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Ain't that a Kick in the Head?


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Morgan placed his hand on Sarinas gun and looked her in the face


"Not yet dear, let him try first. If he really knows medicine he might be useful to have around, if not we will have a vote in the group first ok?"


He looked after King as he left the room and then turned his attention elsewhere.


"If you excuse me, I think I'm going to see what this Miss De Vere is up to, you can keep an eye on King if you want to."


He silently followed De Vere down into the basement where he saw her starting to hack the hotels systems and decided to wait a little while before he came up behind her


"Found anything of use?"

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De Vere found this system all too easy, and remarked to herself- Unaware of Morgan's presence "Oh c'est trop facile!" With a slight laugh, puffing at her cigarette the whole time.


When Morgan came up behind her, she spun around, pulling her Stiletto out of her sleeve, and putting it's tip by his throat... But she withdrew it with a relieved sigh as she realized who it was.


"Sorry for that Mr. Hollister... thought you were some legion troop or something." De Vere remarked, pushing the blade back into her sleeve. She brought up a list of files and logs that had been recently imput on systems around the hotel, by the legion, for communication, or plans, it was all tracked and recorded on the main System. She Answered his question in french "Oui, en effet j'ai... Voilà." She replied, gesturing to the screen.

Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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Morgan leaned over and looked at the screen, examining the info infront of him and slowly put a cigar in his mouth.


"Interesting, a lot of stuff in here. Say you don't happen to have a light do you?"


He asked his question while still looking at the screen

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Sandro wandered into the security room, leaving Axelle in the care of the newcomer, as well as guarded by Tomoyo and Sarina, as well as Leeroy who had been dozing in a corner. He saw that the place had turned into a smoking lounge, and used his Sonic Multitool to light his pipe with a quiet hum. Blowing a cloud of smoke out over the pair, he leaned in close to the monitors.


"Hmm, pretty fancy equipment for a residential tower. Wonder why it's this nice." He accidentally bumped against a small panel on the wall, and a hidden door slid open.


"Security room with a hidden door! That's new! I'll go check it out. You guys.. Stay put. See what you can get out of those computers." Sandro wandered off into the secret tunnel.

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Versing remained glued to Axelle, positioning himself across from King, shotgun casually in hand, prepared to execute him with a single shot, but only if necessary. He was likely to remain by her side for a good while now that she had risked her life to rescue him, making it his fault she was injured. He swore at himself internally for being so foolish, and eyed King cautiously, but not suspiciously.
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Axelle looked over at Ferox, pulling her welding goggles over her eyes and humming. "Say, why are you so far away?"


Ferox, who was sitting as far from the gurney as possible, which was against a far wall, replied with, "Versing..."


The girl laughed and then winced at her belly's sharp protests.

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Tomoyo maintained her vigil over Axelle, silent and still.


Sandro limped down this passage, and found a small room. He discovered a bunch of Cuban Cigars, as well as some more pipe tobacco, a Fez hat, some Pez Candy, and a lighter. He began to wonder what the heck this room was doing here, and why there was Pez and a Fez in it. He came out, and handed the Cuban cigars to Morgan, still in their tubes, and went to the room where Axelle was. He gave Axelle most of the candy, keeping some for himself, and plonked the Fez hat on top of Versing's Helmet, making him look rather silly.

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Needless to say, Morgan got quite excited when he saw the Pre-War Cuban cigars. He had only heard of their quality so having a whole bunch of them made him as excited as a kid in a candystore.


"Woah, thanks man. I'll save them for later, for victories and such. Do not waste fancy things I always say"

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After he had sterilized his equipment using a special combination of crushed Rad-X pills and a half-shot of Med-X with some whiskey for good measure he dipped the needle and stitching wire inside and began binding her wound. His hands careful and practiced despite the obvious trauma to the left hand from a large caliber bullet.


King had more then a small amount of experience at battlefield medicine. His time in the Regulators taught him that. He felt the presence of three firearms carefully aimed at him and perhaps three more outside. A part of him thought he'd never stay alive after healing her.


He reached into his rooksack at his side and pulled out a half-empty bottle of anti-biotics and set them next to the girl after he finished stitching her up. He looked over his handy work, the slightly slanted stitches held strong and still gave slack for movement.


"There you go, now Sandro would you kindly remove that scattergun from my back..." King said calmly as he washed his hands in a bowl of hot water.

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