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Ain't that a Kick in the Head?


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Axelle grinned at Tomoyo and took her hand, "Sure, that sounds fun!" With the amount of medication in her system that she had, Axelle felt it was also completely necessary to add, "And only stare if you really have to!"


Ferox swayed a little and began to laugh, "I would bet on Versing. He is such a strong guy, you know." He seemed to be slurring ever so slightly as he opened another bottle and tipped it toward the ceiling, gulping down as much as he could at once. "But then again, I could come out of nowhere." Suddenly, he felt compelled to scowl at how much more alcohol Versing seemed to have consumed. "I think you're cheating. That can't be whiskey, it has to be your own piss or something."

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Sandro snorted at Ferox's comment, and said,


"What are you, that Bear Grylls guy? He survived the war, you know, he's a ghoul. Bear Ghoul. Ha!" He sighed and returned to his book, remembering reading one of the books in the series to his daughter before she died.


Tomoyo smiled, and carried Axelle to the bathroom. She turned on the water, and took out her bath oils, and her bath bubble foams, and all the other things to make the bath luxurious, and when it was adequately filled with hot water, she stopped the water. Turning to Axelle, she smiled and said,


"Come on now, off with those clothes. Can you undress yourself? Or shall I undress you?"

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De Vere put a bag of 500 caps on the table and said "Well, it's only fair i bet on Ferox then, we both can't win." She said with a smile to Morgan, pulling out a cigarette, lighting it, and taking a puff. She still hadn't said a thing about her past, or even who she was, other than a name, but this group seemed to be allright with that, or they were just waiting for a moment to ask questions.
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Versing hiccuped.


"Naw, it's whiskey all right. Feel that burn. Drink up, ya sissy." He downed the rest of his bottle, and was definitely getting drunk now. Jackson laughed at this and fetched another bottle for each of them.

Edited by Flipout6
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Feeling her a little of her sanity slowly restore itself, Axelle pulled off her ripped tank top and pressed her fingertips to the sticky mess of sweat, filth, and gore on her torso. Pulling off her shorts, opting to keep her underpants on, she noticed her legs were also splattered in a similar manner, and she didn't envy whoever could smell her right now. How long had it been since her last bath, anyway? Crossing her arms over her chest, feeling the sudden need to cover herself, she lowered herself into the water.


Ferox slammed down his empty bottle and guzzled down the next one, trying not to spew it everywhere as he laughed at the thought of Versing trying to play with a deathclaw, for some reason.

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King kept moving, he walked far past Tenpenny Tower, Lady trodding behind him quietly. Her panting echoing each footstep. As he crested the ridge he saw it, the statue of Paradise Falls, the slaver compound.


He pulled his binoculars from his rooksack and peered at the gate, a guard sat sleeping on watch. He knew he'd have to disguise himself to get in. He levered a round into the chamber of his repeater and aimed. He set the vernier sights and exhaled slowly as he concentrated. He squeezed the trigger and the round sped through the air and caught the sleeping guard at the chin and exited through his neck, he died instantly.


After taking the guards uniform he turned to Lady and said "Go! go back to Megaton." Lady knew what he meant and left. He leaves his rifle and rooksack outside the main gate and strolls inside. The place is full of drunken slavers, the bar they built is in full swing, nearly all of them armed but he does notice that the guards that are watching the slaves are paying more attention to the girls dancing nearly naked on the poles then the slave pens. He moves through the crowd and keeps his head down. The stench of the Slavers fills the air as he walks through them, subtley pushing some and moving quietly. One guard on the platform overlooking the court-yard scanned by him with the minigun in his hands, if he opened up with that everyone would be butchered. Including himself.


He got to one of the pens and saw it contained two men, a woman and a corpse of what looked to be a ghoul with its head missing and bits of gore spattered all over the other slaves and the walls.


"hey, are you apart of that caravan that was going to Megaton?" He asked quietly.


The Girl looked at him oddly then nodded. "The slavers took the others away, killed our boss but we buried the cargo..." She explained, she got up to move closer but King shook his head.


"Don't move, look I'll get you out of here if you get the stuff and get it to Megaton." He said, speaking softly.


The woman nodded and he made his way back to the party, going around the platform he crawled up the ladder and approached the guard. He pulled out a cigarette like he wanted a light and as the guard fiddled in his pocket King drew his knife and drove it into the slavers heart, He grabbed the minigun and opened her up as he sprayed down the bar. The six barrels glowing red hot as the rounds tore into flesh, limbs were torn off, heads exploded and chests bursted as the 5mm rounds impacted with their bodies. The bar looked like a slaughterhouse.


King jumped from the platform as he heard the familiar thunk of a grenade landing on the platform, the platform exploded sending the minigun aside and King hit the ground hard, his arm snapping as he landed on it. Blinded with pain he forced himself up and drew his .44 and ran as fast as he could for the Slave Pen. He fired a shot into each of the locks as he passed by, their occupants ran out and grabbed the dead slavers weapons to turn them against their guards. The caravaneers ran for the exit. The slaves took Paradise falls in mere minutes, King left with the Caravan and left the hell that was Paradise Falls behind.

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"Ja-Jackson, we need the radio!" Versing was stuttering now. Not good.


"Good idea, man!" Jackson literally leaped across the bar, turned on the radio from mid-air, and then (just barely) managed to stick the landing, roll, and then bounce up to his feet. Galaxy News Radio started blasting out of the speakers.


"WHOA! Was that a flying angelic deathclaw?" Versing downed the rest of his bottle.

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Tomoyo retrieved the bottle of shampoo, and after splashing some water into Axelle's hair, she began to work the hair cleaning product into a lather, loosening all the grime and blood from Axelle's hair. She poured water over the hair to remove the lather, then began a second wash, to remove any remaining grime and dirt from the girl's hair, and scrubbed until the hair squeaked when squeezed. She left Axelle to wash her own body, not sure what the girl would think about the already established lesbian running her hands all over her.


"There, you can wash your own body, young one. I'll stay in the room, should you need any help."


Sandro grumbled when he heard the yelling in the bar. He remained at the front security desk.

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As she washed herself, Axelle closed her eyes and began to sing to herself. It was a song about a beautiful girl, one she had heard a long time ago, probably written hundreds of years ago. In the back of her mind, she could hear a cello and violin almost battling for control of which instrument would be more dominantly heard in the background. Realizing just how loud she'd been, Axelle whispered the last few lines to herself and rinsed off.


Ferox turned to the radio and tipped his bottle over by accident. He put a hand on Versing's shoulder, "You know, I have never heard this station before. I think I like this song..." Reaching for his empty bottle, he looked at it, perplexed, "Did I drink this?"

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Tomoyo smiled when she heard Axelle singing, and clapped her hands delightedly, even though Axelle stopped singing. Tomoyo decided to return the favor, and began singing an old Japanese ballad called "Yasashii sayonara" to offer a taste of her culture to the young girl. She didn't feel her voice was good, but she was trained by her sister, than her mother how to sing and control the pitch of her voice and stay on key. Her voice was low, and quiet, yet with the acoustics in the bathroom it would be heard quite well. When she finished her song, she blushed and fell silent.


Sandro dozed at the security desk for a while.

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