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Ain't that a Kick in the Head?


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Tomoyo felt it was a fair question, and answered, although quite a few signs of nervousness were apparent.


"Sir, there was a battle between our group, alongside about 20 or 30 robots, and a group of slavers known as 'Caesar's Legion.' They came from the Mojave desert. They took over the tower, and killed all the occupants, or enslaved them and sent them away. We were here to rescue our friend who had been captured." She kept well away from the man, and the end of her gun quivered somewhat.

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Tomoyo shied away from the outstretched hand, looking slightly scared and embarrassed.


"Um... I... don't really... like being near men if at all possible." She fled inside the tower, winding up near Axelle. Sandro took the opportunity to go outside and meet the newcomer.


"Don't pay her too much mind, smoothskin. Men scare her until she knows them. Bit of... trouble with them in her past. The name's Sandro. You gonna introduce yourself, smoothskin? Or are we gonna call you 'You'?"

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King smirked at the ghouls remark, he hadn't much liking for ghouls but this one seemed alright.


"Jackson King, but call me King." He said as he outstretched his hand to the ghoul.


Lady growled at the stranger but King shot her a glance and she quieted and sat down. The red furred dog still stared at the ghoul, smelling the rot on him reminded her of the men that ambushed them earlier.

Edited by Macman253
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Sandro shook the extended hand, and while in close, muttered,


"This is your one warning, smoothskin. You do anything to harm any member of this group, especially the kid, I'll kill you. Get me?" Pulling away, he gave a sardonic grin, and continued as if he hadn't just threatened the man.


"As I said, King, the name's Sandro. Full is Colonel Nicodemus Sandro Jesus Martinez. However, as stated, call me Sandro. I am 244 years old. I lived in Mexico before the war. I survived the war, but didn't escape ghoulification. Now, I normally wouldn't ask a stranger, but do you know much about medicine? We got an injured and out of it 15 year old. I treated her best I could, but I don't know enough about medicine to be certain. She's inside."

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Sandro gestured towards the inside of the tower.


"Go into the medical clinic and see. I stitched her up as best I could and gave her a blood pack I salvaged. O-positive. Even the Army's medical training taught me that blood type is universal for transfusions. The kid is still way out of it, delirious. We're all worried about her. You lot, watch our newcomers. I'll boil up some bandages and look for some food." Sandro limped off to the medical clinic, took all the bandages he could, and left to the restaurant. There he discovered that Tenpenny tower seemed to have a water filtration system, there were no rads in the water. Normally he could tell, rads affected ghouls differently, they made him feel more.. healthy. At high radiation levels, his wounds regenerated within a few minutes. He boiled up the bandages, to sterilize them, and brought the sterilized bandages to the medical clinic, as well as a bag containing all the food from the refrigerator.


"There, help yourselves, that's all the food in the place. As for the bandages, they're all sterilized. Brought a pot of boiled water as well for implements and other things."

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King walked into the medical clinic and looked at the young girl, glancing over her wounds and he set about preparing himself. Taking off his gloves to reveal a large bullet scar on his left hand as he prepared the tools.


"What happened to her?" he asked over his shoulder as he washed his hands.


Lady slid into the room and hid under a gurney to watch as King began to treat the young girl.

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Versing winced. Crucifixion wasn't fun, and he still didn't approve of them putting their lives and well-being on the line for him, of all people.


"And I still don't approve of it." He muttered incoherently under his breath. He was definitely grateful, but he had done it to protect them, and they had thrown it back in his face by engaging the entire tower.


Versing kept a sharp eye on King, a bit less so for Miss De Vere, but still existent. Despite everything, Versing still watched Ferox out of the corner of his eye. Something told him they wouldn't be getting along.

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Miss De Vere let out a slight sigh, and announced "I'll be checking the systems of this place if anyone needs me, Perhaps the Legion have some information stored in the databanks." She gave a glance over at the girl- still quite delirious it seemed, and this new stranger was treating her. De Vere straightened her back after leaning on the wall, and walked elegantly out of the medical room, one foot in front of the other, heel to toe with each step, the sound of her high heels echoed throughout the rather empty tower.


first she checked on her old room- Quite surprised to see it still locked, then continued on to the maintenance room, which contained the main hub of the hotels Systems. She dragged an old chair from the corner of the room, and set it down in front of the large console. She hacked the System in seconds, and started checking through vital systems, information logs, and data-banks.

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