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2 Handed Combat Bug


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I'm pretty sure this isn't an intentional part of the game, but whenever I swing a two handed weapon it damages my target at times when I'm not swinging. If I just mash mouse button 1, the weapon will make contact, deal damage, be drawn back, deal damage at least once again before the next swing, and the monster will usually be dead by this point. It commonly deal damage before the weapon is swung for the first time at the beginning of fights. This isn't a problem when I do power attacks. If anyone has idea how to fix this or what mod might be causing it I'd appreciate the help.
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They don't call the company that produced Skyrim "Bugthesda" for nothing ... I think It's to do with the animations taking longer than the actual hit, so they sometimes get out of sync with each other, the same sometimes happens when you block with a shield and the game actually registers it as a hit with your weapon ...
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Fixed it! If you go into your Skyrim data folder then meshes/actors/character/animations and delete any file whose name starts with "dmag". I'm guessing this comes with either a conflict between animation mods or one that wasn't made correctly.


EDIT: I might have jumped to conclusions. It seems that the game does cause you to bash with the handle of your weapon on some normal attacks. I didn't notice this before, but the issue doesn't seem as bad now that I deleted those files.

Edited by iplo472
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