He walked out into the room where the other new arrival was and inspected him for a while before simply asking "And you are?"

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"We had a little....run in with a couple of people that aren't exactly our friends. And right now we got wounded to take care of, so if you are here to cause trouble I recomend that you turn away now."


He noticed how the man put his hand near his gun and did the same.


"If you can help though, it be appreciated. But expect to be treated with suspicion, atleast from my side. One who used to travel with us tried to shoot one of us 5 minutes ago so watch yer steps."

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